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Often interpreted as the sun by those who pay him little heed Solaran exists in all fire as the light that shines out the darkness. High Elves often worship him as their primary god if not the Everwatcher and consider him to a powerful being of pure good. Those who commune with Solaran have power over fire and light sending fear into those that hide in the dark or reek of undeath.   Solaran appears as a flame with his speech resonating from all illuminated parts of a room. He can appear to those that summon him but often only does so when they are in dire need of him. Outside Liadon many consider Solaran and the Everwatcher to be the same due to Solaran being present in any illuminated place. Worship of Solaran began during the warring era with the Radiant Knights of Liadon championing his cause against evil and darkness.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sigil: Fire

Tenets of Faith

The Prayer Infernus  Light brings the means to truth All things may grow and bloom, Under the gaze of the Sun All things may burn and rise, Under the gaze of the Sun All things may find warmth, Under the gaze of the Sun   Funeral Rights   Worshipers of Solaran favour cremation upon their death. They are mummified in cotton bandages and placed upon a pyre with their belongings placed on each layers to reflect the different stages of their lives. Taller and grander pyres depict lives well lived whilst smaller ones may suggest modesty or a life cut short. The Prayer Infernus is read  and the closest kin are granted the honour of lighting the pyre. If the deceased was married with a living spouse a pouch of the ashes are often taken and placed in a vial for them to keep with them until their own passing to ensure the pair may unite together in the Firelands.


Feast Day of Solari   Celebrated on the 15th of Solari the feast day of the fire god is common amongst blacksmiths and townsfolk with many customs across the lands:
  • Villages must be kept illuminated across the night until day comes back as tribute to Solaran
  • Messages for fallen family are placed in fires 
  • Fire tricks are commonplace and celebrated such as fire jugglers and fire eaters

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Solaran appears differently dependent on the manner of his need. In a common summoning Solaran can appear as no more than a small flame atop a candle that speaks and shifts as if tickled by wind. To his clergy in danger however it is said he can appear as a fearsome figure of flame wielding a hammer of volcanic fury.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Fire,
Lord of Flame,
The Great Fire Formerly,
King of Fire and Flame,
King of the Fire Elementals,
He Who Is Fire and Flame,
Master of Fire and Flame,
Steward of Fire and Flame,
Patriarch of the Fire Elementals,
Fire and Flame-Giver,
Fire and Flame Incarnate
Ruled Locations

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