World Codex

Seelie Courts


The Court of Summer

  Titania, Queen of the Seelie Fae sits on the Shining Throne of Summer and is the queen of the Seelie Courts.  

The Court of Spring

  Awnya, Lady of Spring, daughter of Titania, sits on the Ivy Throne of Spring.  

The Wild Fae of the Seelie Court

  Oberon, King of the Wyldhunt, lord of the Seelie Wild Fae and Consort to Titania

Unseelie Courts


The Court of Winter

  Mab, Queen of the Unseelie Fae sits on the Crystal Throne of Winter and is queen of the Unseelie Courts.  

The Court of Autumn

  Brin, Lady of Autumn, daughter of Mab, sits on the Toadstool Throne of Autumn  

The Wilde Fae of the Unseelie Court

  Morrigan, the Banished the Queen of the River, the banished leader of the Wild Unseelie Fae.