Eduard von Sternberg (Eh-doo-ard fon Shtern-berg)

Sir Eduard von Sternberg (a.k.a. Knight of the Crimson Serpent)

In the crimson skies of Flarethorn, the name von Sternberg echoes through the ages. Eduard, a knight of unwavering honor, bears the weight of his noble lineage. With his trusty blade at his side and a heart full of chivalry, he stands ready to protect his nation and its treasured secrets.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eduard possesses an exceptional level of physical fitness and agility. He has a strong, lean body shape, free from any aids, abnormalities, or afflictions. He maintains excellent health and is well-prepared for the rigors of combat.

Body Features

Eduard's physique is characterized by well-defined muscles, a testament to his rigorous training as a knight. His body is free from any notable scars or blemishes.

Facial Features

Eduard has a strong and chiseled jawline, complemented by a well-groomed beard that adds to his knightly appearance. His deep blue eyes exude a sense of determination and honor.

Identifying Characteristics

One of the most identifying features of Eduard is his suit of finely crafted Flarethornian plate armor, adorned with the emblem of House von Sternberg—a crimson serpent coiled around a sword. This emblem is a symbol of his noble lineage and knightly status.

Physical quirks

Eduard has a habit of standing with perfect posture, whether in formal settings or on the battlefield. He also tends to clasp his hands behind his back when in thought, a gesture of contemplation and discipline.

Special abilities

Eduard possesses exceptional combat skills, including swordsmanship, mounted combat, and tactical prowess. His devotion to the Flamebearer grants him a limited ability to channel fire-related magic in combat, primarily enhancing the power of his strikes and providing resistance to fire-based attacks.

Apparel & Accessories

When not in full plate armor, Eduard typically wears noble attire in Flarethorn's colors: crimson and gold. He often carries a family heirloom, a pendant with a sapphire gemstone, as a symbol of his lineage.

Specialized Equipment

As a knight, Eduard wields a finely-crafted longsword, passed down through generations of the von Sternberg family. He also carries a sturdy Flarethornian shield adorned with the same serpent emblem as his armor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eduard understands gender within the traditional framework of his Flarethornian culture, where roles and expectations for men and women are well-defined. He sees himself as a protector and a knightly figure, upholding the virtues of honor, chivalry, and duty. However, he also respects the diversity of gender identities in the wider world and aims to be inclusive and accepting.


Eduard is heterosexual and adheres to the societal norms and expectations of Flarethorn when it comes to romantic relationships and marriage. His focus has always been on his duty as a knight and the preservation of his noble lineage.


Eduard received a comprehensive education befitting a noble of Flarethorn. He was trained in the knightly arts from a young age, honing his combat skills, horsemanship, and etiquette. Additionally, he studied the history, culture, and traditions of Flarethorn, with a particular emphasis on the heroic deeds of his ancestors.


Eduard's employment history primarily consists of serving as a knight in the service of House von Sternberg and the Knights of the Crimson Serpent. He has participated in numerous expeditions to uncover and protect Flarethorn's treasures and secrets.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Eduard's greatest accomplishment is his unwavering dedication to his duty as a knight. He has successfully defended Flarethorn's treasures from various threats and has become a respected figure in the realm. Additionally, his martial prowess and chivalrous conduct have earned him recognition among his peers.

Intellectual Characteristics

Eduard possesses a keen intellect, particularly in matters related to the history and traditions of Flarethorn. He is a strategic thinker on the battlefield and a quick learner when it comes to mastering new knightly skills.

Morality & Philosophy

Eduard adheres to a strict code of honor and morality, guided by the principles of chivalry. He believes in protecting the weak, upholding justice, and serving as a guardian of Flarethorn's treasures. His philosophy revolves around the idea that strength should be used to protect and preserve, rather than to conquer or oppress.


Eduard strictly adheres to the taboos of his Flarethornian culture, which include never desecrating a dragon's resting place, always showing respect to one's superiors, and never betraying one's oaths of loyalty.

Personality Characteristics


Eduard's primary motivation is to uphold the honor of House von Sternberg and safeguard Flarethorn's treasures and secrets. He is driven by a sense of duty, chivalry, and the desire to protect the realm from any threats that may arise.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Eduard excels in combat, horsemanship, and strategic thinking. He is also well-versed in the history and traditions of Flarethorn.   Ineptitudes: Eduard can be overly traditional and rigid in his thinking, sometimes struggling to adapt to rapidly changing situations. He may also be less skilled in diplomatic negotiations.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Eduard enjoys horseback riding, practicing his combat skills, and reading about heroic deeds of the past. He also appreciates fine Flarethornian cuisine.   Dislikes: Eduard dislikes dishonorable behavior, disrespect for traditions, and any threats to Flarethorn's treasures and secrets.

Virtues & Personality perks

Chivalrous: Eduard is a paragon of chivalry, always striving to protect the weak and uphold justice.   Dedicated: His unwavering dedication to his duty and his homeland is one of his most prominent virtues.   Courageous: Eduard possesses the courage to face even the most formidable foes, driven by his commitment to Flarethorn.

Vices & Personality flaws

Stubborn: His unwavering commitment to tradition and honor can sometimes make Eduard appear stubborn and resistant to change.   Impatient: He may grow impatient when dealing with those who do not share his sense of urgency in protecting Flarethorn.   Self-Doubt: The weight of his noble lineage and the expectations placed upon him occasionally lead to moments of self-doubt.

Personality Quirks

Eduard has a habit of sharpening his blade before every battle, even if it's already razor-sharp.   He often addresses those he respects as "Sir" or "Lady," regardless of their actual titles.   Eduard has a fondness for collecting dragon-related artifacts and trinkets.


Eduard maintains impeccable personal hygiene, keeping his armor polished, his clothes clean, and his appearance neat and well-groomed. He believes that a knight should always present themselves with dignity and honor, even in the midst of battle.



Eduard's memorable moments during his reign as a knight of Flarethorn include successfully defending Flarethorn's treasures from a band of treasure hunters, slaying a rogue wyrm that threatened the realm, and leading a mission to recover a lost relic of the Flamebearer. His reign as a knight has lasted for over a decade, marked by unwavering dedication to his duty.

Contacts & Relations

Eduard has strong ties with the other knights of the Crimson Serpent and the nobility of Flarethorn. He also maintains diplomatic relations with neighboring sky islands and occasionally collaborates with fellow treasure hunters and adventurers.

Family Ties

Eduard is a member of House von Sternberg, a noble family renowned for its dragon-slaying tradition. He holds strong family ties, particularly with his parents and siblings, who share his commitment to the defense of Flarethorn.

Religious Views

Eduard is a devout follower of the Flamebearer, the deity associated with the elemental Law of Fire in Flarethorn. His faith in the Flamebearer guides his sense of duty and honor.

Social Aptitude

Eduard possesses a high level of charisma, confidence, and social grace. He is well-versed in courtly etiquette and mannerisms, making him a respected figure in Flarethorn's noble circles.


Eduard has a habit of addressing people with formal titles, even in casual settings. He maintains impeccable posture and gestures with precision, reflecting his disciplined upbringing as a noble knight.

Hobbies & Pets

Eduard has a noble steed, a majestic Flarethornian stallion named Seraph, which he cares for deeply. His hobbies include reading about heroic tales, practicing his combat skills, and collecting dragon-related artifacts.


Eduard's speech is characterized by a confident and authoritative tone. He has a refined manner of speaking, free from any notable impediments. He often uses phrases associated with chivalry and honor in his conversations.


Eduard von Sternberg

Friends (Important)

Towards Talia Everlore



Talia Everlore

Friends (Important)

Towards Eduard von Sternberg



Eduard von Sternberg

Allies (Important)

Towards Yunseul Starflower



Yunseul Starflower


Towards Eduard von Sternberg



Wealth & Financial state

Eduard belongs to the noble House von Sternberg, which provides him with a comfortable level of wealth. He has access to funds, investments, and disposable income befitting his status as a knight. However, he often dedicates his resources to the protection and preservation of Flarethorn's treasures.
Character Location
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Eduard upholds the principles of honor, duty, and chivalry in all his actions, guided by a strong sense of justice.
Current Status
Eduard is currently preparing for his next skybound expedition with the Aetherwings, eager to uncover lost relics and forgotten lore hidden in the floating realms.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight of the Crimson Serpent: Eduard holds the prestigious title of a knight in the Knights of the Crimson Serpent, an order dedicated to safeguarding Flarethorn's treasures and secrets. This title is a source of great honor and responsibility.
Date of Birth
Eduard was born on the 23rd of Drakaris, the month associated with fire and valor.
Circumstances of Birth
His arrival marked the continuation of a noble lineage renowned for their dragon-slaying exploits. Eduard was welcomed with joy, destined to carry on the legacy of his ancestors and protect Flarethorn's treasures.
The von Sternberg Manor, nestled atop a floating island in Flarethorn's crimson skies.
Current Residence
Eduard's primary residence is the von Sternberg Manor in Flarethorn, but his adventures often lead him to traverse the skies of Aetheria.
Deep blue, resembling the azure skies of Flarethorn
Dark brown, neatly combed, and often tied in a knightly bun.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair complexion with a hint of sun-kissed warmth
6 feet 1 inch (185 cm)
190 pounds (86 kg)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"For Flarethorn's honor, I shall stand!" "In the name of the Flamebearer, I shall protect." "A knight's resolve is as unyielding as the mountains."
Eduard is a devout follower of the Flamebearer, the deity associated with the elemental Law of Fire in Flarethorn.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Eduard is fluent in Common, the language of Aetheria, and is well-versed in the archaic dialects of Flarethorn. He also possesses some knowledge of Draconic, allowing him to decipher inscriptions related to dragons and ancient relics.
Character Prototype
Eduard von Sternberg is a classic chivalric knight archetype, reminiscent of legendary figures from medieval tales. He embodies the ideals of honor, valor, and duty, often seen as the unwavering protector of Flarethorn's treasures and secrets.