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Common in Koanga and Renmin the reptilian werecrocodile is a dangerous creature. They live largely solitary lives occasionally working with others to overcome larger prey though such cooperation's only occur when the werecrocodile is allowed to be the leader of the operation.   Werecrocodiles tend to be patient creatures who set up ornate traps in search of their chosen prey. They are skilled hunters and capable of orchestrating devastating ambushes as much for food as for the pride of their achievement. When they are required to engage in society they offer no apologies for their nature and freely offer their wisdom albeit at the cost of a deterrent to any who might wish to enter what they consider their own territory.   Werecrocodiles gain a natural resistance to poison and a significant boost to their constitution. In all their forms they develop the ability to hold their breath for long periods of time and to see underwater as if it were on land.

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