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Reeve is the title given to the magistrate who oversees a village or town within Falarin.


Though no formal qualifications are required for the role Reeves tend to be numerate and literate or have access to trustworthy individuals who can fulfil these roles. Where error occurs in either field it falls on the Reeve themselves so those who are placed into the role without these skills are often quick to learn them.


Reeve's are traditionally passed down through family lines allowing the parents position to afford their children a basic education though a Reeve may recommend anyone of their choice to succeed them in their position. Regardless of whether their protégé is familial or not many Reeve's begin taking their intended successor as an apprentice from the age of fourteen.    Upon the Reeve's death or relief of role the new Reeve is confirmed by the local lord in a simple ceremony that bestows them of their title and informs them of their core duties. This ceremony also includes the formal archiving of the Reeve's identity to ensure that they can be tracked and addressed should irregularities or issues occur.


Reeves are responsible for the management of a village or towns affairs. There are several key areas including: organising the maintenance, training and if required raising of the village militia, the gathering, tracking and transportation of their settlements taxes to their lord and the mediation and implementation of justice in matters of civic and low criminal context where the Sheriff or local lord is not called upon.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Reeve's can be removed from their post at the discretion of their superior though many serve for their full lives even if it includes a shifts in the local lord. An experienced Reeve can be a great asset that brings stability and calm to a community particularly during times of hardship. Many Reeves can also become comfortable however and may feel able to challenge the local lord or even support rebellion against them. Where concerns emerge over the loyalty or corruption of a Reeve they are often dismissed within a second thought.
Civic, Law
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Local Lord
Length of Term
Reports directly to
Related Locations

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