Owlbear Lumber

A large lumber yard sits beside this central office and bunks. This large, well constructed wood building has a stone foundations that it sits on. Owlbear Lumber primarily deals with logging in the Owlbear woods, sending out parties after survey crews to take down curated sections of the forest. Often employed or working with Lakeacre Lumber, Owlbear Lumber is the primary source of jobs for the village of Beartrail.


Owlbear Lumber employs 35 people, making up over a third of the population of Beartrail. Often these are individuals out on survey or logging expeditions in the woods, and are gone for extended periods of time. 5 people work administration, the other 30 make up a mix of survey, loggers, and general labourers.  

Notable Employees

  • Saula Smoothmouse, Halfling, Female, Early 50s, Head Surveyor 
  • Wor Haye, Owlin, Female, Early 20s, Front desk
  • Hugh Barozzi, Human, Male, Mid 40s, Lumberjack
Parent Location


Name Description Cost
Oak 1lb of Oak Wood 4 CP
Birch 1lb of Birch Wood 5 CP
Pine 1lb of Pine Wood 4 CP
Cedar 1lb of Cedar Wood 6 CP


Name Description Cost
Forest Clearing Clearing a section of forest 1 gp per sqft
Wood Delivery Delivery of wood. 2 GP per 50lbs