Tiefling (teef-Ling)

Tieflings are a distinctive and diverse humanoid species in the world of Aetheria. Their unique physical appearance sets them apart from other races, making them instantly recognizable. Descendants of humans who forged pacts with powerful infernal beings, Tieflings carry a trace of infernal blood within them, resulting in striking and sometimes fearsome features.   Tieflings typically stand at heights and possess builds similar to humans, but it's their infernal heritage that truly defines their appearance. They often bear curved horns on their foreheads, sharp, pointed tails that may taper to a wicked point, and their eyes radiate an otherworldly glow, often featuring unusual colors like crimson, gold, or even solid black. Their skin tones can range from deep, fiery reds to ashy grays or even jet black, giving them a devilish aura.   Despite their fiendish appearance, Tieflings are not bound by a single alignment, and their personalities and beliefs can be as diverse as their appearances. Some may embrace their infernal blood, utilizing their innate magical abilities to pursue ambitious goals, while others may strive to distance themselves from their fiendish ancestry, seeking acceptance in a world that often misunderstands them.   Tieflings are known for their adaptability and versatility, excelling in various professions and roles, such as skilled mages, cunning rogues, powerful warlocks, or charismatic diplomats. Their history and culture are intertwined with their connection to the Abbadon, the progenitor Abbadon they revere, and their ability to harness infernal powers, making them a fascinating and complex species in the tapestry of Aetheria.

Basic Information


Tieflings possess humanoid anatomy similar to humans. They typically have two arms and two legs, with their most notable physical features being their horns, sharp teeth, and fiendish eyes. Horn shapes and sizes vary widely among individuals, giving them a unique appearance.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tieflings reproduce through a method identical to humans, involving sexual reproduction. There are no significant genetic differences between Tieflings and humans. Tiefling offspring can inherit their infernal traits from their parents, making them Tieflings as well.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tieflings grow and mature at a rate similar to humans. They go through typical life stages, including infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. There are no extraordinary transformations or life stages unique to Tieflings.

Ecology and Habitats

Tieflings adapt well to various environments, and there is no single optimal habitat for their species. They are known for integrating into the cultures and societies of the regions they inhabit, making their habitats as diverse as the places they call home. Tieflings may dwell in bustling cities, remote villages, or even nomadic communities, depending on their individual choices.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tieflings have dietary needs and habits similar to humans. They are omnivorous and consume a wide range of foods, including grains, fruits, vegetables, and meats. Their diet varies based on cultural preferences and personal choices. Some Tieflings may have a taste for spicy or exotic dishes, reflecting their infernal heritage.

Biological Cycle

Tieflings do not undergo significant biological changes based on the passage of time or seasonal variations. They lack traits such as hibernation or seasonal adaptations commonly found in other species.


Tieflings exhibit diverse behaviors and psychological traits, just like humans. Their psychology is shaped by individual experiences, cultural influences, and their personal relationships. While some Tieflings may embrace their infernal heritage with confidence, others may grapple with questions of identity and acceptance. They can be altruistic, ambitious, cunning, or compassionate, and their behaviors toward members of their species, predators, and predated species vary widely, reflecting their individual personalities and beliefs.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tieflings generally adopt social structures similar to those of humans in the regions where they reside. They form diverse communities within cities and may organize themselves based on shared interests or goals. Some Tieflings are known to establish close-knit communities dedicated to the worship of their Abaddon patrons.

Facial characteristics

Tieflings are known for their distinct facial features, which include horns, sharp teeth, and fiendish eyes. These characteristics vary among individuals, with horn shapes and sizes being particularly diverse. Tieflings may also have fiendish tattoos or markings on their skin, further enhancing their unique appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tieflings are found throughout Aetheria, but their population is not evenly distributed. They tend to dwell in cosmopolitan cities and regions where diverse races coexist, making them more common in urban environments. Tieflings have adapted well to a variety of climates and geographic regions, but their populations are typically concentrated in areas with cultural diversity.

Average Intelligence

Tieflings, like humans, display a wide range of intelligence levels. Their average intelligence is similar to that of humans, reflecting their common ancestry and adaptability. Their propensity for magic often leads to a higher degree of magical intelligence among Tieflings.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tieflings have standard humanoid senses, including hearing, sight, and touch. However, their infernal heritage grants some Tieflings innate magical abilities, which can include limited extrasensory capabilities related to magic or the supernatural, such as detecting magical auras.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tieflings in Aetheria have distinctive naming traditions that reflect their infernal heritage and the influence of the Abbadon entities. These names are often a blend of dark and exotic elements, echoing the abyssal or infernal languages spoken by the Abbadon themselves. Tieflings take great care in choosing names that embody their fiendish lineage while also emphasizing their individuality. These names are passed down through generations, linking them to their ancestors who made pacts with the Abbadon.   A common theme in Tiefling names is an ominous and mysterious quality, which stems from their association with powerful and enigmatic beings. Names like "Zalthar," "Lysara," "Voraxus," "Nephralis," "Zarion," and "Ilyndra," which are inspired by the Abbadon entities themselves, serve as prime examples. These names often resonate with dark and otherworldly sounds, creating an aura of intrigue and foreboding.   While some Tieflings proudly embrace these names, others may seek to distance themselves from their infernal heritage, opting for names that sound more conventional to avoid discrimination or prejudice. These individuals might choose names that allow them to blend in with other races, concealing their true lineage.   Tieflings also incorporate their unique names into various aspects of their lives. They may inscribe them onto items of significance, such as weapons, jewelry, or arcane tomes, as a way to invoke the power and connection they have with the Abbadon. These inscriptions often serve as symbols of their allegiance and as a means of invoking their supernatural abilities.   In addition to personal names, Tiefling communities may have collective or symbolic names for their enclaves and societies. These names typically reflect the collective identity and shared history of the community, paying homage to the Abbadon entities or acknowledging their unique place in Aetheria.

Major Organizations

Tieflings in Aetheria are known for their unique and complex relationships with the Abbadon entities, and these connections often give rise to major organizations, both overt and covert, that play significant roles in the world's politics, religion, and hidden agendas.  
  • The Infernal Council: The most prominent political organization among Tieflings in Aetheria is the Infernal Council. This council consists of powerful Tiefling nobility, warlords, and spellcasters who have aligned themselves with specific Abbadon entities, each represented by a council member. The council serves as a centralized governing body for many Tiefling enclaves and communities, wielding political influence and making decisions that affect the fate of their kind. However, it is often divided by internal power struggles and rivalries among those loyal to different Abbadon entities.
  • The Shadowscale Syndicate: This secretive and illegal network of Tieflings specializes in espionage, thievery, and assassination. They take their name from Lysara, the Temptress of Shadows, and revere her as their patron. The Shadowscale Syndicate operates in the shadows of Aetheria's major cities, conducting covert missions, gathering intelligence, and manipulating events to further their own interests. Tiefling rogues and assassins are often members of this organization.
  • The Abyssal Seekers: Tieflings who seek to embrace their demonic lineage and explore the chaotic Abyss form the Abyssal Seekers. These adventurous and often reckless individuals venture into the dangerous planes beyond Aetheria, battling demons and collecting rare artifacts. They are seen as both courageous and foolhardy, and their actions can have far-reaching consequences for the world.
  • The Cult of Nephralis: Nephralis, the Whisperer in the Abyss, is revered by a clandestine cult of Tieflings who are obsessed with forbidden knowledge and dark secrets. This cult operates hidden libraries and conducts eldritch rituals to uncover ancient truths. Some members become warlocks or necromancers, channeling Nephralis's power to gain insights into the mysteries of the multiverse.
  • The Conquest of Zarion: Tieflings who pledge allegiance to Zarion, the Bringer of Infernal Hordes, are part of the Conquest of Zarion, an organization dedicated to expanding Tiefling influence through conquest and subjugation. They lead armies of demons into battle, seeking to dominate regions and impose their rule. While some see them as conquerors, others view them as tyrants.
  • The Celestial Envoys: In contrast to the darker aspects of Tiefling culture, there exists a group known as the Celestial Envoys. These Tieflings revere Ilyndra, the Seducer of Stars, and are dedicated to promoting peace, diplomacy, and celestial harmony in Aetheria. They often serve as diplomats, ambassadors, and intermediaries between different races and factions.
  • The Exiled Bloodlines: Some Tieflings are born with particularly potent infernal bloodlines, often regarded as cursed or dangerous. These individuals may form hidden organizations or alliances, known as the Exiled Bloodlines, where they share their unique abilities and support one another in a world that fears and misunderstands them.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals among Tieflings in Aetheria are a complex blend of their infernal lineage, personal preferences, and the influence of the Abbadon entities they revere. These ideals often result in striking and unique appearances that challenge conventional notions of beauty.   Tieflings draw inspiration from their Abbadon patrons, and their perception of beauty is closely tied to the characteristics associated with each entity. For example, those who revere Zalthar, the Infernal Forger, often consider the molten and metallic aspects of his appearance to be beautiful. Tieflings aspiring to these ideals may incorporate metallic jewelry or accessories into their attire, and some may even undergo magical enhancements to emulate Zalthar's fiery eyes and twisted horns.   On the other hand, Tieflings who revere Lysara, the Temptress of Shadows, value seductive and enigmatic beauty. Midnight-black skin, beguiling auras, and raven-like wings are considered alluring traits. Makeup, illusion magic, and shadowy attire are commonly used to enhance these features, and many Tieflings devote time to perfecting their enchanting presence.   Voraxus, the Abyssal Stormlord, inspires beauty ideals that embrace the untamed forces of nature. Storm-gray skin and jagged lightning bolt horns are admired, and Tieflings who seek to embody this ideal may incorporate elements of weather-themed fashion into their style, such as cloaks resembling thunderclouds or accessories that crackle with electrical energy.   Nephralis, the Whisperer in the Abyss, represents a more ethereal and esoteric form of beauty. Pale, ashen skin and eyes gleaming with eldritch knowledge are revered traits. Tieflings who aspire to this ideal may adorn themselves with ancient symbols, wear flowing robes, and engage in rituals to enhance their otherworldly aura.   Zarion, the Bringer of Infernal Hordes, embodies a commanding and powerful form of beauty. Obsidian skin and a commanding presence are seen as attractive qualities. Tieflings who wish to emulate this ideal often dress in regal attire, donning crowns or symbols of authority to project their commanding presence.   Ilyndra, the Seducer of Stars, represents celestial beauty. Silvery skin, celestial radiance, and ethereal wings are admired traits. Tieflings who strive for this ideal often adopt clothing and accessories that shimmer with celestial motifs, and they may seek to mimic the grace and luminosity of celestial beings.

Gender Ideals

Gender ideals among Tieflings in Aetheria are influenced by the multifaceted nature of their society and the diverse beauty standards associated with their Abbadon patrons. Tieflings embrace a culture that values individuality, self-expression, and personal empowerment, allowing individuals to define their gender ideals on their terms.   Tieflings recognize and celebrate a spectrum of gender identities, and they do not adhere to strict binary concepts. The Abbadon patrons they revere emphasize unique qualities, both masculine and feminine, which are often interwoven in the ideals they admire. As such, Tieflings may choose to embody various aspects of these ideals regardless of their assigned gender at birth.   For example, Tieflings who revere Zalthar, the Infernal Forger, appreciate strength, resilience, and creativity. These qualities are not confined to a specific gender, and Tieflings of any gender identity may seek to embody them. Some Tieflings may embrace both traditionally masculine and traditionally feminine traits, combining the fiery determination of Zalthar with other qualities that resonate with them personally.   Lysara, the Temptress of Shadows, represents seduction and allure, but these ideals transcend gender boundaries. Tieflings who admire Lysara may explore their sensuality and charisma, regardless of gender. The androgynous and enigmatic nature of Lysara's beauty ideals allows for a broad spectrum of gender expressions and fluidity.   Voraxus, the Abyssal Stormlord, embodies the untamed forces of nature, which do not adhere to human gender norms. Those who aspire to Voraxus' beauty ideals may embrace the primal and wild aspects of their personalities, irrespective of their gender identity.   Nephralis, the Whisperer in the Abyss, represents esoteric and mysterious beauty ideals that are not constrained by traditional gender roles. Tieflings who revere Nephralis may explore unconventional and enigmatic aspects of their identities.   Zarion, the Bringer of Infernal Hordes, symbolizes commanding presence and authority, qualities that can be embodied by individuals of any gender. Tieflings who admire Zarion's ideals may seek positions of leadership and power, embracing their inner strength and assertiveness.   Ilyndra, the Seducer of Stars, represents celestial beauty, which transcends human concepts of gender. Tieflings who aspire to this ideal may embody grace, luminosity, and an ethereal presence, qualities that are not tied to a specific gender.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship ideals among Tieflings in Aetheria are as diverse and multifaceted as their beauty and gender ideals. Tiefling society places a strong emphasis on personal choice, individuality, and the pursuit of genuine connections. Courtship is viewed as a process of mutual exploration, and individuals are encouraged to seek partners who resonate with their own values, interests, and ideals.   One aspect of Tiefling courtship ideals is the celebration of uniqueness. Tieflings value partners who appreciate their individuality and do not conform to traditional expectations. The diversity of beauty and gender ideals represented by the Abbadon patrons has led to a culture where unconventional expressions of affection and attraction are not only accepted but celebrated. Partners often encourage each other to explore and embrace different aspects of their personalities and identities.   Communication is highly prized in Tiefling courtship. Open and honest conversations about desires, boundaries, and expectations are seen as essential in building strong relationships. Tieflings place a premium on consent and respect for each other's autonomy, which are deeply ingrained in their culture. Courtship often involves ongoing discussions to ensure that both partners are comfortable and satisfied in the relationship.   The influence of the Abbadon patrons also plays a role in courtship. For example, those who revere Zalthar, the Infernal Forger, may engage in collaborative creative projects as a form of courtship, using their shared creativity to bond and express affection. Similarly, those who admire Lysara, the Temptress of Shadows, may engage in playful and flirtatious interactions that emphasize the seductive and alluring aspects of their relationship.   Tieflings also acknowledge that love and attraction can be fluid and ever-evolving. It is not uncommon for Tieflings to have multiple partners or to engage in non-monogamous relationships. The key in Tiefling courtship is transparency, ensuring that all parties involved are aware of and comfortable with the dynamics of the relationship.

Relationship Ideals

Tiefling relationship ideals in Aetheria are deeply rooted in their unique cultural values, which emphasize individuality, personal choice, and the celebration of diversity. These ideals are influenced by their connection to the enigmatic Abbadon patrons and their multifaceted approach to beauty, gender, and courtship. As a result, Tieflings approach relationships with a sense of openness, fluidity, and respect for the autonomy of all parties involved.   One prominent aspect of Tiefling relationship ideals is the recognition of the fluidity of love and attraction. Tieflings understand that emotions can evolve and change over time, and they embrace the idea that one can be attracted to individuals of various genders and backgrounds. As such, their relationships often reflect this fluidity, with some Tieflings engaging in polyamorous or non-monogamous partnerships, as long as all parties involved consent and are comfortable with the arrangement.   Communication is considered paramount in Tiefling relationships. Open and honest conversations about desires, boundaries, and expectations are not only encouraged but expected. This emphasis on communication helps build trust and ensures that all partners are on the same page, leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Consent is also a cornerstone of Tiefling relationships, and any actions taken in the context of a relationship must be consensual and respectful.   Tieflings value the celebration of individuality in their partners. They admire and appreciate each other's unique qualities, talents, and interests. This cultural aspect is strongly influenced by the Abbadon patrons, who embody diverse ideals of beauty and attraction. Partners encourage each other to explore and embrace different facets of their personalities and identities, fostering a deep sense of acceptance and support within relationships.   The concept of partnership is highly flexible among Tieflings. Some may choose lifelong commitments, while others may engage in shorter-term or more casual relationships. The key is that the individuals involved in the relationship have the agency to define its nature according to their needs and desires. Tieflings also understand that relationships can end for various reasons, and they approach breakups with empathy and respect for each other's feelings.

Common Etiquette Rules

Tiefling etiquette in Aetheria is a reflection of their values rooted in individuality, communication, and respect for diversity. While the specifics can vary among different Tiefling communities and regions, there are some common principles that guide their interactions and behavior.   First and foremost, open and honest communication is a cornerstone of Tiefling etiquette. They value the ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and desires openly, and they expect the same from others. This extends to both personal and formal settings, emphasizing the importance of clarity in all interactions.   Respect for personal boundaries is another crucial aspect of Tiefling etiquette. They understand that every individual has their own comfort zones, and it's considered impolite to intrude upon these boundaries without consent. This respect for boundaries is particularly evident in their approach to relationships and courtship, where consent and mutual agreement are paramount.   Tieflings also appreciate the celebration of diversity and individuality in their social interactions. They encourage others to express themselves freely, embracing different cultural backgrounds, appearances, and lifestyles. Discrimination or judgment based on appearance, gender, or other personal characteristics is highly frowned upon and considered impolite.   Hospitality plays a role in Tiefling etiquette as well. When hosting guests, they often go out of their way to make them feel welcome and comfortable. Sharing food, stories, and experiences is a common way of forging connections, and guests are encouraged to reciprocate the kindness when they have the opportunity.   In formal settings, Tieflings tend to avoid rigid hierarchical structures. They prefer collaborative decision-making and consensus-building, valuing the input of all participants equally. This approach fosters a sense of inclusivity and mutual respect.

Common Dress Code

Tiefling fashion in Aetheria is a vibrant tapestry of individual expression, reflecting their celebration of diversity and unique beauty ideals. There is no one-size-fits-all dress code among Tieflings, but some common themes and elements can be observed in their clothing choices.   Tieflings often favor clothing that allows for comfort and ease of movement, emphasizing practicality alongside aesthetics. Fabrics vary widely, ranging from luxurious silks to durable leathers, depending on personal preferences and the occasion. Clothing is typically adorned with intricate details, such as embroidery, beadwork, or fine jewelry, to showcase their appreciation for artistry and craftsmanship.   Colors are a significant aspect of Tiefling fashion, and they often embrace a wide spectrum. Deep, rich hues like burgundy, sapphire, and emerald are popular choices, echoing the vivid colors found in their infernal heritage. However, some Tieflings may opt for stark contrasts or muted tones, reflecting their personal style.   Horns, tails, and other unique physical features are incorporated into their clothing designs rather than hidden or concealed. Many Tieflings choose outfits that accentuate these features, such as headpieces that complement their horns or garments that allow their tails to move freely. This choice not only showcases their individuality but also challenges societal norms that may view these features negatively.   In formal or ceremonial settings, Tieflings may wear attire that pays homage to their Abbadon patrons or represents their connection to the celestial and infernal realms. These garments often feature intricate symbols or motifs associated with their chosen patron.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Tiefling culture in Aetheria is a rich tapestry woven from their infernal heritage, their unique relationships with Abbadon patrons, and their shared values of individuality, diversity, and resilience. This culture is a testament to their ability to thrive in a world that often misunderstands and marginalizes them.   At its core, Tiefling culture places immense importance on individuality. Tieflings are encouraged to embrace and celebrate their unique qualities, whether physical, magical, or personal. This emphasis on individuality extends to their arts, fashion, and even their naming traditions, where creative and distinct choices are celebrated. They believe that every Tiefling is a masterpiece in their own right, and this belief informs their cultural practices.   Tieflings also have a deep appreciation for diversity, both within their own community and beyond. They welcome people of different backgrounds and races, believing that diversity strengthens their society. This openness is not just a cultural practice but a reflection of their own diverse heritage, as Tieflings can trace their lineage to various fiendish entities, including devils, demons, and yugoloths. This diversity is celebrated during festivals and gatherings, where different aspects of their infernal lineage are highlighted.   The bonds Tieflings share with their Abbadon patrons play a significant role in their culture. These relationships are often deeply personal and can influence a Tiefling's values and life path. Tieflings revere and honor their patrons through rituals, art, and offerings, with each Abbadon patron having their own ceremonies and symbols. These connections serve as a source of guidance and inspiration, strengthening the ties that bind the community together.   In terms of art and creativity, Tieflings are known for their expressive and diverse forms of artistic expression. Their art often incorporates themes of duality, with many pieces exploring the interplay between light and darkness, celestial and infernal, and the individual and the collective. Tiefling artists are renowned for their ability to capture the complexities of their culture through mediums such as painting, sculpture, music, and dance.   Tieflings are also committed to preserving their cultural heritage and history. Some families act as lorekeepers, passing down knowledge of their ancestry, the Blood War, and ancient rituals from generation to generation. This commitment to their heritage ensures that their culture remains vibrant and relevant in Aetheria.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Tieflings in Aetheria uphold a plethora of customs and traditions that reflect their unique cultural heritage and values. These customs have evolved over generations and play a significant role in shaping their society and individual lives.
  • Festival of Infernal Revelry: The Festival of Infernal Revelry is one of the most anticipated events in the Tiefling calendar. It is a grand celebration that lasts for several days, during which Tieflings and their friends from various races come together to revel in their individuality and diversity. The festival includes vibrant parades, music performances, art exhibitions, and culinary delights. It serves as a time for Tieflings to proudly showcase their infernal traits and cultural expressions, reinforcing their sense of unity and acceptance.
  • Naming Ceremonies: Tiefling naming traditions are elaborate and significant. When a Tiefling child is born, a naming ceremony is held where family and friends gather to bestow a name upon the newborn. These names often incorporate elements from abyssal or infernal languages and are carefully chosen to reflect the child's unique qualities or future aspirations. It is considered a great honor to be asked to participate in the naming ceremony.
  • Abbadon Patron Reverence: Tieflings hold deep respect and reverence for their Abbadon patrons. Regular rituals and ceremonies are conducted to honor these powerful beings. Offerings of crafted items, symbolic artifacts, and even performances are presented as a sign of devotion. Each patron has a specific day of the year dedicated to their celebration, and these days are marked by communal gatherings and shared stories of the Abbadons' influence.
  • Artisan Guilds: Tiefling communities often establish artisan guilds dedicated to the creation of unique and intricate works of art. These guilds provide a platform for talented Tiefling artists, craftsmen, and musicians to showcase their skills. Guild members take great pride in their creations, and their pieces often carry deep symbolic meaning, reflecting themes of duality, beauty, and the infernal.
  • Bloodline Reunions: Tieflings place importance on understanding their infernal lineage. Periodic bloodline reunions are held, where Tieflings with similar fiendish ancestry come together to share stories, knowledge, and experiences. These reunions serve both as a means of preserving their cultural heritage and as opportunities to form strong connections with those who share a common bloodline.
  • Tattoo Traditions: Some Tieflings, particularly those with demon blood, practice tattoo traditions that involve intricate and magical tattoos. These tattoos are seen as symbols of power and prestige and are often earned through significant achievements or rites of passage. They are imbued with infernal energy and can grant the wearer unique abilities.
  • Charitable Endeavors: Tiefling communities are known for their commitment to helping those in need, both within their own communities and in the wider world. They organize charity events, provide support to marginalized individuals, and contribute to causes that align with their values of acceptance and diversity. These charitable endeavors are seen as a way of counteracting negative stereotypes about Tieflings and fostering goodwill.
  • Embrace of the Unconventional: Tieflings are renowned for their open-mindedness and willingness to embrace the unconventional. They often challenge societal norms and push boundaries when it comes to art, fashion, and personal expression. This embrace of the unconventional is not only a cultural practice but also a way of asserting their individuality.

Common Taboos

Tieflings in Aetheria, with their rich cultural heritage and distinctive customs, have developed certain taboos and social norms that are considered sacred within their communities. These taboos often reflect their values, history, and the enduring influence of their Abbadon patrons. Violating these taboos can lead to social ostracization and, in some cases, severe consequences.
  • Disrespecting Abbadon Patrons: The most significant taboo among Tieflings is showing disrespect or disdain toward the Abbadon patrons. As the progenitors of their kind and the source of their infernal heritage, the patrons are held in the highest regard. Speaking ill of them, doubting their significance, or failing to honor their respective days of celebration is considered a grave offense. Such actions can lead to isolation from the community and even exclusion from Tiefling festivals and gatherings.
  • Revealing Infernal Powers Inappropriately: While Tieflings take pride in their infernal heritage, there is a strict code of conduct regarding when and how they reveal their infernal powers. It is considered taboo to use their supernatural abilities to harm or intimidate others, especially members of other races. Doing so can reinforce negative stereotypes about Tieflings and disrupt inter-racial relationships. Thus, many Tieflings exercise great restraint when it comes to displaying their powers in public.
  • Defacing Artistic Creations: Tiefling artisans invest considerable time and effort into creating intricate works of art that reflect their culture and values. It is considered taboo to deface or damage these creations intentionally. Such actions are seen as a direct attack on the cultural identity of the Tiefling community. Those who engage in such behavior can face both social repercussions and legal consequences.
  • Betraying Infernal Lineage: Tieflings hold their infernal lineage in high regard. To betray or disown one's lineage is viewed as a profound betrayal of both family and community. It is considered taboo to renounce one's Abbadon patron or to attempt to conceal one's infernal traits. Such actions can result in exclusion from bloodline reunions and a loss of social standing.
  • Disregarding Charitable Endeavors: Tieflings are committed to helping those in need, and they highly value charitable endeavors. Failing to contribute to community efforts or intentionally obstructing charitable causes is a significant taboo. Such behavior is seen as a breach of their cultural values of acceptance and unity. Tieflings who violate this taboo may find themselves isolated from their community and shunned by fellow Tieflings.
  • Cultural Appropriation: Tieflings take great pride in their unique cultural expressions, including their distinctive clothing, art, and traditions. Cultural appropriation, or the disrespectful adoption of Tiefling customs by members of other races, is considered taboo. Tieflings are sensitive to the potential exploitation of their culture and are quick to denounce those who do so. To intentionally appropriate Tiefling culture can lead to ostracization and accusations of disrespect.
  • Revealing Personal Names: Tieflings often go by nicknames or titles in public, reserving their full, infernally inspired names for more private and intimate settings. Revealing one's full name to outsiders is considered a deep act of trust, and betraying this trust is a severe taboo. It can lead to damaged relationships and a breach of personal boundaries.


The history of Tieflings in Aetheria is shrouded in darkness, mirroring their connection to the enigmatic Abbadon entities. Their origin can be traced back to a time when powerful individuals, driven by ambition, desperation, or a thirst for forbidden knowledge, made pacts, curses, or dark bargains with the Abbadon. These compacts with ancient and formidable spirits, such as Zalthar, Lysara, Voraxus, Nephralis, Zarion, and Ilyndra, irrevocably altered the course of their bloodlines.   Tieflings are believed to be descendants of those who struck these fateful deals, resulting in the infusion of Abyssal power into their lineage. These bargains, often made in moments of dire need or intense desire, left indelible marks on the souls of their ancestors. It's said that the Abbadon granted these individuals unique and supernatural abilities, and as a consequence, Tieflings possess innate powers that set them apart from other beings in Aetheria.   Throughout history, Tieflings have often faced persecution and mistrust due to their Abyssal appearance and the dark legends surrounding their origins. Many societies deemed them as cursed or dangerous, causing Tieflings to live on the fringes of civilization, where they formed their own enclaves and communities. These hidden settlements became places of solace and understanding, where Tieflings could share their unique experiences and protect their secrets.   Over time, some Tieflings sought to embrace their Abyssal heritage and establish their place in the world. They ventured into various professions and roles, using their innate powers to their advantage. Some became renowned adventurers, drawn by the call of the Abbadon, while others sought to uncover the hidden truths about their lineage and the Abbadon entities.   The complex history of Tieflings in Aetheria is marked by their struggle for acceptance and understanding, their connection to the ever-mysterious Abbadon, and their role as enigmatic beings living in a world that both fears and misunderstands them. Their story continues to unfold as they navigate the intricate web of their heritage, society's prejudices, and their own desires and ambitions, all while serving the cryptic Abbadon entities who granted them their powers.

Historical Figures

Throughout the annals of history in Aetheria, several prominent figures have emerged among the Tiefling people, leaving an indelible mark on their culture and shaping the destiny of their infernal bloodlines. These figures, while not Abbadon patrons, are celebrated for their extraordinary deeds and their impact on Tiefling society.  
  • Lord Arthax Infernus: Lord Arthax Infernus was a visionary leader during the tumultuous period known as the "Infernal Unification." Inspired by the teachings of Abaddon Zarion, he united the disparate Tiefling clans into a powerful alliance. His leadership led to the establishment of the infernal city-state of Gehennara, a bastion of Tiefling culture and power that persists to this day.
  • Duchess Selvira Nightshade: Duchess Selvira Nightshade, of the bloodline of Lysara, was a masterful spymaster and a key figure in the espionage war against celestial adversaries. Her covert operations and cunning strategies played a pivotal role in protecting the secrets and interests of the Tieflings.
  • Baron Drakar Stormrider: Baron Drakar Stormrider was a prodigious storm mage hailing from the bloodline of Voraxus. He commanded the fury of tempests and was instrumental in safeguarding the stormy realm of Aetheria from elemental disruptions. His mastery over weather control earned him the moniker "Stormlord."
  • Empress Ilyndra Celestiala: Empress Ilyndra Celestiala, a celestial diplomat from the bloodline of Ilyndra, was renowned for her celestial diplomacy skills. She brokered peace and alliances between the Tieflings and various celestial races, fostering cooperation amidst long-standing enmities.
  • Archmage Nephralis Obscura: Archmage Nephralis Obscura was a profound scholar, necromancer, and warlock whose thirst for forbidden knowledge knew no bounds. His arcane discoveries and eldritch insights became the foundation of the forbidden tomes revered by Tiefling scholars to this day.
  • Marshal Zarian Infernogarde: Marshal Zarian Infernogarde, a formidable general of the bloodline of Zarion, was instrumental in leading Tiefling legions during critical battles. His tactical genius in the Infernal Wars earned him the title "Bringer of Conquest" as he expanded Tiefling territories.
  • Lady Thalassa Infernova: Lady Thalassa Infernova, a gifted celestial diplomat from the bloodline of Ilyndra, was known for her efforts to bridge the divide between the Tieflings and the celestial realms. Her dedication to cosmic harmony resulted in the creation of celestial constellations that still light up the night sky.
  • Chancellor Malek Duskmantle: Chancellor Malek Duskmantle, an adept tiefling sorcerer, was a prominent figure in the realm of arcane magic. His discovery of the "Infernal Grimoire," a powerful spellbook that drew upon the essence of Abbadon, became a pivotal source of mystical power for Tiefling spellcasters.
  • Dame Seraphina Hellsong: Dame Seraphina Hellsong, a knight of the bloodline of Zalthar, was a relentless crusader against celestial forces who sought to undermine Tiefling interests. Her martial prowess and unwavering dedication to her people made her a symbol of Tiefling resilience.
  • Viscount Ignatius Pyrestorm: Viscount Ignatius Pyrestorm, a tiefling blacksmith and artificer descended from Zalthar's bloodline, was celebrated for crafting legendary infernal artifacts. His creations, imbued with the essence of Abaddon, remain coveted by Tiefling artificers and weapon-smiths.

Common Myths and Legends

In the rich tapestry of Aetherian culture, the Tieflings stand as a remarkable and enigmatic thread, woven with myths and legends that have endured through the ages. These stories, passed down through generations, serve not only as sources of entertainment but also as valuable lessons, encapsulating the essence of Tiefling identity, heritage, and values.   The Founding of the Bloodlines: One of the most revered myths among the Tieflings is the tale of the founding of their six infernal bloodlines, each linked to an Abbadon patron. Legend has it that eons ago, during a time shrouded in the mists of history, the world of Aetheria was in turmoil. It was a time of darkness, both literal and metaphorical, as chaos reigned supreme. It was during this tumultuous era that the Abbadons, powerful spirits residing beneath the stormy abyss, emerged as the guiding lights of the Tiefling people. They granted their chosen followers unique gifts and blessings, and from these unions, the six infernal bloodlines were born.   The Binding of the Infernal Pact: Another enduring myth among the Tieflings is the story of the Binding of the Infernal Pact. It tells of a time when a courageous and charismatic Tiefling, bearing the bloodline of Abaddon Zarion, rose to prominence. This hero forged a pact with Zarion himself, pledging loyalty and servitude in exchange for unparalleled power. This act of devotion and the infernal pact forged became the archetype of unwavering loyalty to one's infernal heritage and patron. The myth teaches that the bond between Tieflings and their Abbadon patrons is sacred, unbreakable, and should be upheld at all costs.   The Forbidden Tome of Nephralis: Nephralis, the Whisperer in the Abyss, is a figure shrouded in mystery and forbidden knowledge. Legend has it that Nephralis unearthed the hidden secrets of the cosmos and inscribed them in a tome so eldritch that it could drive mortal minds to madness. This myth serves as a cautionary tale, a warning against the unquenchable thirst for knowledge that could lead one down the path of darkness. It emphasizes the allure and dangers of forbidden lore and the fine line Tieflings tread in their pursuit of understanding.   The Eternal Struggle - Tieflings and the Blood War: Central to Tiefling culture is the concept of the Blood War, an eternal conflict between demons and devils in the outer planes. Tieflings, believed to be descendants of both sides of this cosmic struggle, are seen as a living reminder of the ongoing battle. Many Tiefling myths and legends revolve around individuals who have striven to find their place in this cosmic struggle, either by aiding one side or seeking to bring balance and harmony to the multiverse. These tales inspire Tieflings to navigate their inner demons and external challenges while contributing to the greater multiversal tapestry.   The Tale of the Fiery Phoenix: A captivating legend among Tieflings is that of the Fiery Phoenix, a mythical creature said to embody the indomitable spirit of their kind. It is said that this majestic bird can rise from its own ashes, symbolizing resilience and rebirth. Tieflings tell stories of individuals who have faced overwhelming odds, only to emerge stronger and more resolute, much like the Fiery Phoenix. This legend serves as a wellspring of hope and motivation for Tieflings, reminding them of their innate strength and capacity for transformation.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Interspecies relations in Aetheria, particularly involving Tieflings, are complex and multifaceted due to their infernal heritage and the diverse nature of the world they inhabit. These relations are influenced by historical events, prejudices, and the roles each race plays in Aetheria's intricate tapestry.   Tieflings and Humans: Tieflings share a unique bond with humans, often stemming from their common ancestry. Many Tieflings are descendants of humans who made pacts with infernal or demonic entities. This connection has led to a level of empathy and understanding between the two races. However, it has also caused friction, as some humans fear Tieflings' fiendish traits and view them as a constant reminder of past dark deeds. Nonetheless, numerous Tieflings live among human populations, working as artisans, scholars, or adventurers, and they are driven to prove their worth and loyalty to human societies.   Tieflings and Celestials: Tieflings' relationships with celestial beings are marked by historical conflicts, as they often serve as a foil to celestial races such as angels and aasimar. Despite this, there have been instances of cooperation, particularly between Tieflings with celestial bloodlines and celestial diplomats. These interactions aim to bridge the gap and establish peaceful coexistence. Empress Ilyndra Celestiala, a notable Tiefling figure, played a crucial role in fostering understanding between her kind and celestial races, advocating for diplomacy over conflict.   Tieflings and Other Races: Interspecies relations extend beyond humans and celestials. Tieflings interact with a variety of races in Aetheria, each interaction shaped by their unique abilities and roles in the world. Their alliance with elemental beings is essential for maintaining the balance of natural forces, while their knowledge-sharing agreements with secretive races like the elves ensure the preservation of ancient lore.   Tieflings and Abaddon Patrons: The relationship between Tieflings and their Abaddon patrons is one of reverence and servitude. Tieflings honor and seek favor from the six progenitor Abbadon, offering them sacrifices, rituals, and exquisitely crafted items in return for infernal gifts and blessings. These patrons play a pivotal role in shaping Tiefling culture and defining their powers. However, there is also an underlying tension, as Tieflings must balance their loyalty to their patrons with their pursuit of personal goals and ambitions.   Tieflings and Non-Infernal Races: The presence of Tieflings among non-infernal races has led to a diverse array of interactions. Tieflings often serve as bridges between worlds, using their diplomacy skills and adaptability to broker peace and cooperation. They have acted as emissaries and ambassadors, representing their kind in negotiations and discussions with other races. These roles allow them to dispel misunderstandings and foster acceptance while furthering their own goals and cultural exchange.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Tieflings have a slightly shorter lifespan compared to humans, averaging around 70 to 80 years. Their infernal heritage contributes to their relatively shorter life expectancy.
Conservation Status
Tieflings are not under protection as a species. They are sentient beings with their own cultures and societies, and there are no specific measures in place for their survival. Their adaptability and diverse talents enable them to thrive in various environments.
Average Height
Tieflings typically stand between 1.6 and 1.9 meters tall, with some variations among individuals. This height range is comparable to that of humans, reflecting their shared ancestry.
Average Weight
Tiefling weight varies widely, but they generally fall within the range of 55 to 90 kilograms. This variation is influenced by factors such as diet, lifestyle, and individual physique.
Average Physique
Tieflings possess a physique similar to humans, with diverse body types ranging from lean to muscular. Their physique is influenced by their individual lifestyles, occupations, and personal preferences. There is no specific tiefling physique that can be attributed to the entire species.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tieflings exhibit a range of skin tones, which can include deep reds, ashy grays, and even jet black. Their skin often has a subtle or distinct hue related to their infernal heritage. Some Tieflings bear tattoos or markings, often in intricate or occult patterns, that reflect their personal history or allegiance to specific Abaddon patrons.