Holiday Smithy

A small smithy, Holiday Smithy is a humble smith that focuses on local goods and needs - nails, hatchets, arrows, horseshoes. It's smelter is small, and there's only a single anvil to be run by owners and smith - Jack Holiday. The building section is split into half, one half serving as workspace and front desk, and the back as the home for the Holidays.


Holiday Smithy only has 2 employees. Those being the owning couple of Jack Holiday and Sastem Holiday who manage the forge and orders.  

Notable Employees

  • Jack Holiday, Human, Male, Mid 40s, Smith
  • Sastem Holiday, Owlin, Female, Mid 40s, Front Desk
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location


Name Description Cost
Arrows (20) Twenty broad headed arrows for hunting. 1gp
Crossbow Bolts (20) Twenty standard headed crossbow bolts. 1gp
Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000) A bag of a thousand tiny metal ball bearings. 1gp
Caltrops (bag of 20) A bag of 20 pointy iron caltrops. 1gp
Chain (10 feet) 10 feet of iron chain 5gp
Crowbar An iron crowbar. 2gp
Hammer A small carpentry hammer. 1gp
Hunting Trap A bear trap. 5gp
Lock A simple padlock. 10gp
Pot, Iron A cast iron pot for cooking. 2gp
Shovel A shovel with an iron head. 2gp
Spikes, iron (10) 10 spikes of iron. 1gp
Name Description Cost Damage Properties
Hatchet A single handed and single beard hatchet for chopping wood. 5gp 1d6 slashing Light, thrown (range 20/60)
Woodsman's Axe A larger woodsman's axe for chopping wood. 5gp 1d6 slashing Versatile (1d8)