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The Towers of the Bastion of Aeons

Settled along the plains that create the border territory between Floren and Rathmeyer lies three resolute towers with significant fortifications surrounding them These three towers house the Bastion of Aeons primary seat of influence. From here, the Bastion sends their knights to quell conflicts and destroy possible threats to the peace in the realm of Drayth.   Though time has not been kind to the towers, they still stand strong to this day. Housing a small army of powerful warriors, their numbers include a winged guard of Hippogriff Riders, paladins, rangers, and people of all races in Drayth who wish to serve no nation, but peace.


Rulled by Lord Captain Commander Kima "the Peacekeeper"


Approximately 250 years ago, the states of Floren and Rathmeyer stood on the edge of oblivion. A massive war that had brought all the peoples of Drayth into chaos had broken out and many lives had been lost in the struggle of the two powers. The obliteration of civilization in Drayth seemed imminent.   Then, a small group of powerful warriors, led by a small faction of Paladins and Clerics, decided that enough was enough. They built a strategically important encampment along the border of Rathmeyer and Floren, and commanded that if anyone wished to continue this war, they would have to destroy the encampment first.   Through many battles and sheer determination, the war became impossible to continue so long as the warriors maintained the peace. And so a treaty was signed, and the Bastion of Aeons. Dedicated to Peace, Righteousness, and Redemption, the Bastion continues to this day, protecting Drayth and keeping nations from warring, so that goodness is allowed to flourish.
Military, Base
Around 1,000 warriors strong with about 3,000 civilians.
Location under


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