Aetheria The first camp
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The first camp

Construction beginning/end

15/5 14:00

Having journeyed beyond the abandoned encampment, our intrepid wanderers forged a path past a towering Temperate Palm, whose grandeur instilled both awe and reverence. Upward they ventured, drawn by destiny, until they beheld a derelict tower, a vestige of ages past, its visage marked by the relentless caress of time, yet resolute in its purpose to provide refuge from the capricious elements. A nearby well, its waters cool and refreshing, bestowed upon them the gift of sustenance, while edible mushrooms, nature's bounty, graced their path with nourishment for the expedition ahead.   Yet, amid this harmonious coexistence with the wild, a spectacle emerged on the edge of their perception - a colossal snail, its presence commanding caution and respect. Wisely, they elected not to entangle themselves with the formidable creature, knowing the futility of challenging the tranquil majesty of the forest's guardian.