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The Stray Chapter

One of the 'orphan companies' the Stray Chapter was a mercenary company dating back to the Mythic Age of Falarin. Having been formed by the youngest son of the Hesse family they operate out of a castle on its eastern border named Blackmount .   During the travels of Kanuna, Merric and Raz the Stray Chapter was led by Captain Harmond Banner .



The Stray Chapter averaged around a hundred and twenty active soldiers and around sixty 'squires'.    Twenty soldiers usually oversaw ten squires in groups led by a 'patriarch'. Though the company tended to move as a unified block between counties while on jobs so forces could replace casualties and recruit new soldiers from the local villages.   The Stray Chapter had a larger support force than most companies with near sixty support units that oversaw the basic training of its youngest recruits before they were raised to the rank of 'squire'.


Stray Chapter forces were given an axe, spear or short bow (with fletching tools available at the hold) at the age of 12 when they became a squire and were otherwise responsible for their own armament and equipping over the course of their service. Usually by their eighteenth name day when they are raised from the rank of squire a member possessed some gambeson or basic chainmail as well as new weapons.    Cavalry was rare among their number though some prestigious members were able to acquire horses. The small number of these mounted forces however did mean that beside officers mounted united were only ever used when the company fought as a whole.


1 x Captain: Oversees the entire company   4 x Wardens: Each Oversees either two patriarchs or the defence of Blackmount   6 x Patriarchs: Oversees twenty soldiers and ten squires   x Veterans: Soldiers who have survived twenty contracts   x Soldier: Full members of the company; granted at eighteen years of age or the decision of a Patriarch   x Squire: Member of the company between the ages of 10-18   x Youngling: Member of the company below the age of 10   1 x Castellan: Oversees Blackmount   5 x Master of ______: Oversees ten attendant staff responsible for managing Blackmount and the education of the younglings (inc. Smiths, Animal Caretakers, Accountants, Cooks, etc.)


Stray Company forces tended to favour a corridor style attack where enemies were lured into engaging a shield wall whilst Stray archers would shoot from concealed positions along the side before engaging their attackers in melee.    Where possible the Stray Company would favour fighting in Urban environment or fortified positions where they could use their knowledge of various trade skills to their advantage.    The Stray Company tended to specialise in routing bandits and managing other small dangers to villages and hamlets. Most often these contracts would be elicited whilst they sought to recruit new members though on occasion the company would be hired to support the forces of a larger army or to occupy villages during a protracted siege.


Stray Chapter forces taken from youth are trained in basic survival skills, two trade skills and marital combat until the age of ten where their training becomes the responsibility of their patriarch. The patriarch was required to raise them into functioning soldiers and ensure they were fed, clothed and learned skills of war. The abilities of the patriarchs played a significant role in the skills and survivability of the squires and subsequent soldiers that were bred.    Until reaching the age of ten stray chapter recruits are kept away from war and trained in the castle of Blackmount. Here they learn basic survival skills, basic finance and literacy, two trade skills and and martial combat under the tutelage of the 'masters' of the hold through primarily practical studies. These recruits are also responsible for the supervised maintenance and defence of the hold if it is attacked. With near 80% of Blackmount's permanent population being children a great degree of independence and maturity is fostered within the recruits.    After ten the younglings are named squires to a patriarch's forces where they are given their choice of weapon and are collected by their new master. The patriarch is responsible for the overseeing of the ten squires beneath theirs education and will often assign two of their soldiers to act as 'parents' to the squire while they take on a wider role. Usually the squires will have at least one grouped martial training session with their patriarch each week and an hour alone with him to practice their discipline in a manner of their choosing. The soldiers otherwise attend to their development and often guide them towards acquiring better armour and weaponry.    After they turn eighteen or beforehand if their patriarch is impressed a squire is raised to the rank of soldier and made a full member of the company. Here they may become noted as a veteran after completing twenty contracts. At this point they may chose to remain in or leave the company with their debt to it considered paid. Those who remain may begin to work towards achieving the rank of patriarch and other roles within the company if not choosing the steward route and looking to becoming a master of a trade within Blackmount.



For mercenary work the Stray Chapter charged:
  • 6gp per day for each of the Patriarch teams
  • 20gp per day for the entire company
To leave child with the Stray Chapter they charged:
  • 1gp to leave a child with the Stray Chapter before their eighth name day
  • eighthtwelfth
  • 10sp to leave a child with the Stray Chapter after their twelfth name day


The most famed of the 'orphan companies' the Stray Chapter recruits its membership from orphaned children, which in a land as defined by war as Teremia is never short of supply. The company sends 'recruiters' to villages following major conflicts or after completing contracts where they charge a small fee to take the child into their own ranks, a fee smaller than the family would have to pay if they kept the child, and that can be paid over the course of ten years.    The company takes children up to the age of twelve after which it considers them to old to properly train. Members are given the surname Stray unless already baptised into the church under another name and begin their life among the chapter.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles

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