
Basic Information


The Abbaddon, as a species, boasts a formidable and otherworldly anatomy. Their physical form is characterized by a unique blend of nightmarish features, with skin that shimmers like an abyssal expanse. The eyes of an Abbaddon glow with an eerie, ethereal light, reflecting their profound connection to the dark forces they embody. Sharp, elongated horns adorn their heads, signifying their infernal nature, while their limbs possess an uncanny flexibility, allowing for swift and unnatural movements. Feathery wings, reminiscent of a bat's, extend from their backs, granting them the ability to navigate the shadows with unmatched agility. The jaws of an Abbaddon reveal razor-sharp, enlarged canines, a testament to their predatory essence. Overall, the anatomy and morphology of the Abbaddon exude an aura of malevolence, marking them as formidable denizens of the abyss.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Abbaddon's genetics and reproduction defy conventional biological norms. Instead of traditional reproduction, they spawn lesser creatures that inherit some of their inherent power but are not as formidable as the Abbaddon themselves. These spawned entities contribute to the diverse population of demons that thrive beneath the cloudsea in the abyss. The process involves the Abbaddon channeling their essence into the creation of these subordinate beings, imbuing them with a fraction of their infernal might. Although not as powerful as their progenitors, these spawned creatures possess unique strengths and abilities, collectively adding to the formidable forces that populate the abyssal realms ruled by the Abbaddon.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Abbaddon, being ancient and formidable entities, do not adhere to conventional growth rates or stages as observed in more mortal creatures. They are already fully matured and possess a timeless essence that transcends the concept of growth. Unlike living beings that undergo various developmental stages, the Abbaddon emerge fully formed and powerful. Their existence is marked by a perpetual state of potency, with no need for growth, maturation, or aging. This unique characteristic sets them apart from mortal life forms and emphasizes their status as enduring and unchanging entities within the abyssal realms they rule. In essence, the Abbaddon's nature defies the conventional notions of growth and development, reflecting their timeless and formidable presence in the darkened expanses beneath the cloudsea.

Ecology and Habitats

The Abbaddon inhabit the tumultuous realms below the cloudsea, where visibility is virtually nonexistent, and a perpetual storm shrouds the darkened expanses. This abyssal habitat is inherently lethal to beings not native to this environment, owing to its poisonous nature and the relentless storms that engulf the region. The oppressive conditions create an inhospitable landscape, fostering an ongoing struggle between the demonic denizens, including the Abbaddon, and the fiends that share this abyssal realm. This conflict often erupts into skirmishes and wars, hidden from the knowledge of the humanoid population residing above the cloudsea. The disconnect between the surface world and the abyssal depths perpetuates a veil of secrecy, allowing the demons and fiends to engage in their eternal power struggles unbeknownst to those living in the world above.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Abbaddon, being otherworldly entities of immense power, do not possess conventional dietary needs or habits. Unlike mortal beings that rely on sustenance for survival, the Abbaddon draw their strength and essence from the chaotic energies of the abyss. The turbulent and poisonous nature of the cloudsea below contributes to the unique sustenance they require, tapping into the dark and arcane forces that permeate their habitat. Their diet, if it can be termed as such, is more closely aligned with the absorption of ambient abyssal energies, allowing them to maintain their formidable existence. This distinct aspect further emphasizes their supernatural and otherworldly nature, setting them apart from mundane biological necessities.

Biological Cycle

The Abbaddon, being eternal entities, do not undergo a conventional biological cycle. They exist in a perpetual state, devoid of the typical life stages or cycles that mortal beings experience. Unlike organisms with life cycles, the Abbaddon do not undergo birth, growth, reproduction, or death. Their nature as timeless and formidable entities transcends the need for biological cycles, and they remain unchanged throughout the eons. This eternal quality contributes to their enduring presence in the abyssal depths, where time seems to hold little sway over their existence.


Each Abbaddon exhibits distinct behavioral and psychological traits, reflective of their individual domains and roles within the abyssal hierarchy. Voraxus, the Abyssal Stormlord:  
  • Behavior: Voraxus is characterized by relentless aggression and storms of chaotic power. He seeks dominance through sheer force, often leading demonic hordes into battles across the abyss.
  • Psychology: Voraxus embodies the primal urge for power and conquest. His psychology is driven by a desire to command the forces of the abyss and establish supremacy over rival entities.
Nephralis, the Whisperer in the Abyss:  
  • Behavior: Nephralis operates in shadows, manipulating events from the sidelines. He is known for subtle influence and cunning strategies, preferring to remain unseen.
  • Psychology: Nephralis thrives on secrecy and intrigue. His psychological profile is shaped by a meticulous and strategic mind, relishing in the art of manipulation to achieve his dark objectives.
Lysara, the Temptress of Shadows:  
  • Behavior: Lysara entices mortals with dark temptations, exploiting desires for her own gain. She weaves illusions and deceptions to ensnare the unsuspecting.
  • Psychology: Lysara's psychology revolves around temptation and allure. She finds pleasure in the corruptive influence over mortal minds, reveling in the intricate dance of seduction and manipulation.
Zarion, the Bringer of Infernal Hordes:  
  • Behavior: Zarion leads vast infernal armies, orchestrating wars and conflicts across the abyss. His focus lies in expanding demonic influence through brute force.
  • Psychology: Zarion's psychology is dominated by a militaristic mindset, driven by the pursuit of conquest. He thrives in chaos, finding purpose in the relentless expansion of demonic forces.
Zalthar, the Infernal Forger:  
  • Behavior: Zalthar crafts infernal weapons and artifacts, channeling dark energies into creations of destruction. He forges alliances through the power of his creations.
  • Psychology: Zalthar's psychology is shaped by craftsmanship and ambition. He takes pride in his creations, deriving satisfaction from the devastating impact they have on the abyssal landscape.
Ilyndra, the Seducer of Stars:  
  • Behavior: Ilyndra seduces celestial entities and manipulates cosmic forces. Her actions influence astral realms, intertwining the celestial and abyssal planes.
  • Psychology: Ilyndra's psychology is celestial yet tainted. She seeks a twisted harmony between the abyss and the stars, finding satisfaction in the manipulation of cosmic powers for her dark purposes.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Abbaddon possesses extraordinary perception and sensory capabilities, transcending the limits of conventional senses. One of their remarkable abilities is "soul sight," allowing them to perceive the essence of a being beyond mere physical appearances. This profound insight enables them to discern the true nature and intentions of those they encounter. Furthermore, when an Abbaddon enters into a pact or deal with an individual, they gain an unparalleled connection that goes beyond spatial constraints. The Abbaddon can sense the presence and location of the contracted soul, regardless of the distance, as long as both parties remain on the same plane. This uncanny extrasensory perception grants them a potent advantage in navigating the intricate web of alliances and bargains forged in the abyss.
Genetic Descendants