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Elves were created by the dragons to serve as researchers, managers and other intellectually or magically demanding roles. They tended to live in the lavish elegant palaces of the dragon rulers and were spread throughout the Imperium. While elves played a leading role in the expulsion of dragons they faced a high degree of persecution in the following centuries as many species viewed them as collaborators. As such the Elves largely fled to the island of Liadon and founded the Magocracy.   Though they spent centuries in isolation the Elves never held a grudge against their shorter lived friends across the ocean (even if the other races did). When news of stability and order began to arrive many Elves were eager to travel and explore the new world teaching magic to those they encountered. Elves stories have mostly forgotten the dragons due to the persecution, shame and death of many of their ancestors losing or discouraging the telling of such stories.

Basic Information


With their unearthly grace and fine features, elves appear hauntingly beautiful to humans and members of many other races. They are slightly shorter than humans on average, ranging from well under 5 feet tall to just over 6 feet. They are more slender than humans, often with their most muscular possessing athletic and not bulky orc-like bodies. Males and females are about the same height, and males are only marginally heavier than females.   Elves outward appearance depends on the environment of their gestation period leading to a range of subspecies who possess near identical anatomy to one another but greatly varying external qualities.

Biological Traits

High Elves     The most common type of elves are known as High Elves and tend to live in large cities or along the coast. In Liadon the High Elves dominate the coastline and act as the main political class. High Elves tend to have stronger views on elven purity and are known for their arrogance and elitism. They enjoy minimalist but elegant art and architecture that infused with magic defines their settlements.   Elves have a range of appearances with a number of skin tones and hair colours. Their hair tends to be long and straight and their ears are notably sharp. They often have sharp facial features and stand taller than other elven subspecies.   Wood Elves   Living in woodland communities often isolated from the outside Wood Elves tend to survive through their isolation and hostility to those other mer that find them. Wood Elves exist throughout Aesalia and are often cut off from one another except in Liadon where they dominate much of the inner island. Wood Elf communities are basic with them living in tune with nature and taking only what they need to survive. Where Wood Elves find one another they form loose associations based primarily on defensive interests.   Wood elves tend to have slightly browner skin than others with auburn or brown hair. They are shorter than other elves and often more lithe preferring to hop between tree tops and ambush their foes rather than sustain long violent encounters.   Dark Elves (Drow)   Facing human persecution the Drow Elves fled to the mountains where they were granted empty land to build Thaig’s by the Dwarves who, unlike the shorter lived species, remembered their bravery in the great liberation war. In these Thaig’s they began to adapt to the darkness of cavernous life and created their own culture fostered in its hatred for those who forced them into these dark and cavernous conditions. They created a militaristic culture led by Matriarchs to allow the men to focus on the craft of war. It is unknown how conflict started between the Drow and Dwarves, some say the Dwarves launched a pre-emptive attack on the growing populace and military might while others say the Drow struck against the Dwarves to give them more space to live and expand their numbers.   Drow have dark skin, often marked by assorted tattoos to mark their role in society, and white hair that is often worn in a ponytail by an elegant broche that acts as all but the most powerful in societies only allowed jewellery. Drow often have red or purple eyes which have adjusted to see in the darkness below the mountains and also the deeper underdark they oft find themselves trapped. Drow are shorter than other elven species but still tower above near all other species below the mountain.     Shadow Elves (Shadar-Kai)   Those Elves unfortunate enough to have been born on the Isle of Sharasel when the Raven Queen attempted to breach the realms are now forever scarred by the act though few among them would feel anything but affection for their immortal ethereal queen. Now named as Shadar-Kai these elves serve their immortal queen loyally and defend the island from external threats. Those few that leave are often treated with fear offering little information of their home but of their unwavering loyalty to their queen who they worship as a god.   colourlesslightlyareoladisappearparticularly   Ash / Dusk Elves (Progenitors)   Called Progenitors were elves as made by the dragons themselves. The means to maintaining such a form required a brutal ritual of fire and was practiced only by small sects of elven society that still worshiped the dragons of old as glorious and awaited their return. The Ash, or dusk, Elves ruled an area including southern Morilliseum during the mythic age. They were known for their powerful magic that terraformed the area around the Yrresyn Volcano into a marshland suited to their needs. Ash Elves were fiercely defensive of their land and competing as hegemons of the area until their war against the forces of King Barov of Zarosk. Nearly all of their number died in this war and few others were made after both due to few knowing how to do so and those who could rarely willing to undergo such a cruel process.   Ash Elves have pale ashen skin and grey, white or black hair. Unlike other elves Ash Elves only allowed their elders or leaders to keep their hair long and flowing with others keeping it cut short and practical. Ash Elf eyes were a fiery red or amber that often burned in times of heightened emotion. Ash Elves were taller and more lithe than other elves and often they lived to near two thousand, far exceeding most of their kin.   Snow Elves   Dwelling atop mountains the snow elves were known to few but the dwarves for much of Aesalian history. Snow elves are extremely isolationist and prefer to hide from outsiders going so far as to create entire blizzards to conceal themselves from others. Snow Elf societies are deeply religious locations that praise Typhis above all others in a manner above all others.   Elves had white skin and white hair that flowed like snow. Their eyes are most often an icy blue and their features were often softer and more gentle than other elves. Snow Elves lived shorter lives than other elves usually surviving for only five hundred years before they begun to enter their elder stage which rarely lasted over a century.   Sea Elves   Culturally separate the sea elves were created when the dragons sought to dominate the ocean by sending legions beneath. Unfortunately for the dragons the aboleths of the water quickly released the sea elves minds who then created their own free worlds beneath the water. Sea Elves are a major force beneath the water and often pursue elitist philosophies and radical magical practices to increase their power.   Sea Elves have light blue skin and a range of hair colours that are often adorned with seaweed and coral. They possessed webbing on their fingers and toes that allowed them to swim more effectively and had gills that allowed them to breathe beneath the water.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves can reproduce with any primate descended species though they elven communities tend to found upon inter-species breeding believing it weakens their line. Though often these communities have on half-elves vary but often the children are not blamed for their parents choices. Elves reproduce through sexual intercourse and become able to reproduce after the infancy stage of their lives.   Elven gestation lasts usually for twelve months during which the environment the mother is in defines the type of elf produced. For example Elves born in temperate climates become 'high' or 'wood' elves regardless of their parentage. Elven births tend to be easy with children often coming out slightly smaller than others but quickly growing to a comparative human size within the first year.   Elves tend to reproduce at a slower rate than other species preferring to keep their numbers few so as to not overconsume the resources of their local area. Elven unions are expected to have at least two children to replace their own number and prevent the species dying out but will rarely have more children unless there is a clear need to do so.

Growth Rate & Stages

While the exact lifespans of Elves depends on their subspecies they experience life through four stages; Infancy, Maturing, Adulthood, Elders.   Elves experience the infancy cycle for the first two decades of their lives. During this phase they age at roughly the same route as humans in both mental and physical development. They tend to grow faster for the first decade before a gradual shift after and experience the stages of 'puberty' that humans share.   As their puberty ends they enter the maturing stage where they maintain there early adult forms for around a century and experience continued gradual mental development and, towards the end of the phase, begin to age into an older more defined face and bodily features. Elves in this stage tend to be particularly explorative and active finding the passion they want to commit themselves to. Many elven societies do however forbid elves at this stage from making permanent and lasting commitments.   There is no formal transition into adulthood though it usually occurs after the first century of an elves life and is marked by the elf choosing their chosen path and taking on a new name that reflects their newly chosen nature. This is the longest stage of adult life and usually lasts between six and eight centuries before they begin to move into their position as elders.   Elders usually mark their shift with the first grey emerging in their hair. While slow to start once an elf reaches this final stage of their life their hair greys and wrinkles begin to form on their skin in addition to a general physical decline but mental expansion. For this reason elders take places of leadership in their communities where they are revered for their wisdom and knowledge.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves are omnivores whose diet adapts with their physical form dependent on the environment of their gestation and, if long periods are spent living in and area, their place of living.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elvish societies are usually governed by a council of the eldest residents who guide their society until their passing. Elders are responsible for the education of the youth and until an elf meets adulthood they are forbidden from refusing a request by an elder.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves are particularly skilled at magic and possess a natural abundancy of arcanum in their form, a design choice by their creators to allow them to solve petty problems with simple spells. Elven communities tend to treat magic as an important part of education and most elves spend some of their adulthood learning magic to enhance their chosen craft.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elves are given a single name at birth usually related to some event that correlated with it. This name stays with them until they reach adulthood at which point they chose a new name for themselves demonstrating both their development as a person and independence from those that raised them. Elves who commit a gross crime and serve their punishment are sometimes granted the ‘Right of Rebirth’ in which they may chose a new name for themselves to allow them to leave the stigma and reputation of their own name.   Elves do not use surnames instead valuing their independence and wider racial community over that of their direct blood. When traveling beyond Liadon they often take a surname for ease of communication that pertains to some part of their history such as the ship they travelled on, road they grew up on or simply the elvish word for their occupation or desire.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Sovok Haveye
700-1200 years
Average Height

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