Orcus Anthesterio
Orcus is the creator of Orcs and the tutelary deity of the Aevorean Orcs. Many people who aren't knowledgable regarding religion believe that Orcus is part of Daemonium, since Orcs are a type of demon. However, because Orcus was created as a deity in Aevorea, and is a tutelary deity, he is part of Tutelaris.
Divine Domains
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Orcus' symbol is two bloody spears crossed behind a stylized Orc face. This symbol is carried by his priests, and is used on the Orcs' banners.
Orcus' temples are fortified buildings that typically double as barracks for Orcus' priests and elite soldiers. These are usually situated at the center of Orc camps.
Orcus' avatar is a very large orc, its face resembling the one on his symbol. It wields two perpetually blood-dripping spears, both appearing to be made entirely of bronze.
Tenets of Faith
- Never disobey me.
- Those who reject fighting reject living. Grant them their wish.
- Mercy is weakness.
- If a soldier is made incapable, make them capable again if possible. Wastefulness is foolish.
- Never lie to an Orc. Never be honest with others.
- The more brutal option is always preferable.
- Orcs are superior to all other mortals.
- The apostates in Irkalla are not true Orcs.
- Do not retreat unless ordered to.
- Never kill an orcish child.
- Fight with other Orc tribes, but never destroy them. Your purpose is to make each other stronger.
Divine Goals & Aspirations
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Orcus was a Tartarean mage who created Orcs to serve as expendable soldiers in a rebellion against the Prince of Tartarus. Orcus taught his Orcs to worship him as a god and they did with terrifying fervor. In the beginning, his army was incredibly effective, and he actually seemed to stand a good chance of winning. However, Orcus eventually died in battle, revealing that he wasn't actually a god, and the Orcs were split into two factions: those who were angry at Orcus' deception, and those who still believed in him. The two groups were embroiled in a civil war, and eventually, the believers were driven out of Irkalla and the non-believers joined Tartarean society.
The Orcs who still believed in Orcus, now in Aevorea, worshipped Orcus extremely fervently, and as their population grew, this eventually created a new Orcus, a god born of the Orcs' faith. This new Orcus is a separate entity from the original but is still Orcus. However, his personality and memories are closer to the Orcs' perception of Orcus rather than who he actually was originally.
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