Athena's Revenge Organization in Aetherios | World Anvil

Athena's Revenge

"Whispers speak of her return, that dread crimson ship flying those tattered black sails, the Athena's Revenge"- Inn Keep

The Athena's Revenge is a ship captained by Athena herself. The ship sailed the oceans for many years gaining vast wealth and power until it became one of the most feared ships in the ocean, even by other pirates. Many would attempt to sink the ship but all would fail. It would be the crew of the ship that would be its own downfall. Feeling their captain Athena has become corrupt with power, the first mate staged a mutiny killing her and sinking the ship. However the rage of the betrayed sea captain would be too great and bring her, her loyal crew, and the ship back from the grave. Now they sail as immortal un-killable pirates upon an unsinkable ship. Now they lurk in the shadows, working towards their goal, keeping their existence a secret from most.


Their ultimate goal is to take control of the ocean and enact their revenge. To do this they must slowly build their power in secret and wait for the perfect moment to strike. So in the shadows she seeks to gain allies who will help her seize control of the ocean. The League of Conquerers, Cult of the Kraken, and Scion will make perfect allies for her take over. She also seeks to gain control of the kraken by finding its long lost egg.


They were feared by many but now have fallen into legend after their supposed passing. Now she strikes deals with those she deems useful to her cause trying to keep very little enemies until the time comes to enact their revenge.

Figures of Interest

Athena, The Seas Bane

Chaotic Neutral, Female Human
Athena at one point was the most feared pirate to roam the seas, even being nick named "The Pirate Queen" as her presence over shadowed that of the late Pirate King Captain Rumjoy. Because of the power she held non could oppose her and she even started targeting other pirates, however this would be her downfall. Feeling that their captain was becoming corrupt with power the first mate staged a mutiny, killing Athena himself and sinking her ship. However her rage was too great for her to die and soon she rose from the dead as immortal pirates. She looks alive as she once did but her eyes glow with the green energy of the afterlife. Now unkillable by any means, she works from the shadows gaining power in hopes to one day take control of the seas and enact her revenge against those who betrayed her.


Lawful Neutral, Male Human
Geras is the new first mate appointed by Athena after her betrayal. Geras is an extremely loyal member of the crew that will obey Athena to her exact word without question. He is an instrument of her will that extends her reach to the rest of the ocean. He cares not for personal goals and only seeks to fulfill the goals of his captain. A devote follower he is a near emotionless weapon.


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