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Appearing as a simple steel shield marked with the hammer of Tatham and divine light descending from it the Spell-Guard is a powerful part of the Templar's arsenal. The Shield can absorb the spell type of any attack it prevents and becomes resistant to that type of damage until the end of combat.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

+4 AC   When a magical attack fails to hit a wielder they gain resistance against that spells type until the end of combat.


The Templar Order were founded by the Celian Tathamite Church early in its foundation as the military wing of the church capable of defending its clergy during their travels, monitoring the wizards in the newly found academies and dealing with spectres and rouge magi. While these warriors were trained in certain abjuration and evocation magics to counter the mages powers shields were carefully designed and enchanted to assist their efforts. Named ‘Spell-Guard’ these shields were able to absorb some of the mages power becoming resistant to it until the foe is subdued.
Item type

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