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Barrett Von Sten Lovell II

Lord Barrett Von Sten Lovell

"He rarely smiled. Especially as we got older. Especially after his dad died. I remember I didn't see him for a while when he passed, a few months maybe, and when he came back there was a coldness that wasn't there before. He told me that he had to take on the duties of his father. That he had a responsibility to 'the Matron'. After that, his movements changed. He didn't fight the same, the vigor of Hollowguard changed when they were near him, each hit he'd land felt more forceful, more purposeful than it ever did before. Looking back now, I don't think he was talking about his mother."

Note: Most NPC articles are written from Aezon's perspective and what he knew of them. Articles that are in first person should be considered from Aezon’s Perspective
  Rogue (80%) Paladin (20%)    
Human (see Lovell Family)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, lean, stronger than he looked but by far not as strong as some of the others in the party.

Facial Features

After The Second Raid  he was gifted a scar on his right cheek. Aquiline nose, a short goatee. Strong brows, jaw, shoulder-length hair.

Apparel & Accessories

High neck, thick fabric tops, a lot of the time that was part of his armor, which were usually a light grey or a dusty violet shade. Fairly loose pants tucked into calf-height boots. In the winter, a heavy woolen cloak with a fur collar. It was traditional garb.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I met him the day I met much of what would become Hollowguard and he happened to be the asshole to throw me to the ground away from the blade of the man I had unfortunately crossed with. We butted heads a lot, at first. We were both stubborn, a little hot-headed. But, eventually, we realized that we weren't so different from one another. And we became closer than I could ever have imagined. We did everything together. He’d always have my back, and I’d have his. He had a knack for picking locks, and I had a knack for convincing people not to beat the hell out of us when we were caught stealing their shit. Or, at the very least, scaring them away.   I remember when Barrett first took Lordship over his house. His father was ancient and had been ill for months. We—Hollowguard and the Lovell Family prepared again and again for his death, but he always seemed to recover from the brink... until he didn’t. I didn’t see Barrett a lot during this time, and when I did, he was withdrawn and cold. I saw rage and fear in his eyes, but his expression never changed. He never faltered in carrying himself with grace, dignity, and noble stoicism.   I would always go to him, initiate conversation, check in on him. A lot of the time I got shut out. But I eventually got him to crack, and when I did... I had never seen anyone, especially not he cry like that. He was 16 when he lost his father, and 17 by the time I finally got to really see him again. A boy that young taking over a presumably centuries-long line of work would be put under pressure that I could never imagine.   Barrett eventually leaned into his new position. His mother, Lauralie Lovell, aided him of course. We were still kids, after all. He’d disappear every now and again, probably to take care of the family business. We did what we could to support him and occasionally assisted in whatever tasks he needed to be done.   When The Second Raid  happened, though... In Barrett’s time away from the rest of the group, he had changed a lot more than in just his duties or his demeanor. During the battle, his blade glowed a bright white for just a moment, and he was able to deal devastating blow after devastating blow. Maybe it was the distractions I and Erwan provided allowing him to hit more precisely, though… I could never be sure.   These days I wonder if he had been gifted magic by the Raven Queen like I have.   Returning from our failure, he and I became withdrawn from one another. I had to spend a lot of time healing, my wounds would become re-infected and I would fall ill again. The others had to take their time, too. Eventually, unlike when his father died... he came to me. He was dressed in traditional garb and had his hair tied back into a near ponytail. All he could muster was a weak "sorry." I let him in, and he sat at our kitchen table, put his head in his hands, and sighed.  
"I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. I could've won favor from the wealthy, borrowed a guard. We wouldn't have been so overwhelmed if we had a bit more backup. I was stubborn, too stuck in the mindset that we had to do this alone. I used up my resources and we almost died becau-"   "That wasn't just your choice to make, Barrett." I interrupted, "Besides, I don't think a couple of armed guards would've done much but get in our way. They wouldn't have given a shit about some orphaned kids anyway."   "I could've healed you, but I was selfish."   "I don't care about that. This isn't your fault. We made a bad call, went in unprepared and underestimated what we were up against. You did what you needed to in the moment. If you had healed me instead of yourself there's a good chance that either I or Kaleb would've died. It's fine, we're alive."
  After a brief conversation and a few tense moments of silence and contemplation, he left. And he came back the next day. And then we met with others, one at a time. I think he eventually forgave himself, and things slowly returned to normal, and we were Hollowguard again. Until we weren't.

Gender Identity



I believe he was mostly home schooled.


He's worked for his family "business" and faith his whole life, besides the jobs he took with Hollowguard.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Fastest lock-pick I've ever seen. Sneakiest bastard I've ever met, with blows precise and deadly. Would make bad calls every now and then, and was one of the worst liars I've ever met, though he did get better at it with time and guidance from yours truly.   I think he suffered from severe self-doubt, or maybe he was under so much pressure that he just... couldn't break through it.


Religious Views

He generally kept to himself, though whenever I expressed an interest he'd seem surprised and... a little delighted? He'd teach me a little here and there, but he certainly was no evangelical. His practice was very private, and I hardly saw any despite having been so close to him.

Social Aptitude

Fairly well-spoken, not the most convincing guy in the world but certainly calming to some degree. After he took over his house, he turned into a model nobleman, save for the crime thing that we did.


Baritone, same lightly English accent as his parents and Dr. Fernand Morrin.   Formal when speaking with people he interacted with professionally, fairly quiet when dealing with enemies unless it were to try and intimidate them (Aezon would always have to back him up, though. He's more of the talker), very loud if he needed to be. Casually, around Hollowguard, he'd be more outspoken and relaxed. He didn't swear as much as Aezon or Brendryn, but would still do it.

Wealth & Financial state

Genuinely, the Lovell Family doesn't have much in terms of wealth. As far as I know, at some point they did. But those days were long past and their traditions were dying.
Current Location
Date of Birth
28, 11th Month, 4240
Year of Birth
4240 23 Years old
Circumstances of Death
I didn't want it to happen. I never thought it could. I guess I was quite ignorant. Arrogant, even. Watching cold steal render flesh as fire to cloth... you don't forget those things.
Current Residence
Dark Blue
Near black, wavy texture, shoulder length.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium tan, cool
~200 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Elven, bits of Infernal (learned from Aezon)


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