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The main harbor of the Alveer Forest, Thondlorn, also known as Root Harbor(it's common translation) stands as the Alveeran Elves primary access to the Trevas Ocean. The elvish harbor is made of tree roots extended to make it function as piers. The tree itself at the center of town is an ancient Aldea tree, a commonly found tree within the Alveer forest. Ships from all across the world come to Thondlorn to seek out the rare silks and textiles of the Alveeran elves, and some of their experimental arcane magical ways.    Thondlorn also has, at the tops of its highest branches, a singular port for flying air ships. These ships typically only come from one of two places, the Asahi Sun Empire, and the place the Asahi buy their ships from the ancient and mysterious Tinudor elven kingdom.    Still the town is more than just trade, ship making, fishing, hunting and a thriving wood working community has grown out of this town of mostly Tawar (Wood) elves and Drow.


A few council members run most day to day activities in Thonlorn, including trade, infrastructure and legal matters. These people are of course designated and report to the Council of Three.


Alveer has a relatively weak navy. But the bulk of that Navy anchors here. Few threats come at this nation state, so their need to develop a powerful military force is minimal.
Alternative Name(s)
Root Harbour
Large town
Owning Organization


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