Yunseul Starflower

Yunseul Starflower (a.k.a. Nyx Twilight)

Quiet and reserved, thoughtful and patient, with a strong sense of justice and redemption. Yunseul utilises their prodigious and innate connection to the Shadow Element to protect, defend, heal, and guide those in need. Their powerful ballads and stunning performances as “Nyx Twilight” are relatable, inspiring, and motivating to listeners. They have finally officially joined The Aetherwing ranks after aiding in missions for years. Their name means: “A sparkling ripple on water from the reflection of sunlight or moonlight.”

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender, petite build and androgynous features.

Body Features

Yunseul has ivory and unblemished skin which has been likened to "pale snow" or porcelain. There's an ethereal glow to their skin, which makes them look almost angelic.   Their hair is long and wavy, though the very ends of their hair tend to curl and float similar to the streaks of gasses in the Skysea. The colour of their hair is silver with cool undertones of pastel blues and purples - appearing like a striking white in the brightest light.

Facial Features

Yunseul's face is one of beauty and androgyny. They appear as a young adult, with soft and delicate features. They don't often show emotion through facial expressions and seem almost melancholy in nature.   Eyes like pools of lavender, with shades of powdery blue that add depth. Light seems to reflect in their eyes in golden and bright purple shades, looking almost prismatic. As Nyx, their eyes seem to almost glow a brighter shade of purple.   They have long, silvery lashes that kiss their cheeks when their eyes are closed.   Their mouth is small, with full, pink lips often tugged into a small pout.

Identifying Characteristics

Their eyes are their most captivating feature, almost hypnotic to look into, but also haunting and mysterious. They don't betray their emotions, except while they are performing as Nyx.   An Aether Crystal is in the center of their chest, with shards of it embedded in their skin around it. The crystal and its shards are iridescent, and the light dances across them creating a rainbow spectacle.   Yunseul has silvery scars outlining the bottom of their pectoral muscles. They are barely noticeable, except when in the light, where they shimmer.   Yunseul also has a birthmark appearing as silvery wings on their shoulder blades, with stars trailing underneath the folded feathers. The wings seem to emerge from their skin when they are Nyx Twilight, and they have gossamer feathers and an ethereal glow to them.   The ends and edges of Yunseul's ears are feathered. They are long and graceful, slightly downturned at the ends.

Physical quirks

Yunseul has straight posture, and when standing still they appear doll-like. However, they move with a graceful and elegant stride.   They are ambidextrous, allowing them to play various instruments and perform with fluidity.   Due to how little they express their emotions, they appear mysterious and thoughful with a faraway look in their eyes. In reality, they are probably thinking about what to eat for dinner.   When nervous, Yunseul will fidget with anything - their hair, jewelry, clothing, objects they pick up, etc.

Special abilities

Yunseul is able to transform into their stage persona, Nyx Twilight. Their outfit changes and they sprout wings from their back. As a Starlight Idol, their presence is enchanting and bewitching.   Yunseul's hair seems to wisp and float around them, and becomes more of a tempest as they experience more turmoil.

Apparel & Accessories

Yunseul's outfits on a day-to-day basis are fashionable and sophisticated, but with practical pieces allowing for movement while adventuring.   They wear many pieces of opulent jewelry, almost all of it made from treasures they have obtained or gifts from fans, friends, and family.   Yunseul dresses in whites or cool-toned pastels, adding to their angelic characteristics.   As Nyx, their outfit is similar to the night sky with a galactic glow, dotted with sparkling stars and pieces of shimmering jewelry.

Specialized Equipment

Yunseul can summon an electric, flying V guitar that appears like it's made from prismatic crystal with star details. The headstock of the guitar is in the shape of a crescent moon. The guitar also gives off wisps of purple, as its essence is that of Yunseul's Shadow Law.   If in battle as Nyx, they can summon chakram that hover around their arms or torso. They can use these chakram to dance or strike others.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yunseul also had a special tie to the Shadow Elemental since birth, blessed with the rare gift to control the enigmatic Law of Shadow.   Yunseul was adopted and raised by a family of Luminarans in the Luminara Principality. Being raised in such a rich culture devoted to the celestial events, they came to have a deep understanding and respect towards the stars and nature.   During their Coming of Age Rite, they were able to venture out, where they first sought their birthplace of the Umbricrealm Dominion. They found a floating island with its own strange gravitational pull, one half barren like the underside of some islands while the other side was teeming with life. Bioluminescent dewdrops floated in the air around it. There, they nestled amongst the shadow ferns and meditated. Often, they switched to sitting on the underside of the island, viewing the ground instead of the sky. Their time there helped center and ground them, giving them more confidence in who they are. Though they are still plagued with doubts of themselves, they determined their place in the world as a whole, and devoted themselves to protecting The Light, by being The Shadow. They returned to the Luminara Principality with this in mind.   Yunseul's Starlight Idol abilities manifested after being struck by what seemed to be a shooting star, but was in fact a piece of aether crystal. The crystal struck their heart and remains in the center of their chest, shards embedded into their skin. After being struck by the falling star, they found out their skills as an Elemental Maestro became strengthened, even being able to aid others while in combat. They made a promise at that time to protect the innocent, guide the lost, and mend the broken.




Yunseul attended The Shadow Academy to learn more about the Shadow Law.   They were trained in guitar, vocals, and dance after a famous talent seeker overheard them singing.


Often sought out as a guide or for special missions, Yunseul would come to the aid of the Aetherwings whenever requested. Eventually, Lessette Flare suggested they officially join The Aetherwings, and now they are part of the treasure hunter ranks.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Yunseul has completed their Coming of Age Journey.   Has played a role in nearly fifteen different Aetherwing expeditions, as even if brief, they have provided significant value.   They are a famous and prestigious Elemental Maestro and Starlight Idol under the pseudonym "Nyx Twilight" and have performed for nobles and royals, even making a particular fan out of Princess Celestia.   Beckoned by the Light Elementals and Titan, they were chosen to also wield the power of the Law of Light. However, they turned this down due to their rigid belief of their own place in the world.

Failures & Embarrassments

Yunseul's anxiety and inability to properly portray their emotions had led to numerous small embarassments.   Yunseul does not believe themselves to be worthy of wielding the Law of Light, though the spirits and Titan have beckoned to them.

Mental Trauma

Despite how loving their family was, Yunseul never felt like they quite fit into society, feeling like an imposter amongst its people. This was due to not only looking different from their family, but also because of their strong connection to the Shadows. They saw themselves as an outcast - one not meant for the Luminaran society, and bullies perpetuated belief. This doubt has affected their choices down the line, often being an obstacle that holds them back from their true potential.

Intellectual Characteristics

Yunseul looks at constellations, planets, and celestial mysteries with an eye of curiosity, fascination, and reverence. Astrology is important to them - planets in retrograde, phases of the moon, location of constellations, etc. They often use these events to help them see what is to come or to guide their journey. However, they do not allow astrology to completely control their decisions.   Their performances as Nyx are ones that mix that of shadows and lighting effects. Their main talent is singing, but they are also able to summon a shadowy electric guitar, powered by magic and striking strong chords that seem to alter the scene around it. Their songs are often relatable melancholic ballads that spread a message of hope.

Morality & Philosophy

Yunseul is openminded and one who understands both negative and positive characteristics of the world around them, even if they do not stand behind specific ones. Their main goal is to help others and unveil the truth of the past. They have made a promise to the stars to protect the innocent, help the weak, heal the broken, and guide the lost.   “Where there is light, there must be shadow, and where there is shadow there must be light. There is no shadow without light and no light without shadow.” Yin and yang, both Shadow and Light are needed to be whole and create a balance. Life and death. Sun and moon. All of it is about balance.


Yunseul adheres to moral taboo standards, believing that all things should be respected and not have their rights infringed upon.

Personality Characteristics


Yunseul made a promise to protect the innocent, guide the lost, and mend the broken as a Magical Guardian. They also wish to unveil the truth of the past, and use their Law to control the Shadow in order to prevent things succumbing to Darkness. As a Starlight Idol, their songs are often relatable and melancholic ballads that spread a message of hope. They have a deep sense of justice and redemption.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Innate and prodigious control over the enigmatic Law of Shadow. Skilled in performances involving singing, guitar, and dance. Writes beautiful lyrics with deep meanings that many can relate to and inspire hope from. Deeply intuned with anything celestial, and can read into astrology.   Ineptitudes: Lacks a lot of confidence in themselves and is rigid about it, simply believing that they are what they are due to fate. They do not believe themselves to be worthy of much.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Collecting gems, crystals, and rocks. Meditating or daydreaming. Singing to themselves. Learning about the past. Observing stars, planets, galaxies, etc. Things that sparkle or give off light. Their familiar, Wisp. Being praised. Macarons, marzipan, meringue, and marshmallows.   Dislikes: Closemindedness and nonunderstanding personalities. Large social situations. Being restrained or picked up. Strong smells. Sour and bitter foods.

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, ambidextrous, dependable, charismatic, introspective.

Vices & Personality flaws

Quiet, prone to daydreaming, anxious, tires easily, low confidence, monotone speaking, difficulty expressing emotions.

Personality Quirks

Tends to fidget with things, will become still and emotionless like a doll when daydreaming or meditating.


Yunseul has immaculate hygiene. As they wear a lot of white, they keep their outfits pristine and clean, which has something to do with their fear of stains - particularly their Shadow staining someone else. They enjoy moonlit bubble baths, applying perfume of night jasmine, and taking care of their accessories by shining them.


Contacts & Relations

Yunseul has several alliances with other prominent figures in Aetheria due to their public image and altruistic deeds. They try to not develop too deep of connections with individuals, at least on an emotional level, as they neither know how to nor think they have that privilege. They have developed a close working relationship with Hideo. They have aided various Aetherwings such as Caelan and Scales. They have performed for nobles and royals, and have made a particular fan out of Princess Celestia. Yunseul is a star pupil of Lessette.

Family Ties

Yunseul has an adoptive familiar of Luminarans. They have seven siblings, and are the third youngest.

Religious Views

Yunseul is more spiritual and guided by the celestial bodies and elementals.

Social Aptitude

Yunseul lacks confidence in social situations. As Nyx, they are far more apt to socialize.

Hobbies & Pets

Wisp - their flying, celestial serpent.


They are quiet and slow to speak, often flat in tone, and very honest.


Eduard von Sternberg

Allies (Important)

Towards Yunseul Starflower



Yunseul Starflower


Towards Eduard von Sternberg



Wealth & Financial state

Yunseul lives modestly, most of their treasures are things they've collected or received from friends.

Yunseul is a famous Elemental Maestro and Starlight Idol under the pseudonym “Nyx Twilight.” Highly revered by the Aetherwings and beloved by the public, they use their abilities to protect, defend, heal, and guide.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Nyx Twilight
  • Heavenborne Heart
  • "My Brightest Star" - Lessette
  • The Blight Witch
Date of Birth
Year 178
The Umbricrealm Dominion
Current Residence
The Luminara Principality
(Female Sex) Demiboy - They/Them
Silver with cool tones
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages
Common, Luminaran, Celestial

Session 16: Rides

It's time for the open mic. I hope I can do just as well as myself as I can as Nyx. ....First song, ballad. Second song, guitar solo. Oh thank the titans, I did alright. They crowd is so happy. I'm glad.   Now it's Talia's turn. She did incredible! Such heartache in her delivery. I wonder if she's...going through something.   I guess Roaches wants to turn in. He has eaten too much. Soot is determining if people can explode by eating too much. I feel like they can... I want to ride something.... Talia seemed excited about that, but she wasn't referring to a roller coaster. At least Roaches knows what gravity is. Because of coconuts. As big as him. And he's been eaten by plants before? Where is that conversation going.... Ember grew up alone? That sounds very difficult, but he said times were simpler. Because he wasn't restricted by social contracts. That's reasonable.... The boy has never been on the rides here before? I suppose he should ride them. Unless he's afraid to. I hope it's not too scary for him. Oh he said he can ride more than we can? That sounds like a fun challenge for him. I'll agree to it.   Volcano Vortex...looks like fun. I think the kid is scared. It'll be fine. He'll be fine. We have a long time to wait. Everyone wants to cut in line.... I guess I'll stick with the kid since he doesn't have a communicator. This line moves faster.... Wait, did Ember cut in line? He cut in line.... ....Am I too short for this? Please don't let me be too short for this. Good. I'm not too short for this.   THAT WAS SO MUCH FU- Oh no, the kid is passed out.

Session 15: He's Not Alone

We are finally exiting the Ember Vault.... Now what to do with Robbins? We should turn him in. Is there an official nearby that can do that? Okay, we have a place to go now. Security. Follow the orange until blu- Wow this place is beautiful. We should take a photo. Does the kid want to be included? Might as well...he seems to not want to, but he's very contradictory. Fang, Talia, the kid, and Robbins.   I wonder what Soot and Roaches are doing?   We've made it. And the place even has an antimagic item for Robbins. The kid, he...he seems to be masking. He doesn't think he's...worthy of help or care. Because he wanted to kill his father...but didn't. But he is worthy. He needs to realize this. He's already said he has no home. No family. Where will he run to? Where is his sanctuary? He's been alone for far too long. He doesn't need to keep punishing himself. I don't think it's best to leave him alone, but I'll defer to Talia....   The Ember Lounge is having a goblin convention. Ah well, I'm not a goblin. I have no reason to be he- whatdoeshemeancomerightin   First Robbins, now Rob....and he's a reporter. Rob seems surprised to hear we've been to multiple Sky Ruins. We are Aetherwings? That...seems to have struck a chord for him. He wants to know about our adventures.   Oh's almost 7:20. Oh good there's the kid. Oh titans, what is happening to Roaches?   Time to go....  

Session 14: The Other Floors

Now that we're finished with this...battle. We need to figure out what to do with the doctor. The vials contain mysterious liquids. The book seems to be his spellbook...that's a rare and dangerous object. Talia has a...friend who could use the book, but...we don't know who this individual is. And she's being vague. I think it would be best to bring it to the Vault rather than give it to someone we don't know. But what to do with the doctor...? We can't just take him. I suppose we should report back and see if someone can be sent here.   ...What is this kid's name again? Is he [insert metal sound]? ......... [more ungodly noises] I have no idea what to call him, though Roaches is calling him Piss Boy. That's a bit rude....   We need to know if he has a guardian. Roaches says he's still a hatchling. But he's strong. Because he needed to be. Regardless, we can't just...leave him alone. Right?   Hopefully the doctor can be rehabilitated. He's corrupted, it possible to undo it? The kid says he needs time to decide if he can start over with his father.   We have to get out...these fumes are toxic. Talia says she can make us antidotes. Fang will carry the doctor.   Now Roaches is talking nonsense.... Talia splashed water on him, but he's still...speaking weird.   The doctor is waking up. Is he okay? He wants to know what we are doing with him. We want him to get help. He got out of his binds and was about to cast a spell...thankfully Roaches knocked him back out.   Fang had manacles this entire time. ........................   Fang said we should bring a watermelon down here to grill. That sounds...nice.   There's a giant in this room! We have to answer its questions. Soot said it's corrupted as well. It has...riddles. I've heard many of these from my sisters.   More rooms. Dance offs. Farts. What even is happening? Gods, finally a group. One of them can escort us out. Freedom, hopefully....   Nevermind we went right into a Karen and her evil spawn of- Oh look we made the scoreboard. Not that they can tell it's us.... We look like creatures.   Well let's just go deliver the doctor. I'm ready to get this over with....

Session 13: The Hand of God

This Dr. Robbins...he needs help. It was revealed when Talia tried to bring him in for questioning. He's going mad. So close to corruption. He needs to stop in his endeavors. Or at least rest. Think of his son....   No...the doctor won't stop. That a monstrosity.   It's so strong! Ugh, that hurt! Please, everyone stay up.   We got the doctor unconscious. That's good. Soot is holding his own against the guardian.   These consoles have musical instruments on them. Talia has the right idea. Can I help her? Yes, there's a console over there. ...Play rock? Well...alright then. guitar noises   Wait why is Fang getting inside of it? What's happening? Is he controlling it now?   Fang is right - his fire is brighter than the infernal's.   The doctor has some vials and a book of the arcane on him. Roaches or Talia would know what to do with these. ...Now how do we get out of here? And do we keep that thing...?

Session 12 (A Missing Entry)

So Piss boy is the son of the big bad of this area. The big bad is named Dr. Robbins. We fought some lava elementals as we were doing this puzzle to open this big door. We freed some fire elementals that were being enslaved. Both Talia and Roaches befriended the spirits. Roaches Spirit Bonded with one and Talia has a swarm of them following her. Robbins was who enslaved them. Talia wants to try talking down Robbins so Aetherwings can use his research on technology that was before the black out. We just entered his lair and are about to face him.

Session 11: Battle the Roach

Final, First, and Last. Final, First, and Last. Final, First, and Last. ...What is happening here? Why is Soot being attacked? I guess we should intervene.   So many goons....   WHY DID THIS MAN GRAB ME UNHAND ME IMMEDIATELY DO NOT!! *wheeze* Freedom....   Did that man just...shove the aether crystal in his chest? Oh gods he became...something..awful.   He swallowed Talia - I need to get him down so that she can get out.... Fang got her. That's good.   I think this fight went...fine. We didn't kill anyone, though the mutant...he's corrupted. I wonder if he can be saved?

Session 10: The Emberheart Bazaar

Time to check out the Bazaar. Everyone seems very excited for it. It's...amazing. So many beautiful things. It's glittery. Someone is watching us. Oh wow look at all the pyrotechnics. Don't touch anything don't touch anything don't tou- Well look at THAT. Flaming crabs.   Ah...a fan? Of me? Not Nyx? That's...surprising. Her name is Loyce Flarebeam. She wants my autograph? She has a book of lyrics and outfit ideas. There's promise here.   Keep Shining Brightly And You Will Become a Star °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° ~Yunseul   SHE YELLED MY NAME. That's one heard. Thank goodness. The pyrotechnics are very stunning. Yes it's all good. ha   I see something quiet. Candlemaking. I'll make something for Talia. With bluebells. What a beautiful craft... This woman is a true artist. I hope Talia likes this....   There she is. She likes it. I'm glad. She has a pamphlet of the night shows. Perhaps...I could do an open mic performance. Not as Nyx this time? Maybe?   Time to look for Soot and Roaches. This man says Roaches is in the restaurant over th- Did he just call Roaches ugly? ............. He's speaking from a place of trauma. That is the source of his racism. Time to fetch Roaches and meet him at...the pisser...why can't he just say bathroom?   ....Well he did say kobolds were gluttonous. He's practically choking on the eels.... I need to slap him awake. How did all of that only cost him 3 gold...? That waiter looks like they've been through it.   Titans It's Hyu Jin. I'm on friendly terms with them, but they’re just so...competitive. I just want to disappear. But they’ve seen me.... ...I know they’re being playful. In their own way. I'm not out of the business, I'm just on hiatus while I do my time with the Aetherwings.... I didn't realize they were working Theme Parks now. I suppose I'll play their game. I can be at the open mic. And now we're surrounded by people....when we need to be looking for Soot.   The little man has shown us a way into the backstage area again. I missed his name because so much..noise. Oh no.....

Session 9: Arriving At Ember's End

Here we are, in Ember's End. It's beautiful as always.   Lee seems anxious about us being on our own for this. I should reassure him. I sounded reassuring, right? ...Right?   Upon arriving, a man named Henry is trying to sell us a yearly subscription membership to Ember's End and I think it's not a good idea.   Welp there goes Talia. I'll stay with Lee to make sure we don't all get split up. Time to purchase for the four days and to go to the...attractions...? Ah...This dragonborn named Swindle says that we can get into the Embervault through a backrooms way. That sounds like a proper adventure. We must find the others to go in.   Swindle has an annual membership. Is it actually worth it...?   Soot's father...owns this place? Is he an HEIR? Jakob Fitzgerald is his FATHER. Well, I'd like to meet him. I bet he would enjoy Soot's new boots. Soot believes he might be able to get us into the park? Oh, maybe we should just buy passes anyways. They say he's performing soon.   Lee thinks we should status to get backstage? But I'm not anyone. Only Nyx is someone.. I'm sure Soot's dad will recognize him.   We got here late, but that must be his father. Soot recognizes him at least. Now how to get backstage..... Lee has taken the direct route. Perhaps that's best. This attendee seems to understand. Wait, is Soot sick?   Oh my titans Fitzgerald is a robot. Nevermind, Soot says this is his sibling and not his father. ...Fitzgerald himself has not been here in 22 years.   I suppose we'll go see attractions. Lee seems interested in the Colosseum. We will eat first.   I'm interested in the Constellation related things. So is Talia.

Session 8: The Snowfall Celebration

Soot and Lee are going to go with us to shop for shoes. I hope it's not too boring for them.   Oh Titans this place looks.... This place looks. The looks must be deceiving. There are many shoe options here.   Don't touch anything. You might break it. But this is so sparkly....   Lee said he has a friend who likes this designer. Maybe he should get her a pair. AH he liked that suggestion A LOT. I suppose we can help him choose a pair for her. He said she likes green. This pair of emerald green satin pumps with gold details and leaf embroidery should suit her well.   Talia's shoes suit her dress perfectly. They shimmer and reflect prisms like a rainbow.   Soot chose work boots that remind him of his father. That's very sweet.   Ah the ankle boots that Louis was working on are...beautiful. And they fit well - like I'm walking on starlight. He really wants to sell them to me? I'm just so... So happy. They're stunning.   I hope Roaches is doing okay with Savis.   Time to shop for everyone's gifts.   Why is Lee sneaking around? Is he afraid of Savis? Ah, I see. He likes Savis. He looks up to him. ...He gave him the rock. He actually gave him the rock. Lee is getting a training session in return and he's very happy about it. [/giggling noises]   It's time for me to give Lessette her gift: The scale from the jade serpent. She loved it - I'm so happy. She was surprised by the corrupted Shadow Law it held.   Time to perform. Lee did extraordinary. What an opener. Thank goodness. I was so afraid, but the crowd was incredible to feed off of. Hideo and Talia were the headlining dancers and they did wonderful. Talia really shined the most though - she carried Hideo to be honest. He must be having an off season....   We were met backstage by a tiefling woman named Vorocity. Oh no...I don't remember her. But she remembers me. She said she taught Soot and Roaches how to pretend they know what someone is talking about. So they're just say yes and nod....   Now for the Snowfall Play. It's about a boy who goes to toyland, and is kidnapped by the Toymaker. The Toymaker doesn't want to make toys because he thinks all the children of the world are naughty. He also is upset that no one made him a toy. So the boy makes him a toy and together, the Toymaker and the boy deliver toys to the children of the world. I feel a lot for the Toymaker. But this is a sweet story. It always seems to bring wonder to others, and I can't help but feel nostalgic over this traditional tale.   Time to exchange gifts with the crew. Talia - Pink Sapphire Earcuff Lee - Amethyst Geode Soot - Gold Onyx Pendant Roaches - Fluttering Eel Sushi Ah, Lee wrote us all poems. And Talia gave me a silver brooch like my hair. What a great night.   Lee has told us his true name because we have his back. His name is L'Enfant Sauvage. I feel honored.   I wish you were here so I could give you...The Empyreal Ether. You would know what to do with it. I miss you. Happy Snowfall wherever you are.

Session 7: To The Skyhold

I hear...a familiar noise. It's Roaches. Of course, he wants an exam.... Maybe I can get him to focus on Lee- Nope, he's making me stay.... ...................... I should call the others.   We finally get some rest. Oh? Soot has earned a law? That's wonderful. It suits him well. Lee is doing better at piloting the airship. I'm proud of him. Talia wanted to dance with me. My gosh is she graceful.   These recent events have been inspiring for writing. Though I haven't been one to write narrative songs. Maybe that can change with this next journey. It can all culminate into an album. That might be nice. Oh crap I can't....I can't figure this out. What do I do? Wait, Lee is here. Now Roaches is here. EVERYONE HEARD MY TERRIBLE MUSIC. LEE SAID MY MUSIC SUCKED.   [/screaming crying sounds]   Lee wants to play with me? After he heard THAT?! Okay.... Maybe he can mask my horrid guitar. Or...No. I'm...getting it now. He's..helping me remember. When we were against the fire squid. And he caught me from being thrown. Rarely am I the one being saved. That was so kind of him. I think...I can work with this. That feeling of having someone to depend on.   I have it now. Thanks to Lee. Featuring Lee. He's the real star in this song   And the Skyhold approaches.... Oh no it's the Snowfall Celebration and I AM NOT PREPARED.   Lessette has met us. She looks wonderful. Eduard...looks ridiculous in that elf outfit. Caelan is putting the table together nicely. Hideo and Savis are arguing as usual. And...Lee wants to perform the song we wrote. We're going to open for Hideo. [/groan]   Talia and I need to buy outfits for the Snowfall Celebration. Aw, she got me a hot cocoa. It tastes sweeter being from her. We found a very nice shop and now all that's left are shoes.   We ran into the others and they have outfits and want eels. Okay. I suppose they are coming to watch us...try on shoes. Then we need to get gifts for everyone. I hope we have enough time.

Session 6: Aquaveil Attacked

Now that the challenge is finished, I...want to make sure Mary is still okay. I feel like I left her rather abruptly. She's gone home, but her light is on, so I'll stop by to see how she's doing.   *Oh no she doesn't recognize me. I need to explain myself.*   Now that that's cleared up.... I'm letting her know about our adventures. I can show her actually....   She seemed to have really enjoyed that. I think I have eased her loneliness for just a bit. That makes me very relieved....   Something is off. I can sense it. But I don't see anything. Wait... Where did Mary go? Her cup is spilled. Her shoe is by the back door. I have a bad feeling....   *Bad feeling justified.*   This fire squid is attacking this peaceful island? We won't stand for it. We *really* won't stand for it. Everyone has a stake in this. The people of this island deserve safety and security. Crap it grabbed me. Well, that's okay. The others have it.   Thanks for catching me, Lee.   The people are safe. It's called a Grumingüar. They're telling us this creature hasn't been seen in centuries. It's rare and it doesn't reproduce.   ...Did we..go too hard? It deserved that, right? I mean, it was a rampaging sky beast.... We had to put it down. Right?

Session 5: Exploring Aquaveil

We are all set up for the festival. The children are having a lot of fun. Talia is giving them stickers. Soot is helping the fireworks go off. Lee is playing the hurdy gurdy. Shurr is helping the electricity to show the lights off. I assume. They're missing, but...they are out there somewhere. Our performances have gone well.   Mary is alone...but we promised to keep her company. I should go over and ask if she wants to walk around and see the festival. ...I was afraid she'd say no, but she has accepted. I'm glad. She seems a bit melancholy.   Elder Kaelen Wavebinder has told us that today, the day of the Winter Solstice, is the perfect day to explore the catacombs. So we shall.... Without Xiu Mei, who Elder Kaelen needs to stay with him.   Holes. Crystals. The stars above. The elder talking about how today is the best day to enter.... Match the crystals to the stars. Yes. It worked. Simple. I understood those instructions.   The catacombs hold...deep and ancient lore.   There is an obelisk. It has symbols of fire, ice, wind, and earth. It's icy here. Make them all be ice. It worked.   New room has multiple mirrors. Images on walls. Pool of starlight in the center. Ice door at the end frozen shut. Point the light with the mirrors to the right images. The door is now free.   Images of all six laws in this next room. Bowls and containers.... Put something of each element into the containers.   ...Corrupted ice elemental. Why is it here? Did they know about it? Is this a test?   We can change the field to our advantage. Everyone is doing well. It just shrank. It's kinda cute. Mmm it's dealing a lot of damage to the front liners. But we can do this. ...And we've done it.   Hmm... Elder Kaelen is suddenly here. was a test. I knew that elemental was cute. It is a pet. Its name is Spikey. And we are to take a gift.... I will take the crystal. It reminds me...of him.   Today has felt like we all worked great together. I am proud of everyone. Though I never doubted a single one of them.   Lee never had friends either.... I understand his turmoil. Wait...are they...we are friends? All of us? Does that include me? But...I'm not. uhhhhhhhhhhh Kaelen is pushing me towards them. I guess it does...include me.

Session 4: Crashlanding on Aquaveil

We have crash landed on a small sky island.   Damage report: Artillery down to two functioning weapons. Main engine damage extensive. Aether generator destroyed.   We are not sinking. ...I don't believe it was Lee's fault. But I believe he might be blaming himself. These things just happen unfortunately. We need the engine fixed to be able to phone home. Maybe the civilians here will be able to help. They seem to have a port, though it's a little run down....   Shurr said there's something that made the damage. ...An animal? Oh, its a cute little beetle. Shurr has said it is a Scraphunger Beetle. It's just hungry. It just wants food. It's very scared. I will be its friend. I don't want to abandon needs a home where it can thrive.   I should thank Shurr for the aether crystal.....   Elder Caela Coralshaper has up-righted our ship. Jack O'Neal is taking stock of our damages and needs. Zaxby is taking the beetle to a new home. He is making sure it can thrive.   Goodbye, Little Friend. I shall visit you later.   Logg is an engineer who can help us with repairing our airship. His wife, Mary, says Logg is on a fishing trip. He may have found a source of aether crystals for our generator. He should be back within two days.   I hope...we can find accommodations. I do not wish to intrude on these people too much. They are quite welcoming though.   This place has a lot of fish...... Fish for dinner. That sounds good. Smoked fish, grilled fish, roasted fish, broiled fish, steamed fish, poached fish, fried fish, fish soup, raw fish.... So many ways to eat fish and nearly all of them are delicious. But I wonder what kind of fish they have here? Rainbow trout? Glittergill? Flutterfish? And what sides? I'm hungry.....   Oh I should focus.   I was right. Lee thinks it's his fault.   We have a lot we can do here while we wait.   Mary suggests we meet Elder Kaelen Wavebinder, a user of water magic.   A festival is tonight. The Tides' Embrace Festival. Mary seems a bit sad about the festival. Perhaps she misses her husband. I would feel bad if she attended alone. I will definitely make sure we commit to going with her. She said she can show us good food.   Elder Kaelen Wavebinder can be found at the center of town, where the festival is being set up. Oh wow....he's tall. AND LOUD.   They could use a lot of help for the festival. There is an old generator that Shurr can help with. And fireworks that Soot can wield. And many opportunities for dancing and performing.... Lee will play his hurdy gurdy. Talia and I shall dance.   Ah, our dance instructor is very kind. She has many costumes. I wouldn't want to...take any of these costumes. But they suit Talia very well. There she goes again, explaining her life. She's so charming. Talia looks really beautiful in that dress. It suits her. Time to dance for Osha. I should be Nyx for this. Osha is a fan? How great. It was wonderful to learn from her.   It looks like we were all successful in our tasks. I do hope we can help the festival be even better.

Session 3: The Snake Temple Sky Ruin

We have slain the serpent... That's good. I think we have Shurr to thank for finding that sword. It seemed to be the key to sealing the serpent.   There sure is a lot of loot...... I don't want to take anything that others want. I guess I'll just...pick up this pretty piece of jade. It should make a nice souvenir. Maybe I'll get two - one for Lessette as well.   We really need to rest though. Everyone got hurt very bad. And I've expended all of my resources.   Seraphis seems to be at peace now. That makes me quite happy that we could help.   Time for a good rest.

Session 2: The Snake Temple Sky Ruin

Now we can look around this room.   ...Lee remembered something.   "Slasizryaz."   This temple is...not earth. It is shadow. Shadow? Shurr is confirming. And the illusion falls away....   ...All this talk about shadow being lies and deceit......... I understand.   I have touched the crystal's light and it doesn't freeze me. The throne holds the crystal, a scepter, and a crown.   The crystal is...pulling me to it. I feel strengthened. And now it's...dull. I killed the crystal.   The scepter is a pre-Blackout. A good relic for Shurr to handle. Shurr said the crown is tied to Fire. It can...attack. Some beads on it are missing...must be the number of uses this crown holds. Lee should hang onto this in case we end up needing to use it.... I worry about Lee.   Footsteps?! An ambush?? No, it is Soot. Thank the Titans he got here with no injury. ...There are spikes in his head. He's very sturdy....   I Eduard and Soot see in the dark. Yes? We shouldn't force Talia to spend her resources. Either way, we need to rest for a moment....   Soot has found a good number of weapons. This rapier has a reminds me of Wisp. I...I want it. I have it.   This next room....a resting place? Rope and rope. Soot has determined it is safe to traverse the water. The marble altar holds a sarcophagus. I'm...curious.   ...Why is the room groaning? I messed something up, didn't I? It couldn't have been Talia. It had to be me - AH! I got Talia got knocked down! I am an IDIOT. And now something us.   Talia is spry thankfully. She has gotten up. But magic isn't working on this thing? It's's so strong. Soot's attack didn't do as much damage. What can I do? I will...I will have to use my Law. But is protecting this temple. It is vengeful over its corruption.   I shall take a knee and look upon it with reverence. It is merely reacting out of instinct. It does not know our intents. We must make it clear.   "We are here for you."   It is pacified. And it has given us a boon. The final room must be next.   An emerald serpent is here.   This battle is...trying. Both Talia and Lee have been swallowed. We're using all of our resources. I am determined to help this group survive.

Session 1: The Snake Temple Sky Ruin

Earth ruins.... They like noodles here too, it seems.   Shurr has pretty rocks. Huh? They're asking me to take one.... I guess the obsidian one calls most similarly to the shadows.   This room is very nice. There's a puzzle, too.   In the earth's embrace, wisdom lies, Seek the serpent's unblinking eyes. Turn the stone to match its gaze, Or be caught in the serpent's maze.   I should maybe check the movements of the serpent wardens in case one of them does not follow us. All of these wardens are corrupted according to the symbols on them. Maybe try it sneaking in case they also go by sound? Actually, are any of them with closed ey-"   Oh, Talia is asking me to stand here. I wonder wh-   ...   Something tells me we didn't get the puzzle correct.   Time to fight. Is my shortbow alright? It feels a bit stiff. Agh.... These things are as fragile as gypsum. That went by quickly.   This room is peculiar. Spikes on the ceiling. Does that mean the ceiling could fall or just the spikes? There's a bridge with sand of different colours on the tiles. One of the colours must be a trap. I imaging it's the darker one....yes, it is. And the trap are the spikes. That was easy. I can see Eduard watching us closely.   This next room has more serpent wardens. ones. Not like the statues from the first room. There's an altar with light, and the wardens are praying. Eduard is so LOUD - gosh. But we should try to get by with as little hostility as possible. Could an illusion work? No, the space is too big. Then maybe we should just sneak along the outside of the r-   ...Lee just ran in there and froze in that light. Why did he run? Did something scare him? We're all just standing here now, just as frozen as Lee.   The wardens are moving now. One of them is picking up Lee and moving him to the edge of the room. They don't seem hostile. Ah, they spotted us. Of course, I completely forgot Talia is essentially a tiny lighthouse right now. Shurr is trying to reason with them, I think? ...Nevermind, they seem mad. I wonder what they said. Time for battle, I suppose.   That one warden was strong. Literally knocked me on my ass, ugh. And the rocks weren't even pretty. Eduard is a really good fighter.... They all are, really. But I am glad we are here with Eduard. I can't imagine we'd get through as easily with say...Hideo.   We're all taking a breather while Talia heals us. That's good. I'm trying not to use my laws so much, so I've only activated it once so far. The deeper we go, the more deadly our encounters could be. I just hope it's not so bad.

Session 0: Meeting the Crew

I wonder what’s for dinn-oh, it’s Lee. He’s asking me something…. Savis? Oh. He means Scales. Scales likes rocks. I should give Lee this rock to give to Scales. He’s looking at me weird. Am I being weird?   AH-was that an explosion??   Hmm…It was Shurr. I Shurr have guessed…heh-no, that’s not funny. Talia is here. She must have heard the explosion too. Well, of course she did. She’s not deaf. She’s so…she’s so bright.   Aether crystals. They keep exploding them. They want to make traps with them. That would be useful… I have a crystal in my chest. I should point that out in case they accidentally explode mine…. …Now they’re staring at my chest. Oh…they’re drawing it. They draw nice.   There’s a noodle around the cat. Come here, noodle.   I remember Shurr said they were an outcast. Were they bullied like me? What should I say? OH TITANS I ASKED THEM IF THEY ARE RACIST FU-   Eduard…………………………..   Huh? Dragon? Earth dragon? I should…I should take charge, yes? Uhhhhhh I’ve been standing here too long. May the Shadows aid me.   I can see now.   “Eduard and Lee! Evasive maneuvers! Someone help me with this ballista!”   Fall, you beast.   We did it. Shurr is a good shot. Talia helped with the ballista. Lee will make an excellent pilot one day with Eduard’s aid. I think this whole group has incredible talent. Do they…think I work well with them? What am I doing just standing here, I should give them praise. …Nevermind, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. I sounded stupid. So very stupid. So so so so stup-   Ah..Talia is…she wants a hug. I’ve hugged her a few times. She reminds me of laying on the beach, the sand warmed by the sun and the gentle scent of the sea. I’m getting carried away. I have been standing here too long. I’ll hug her now.   She’s warm. Now she’s spinning me. This…feels nice. Though I must not stain the Light….   Now. The ruins approach.