Anuranth Glades

Located to the south of Krol'Zurahd, the Anuranth Glades are home to the majority of the tribes of the Anura. Anura are most suited to this environment and have thrived there for centuries.


  • Vast Saltwater Swampland
  • Clearing (Glade) in the center of the region is habitable
  • Low canopy of trees jut from the pools of stagnant water
  • Not many crops are able to grow
  • Valuable materials are commonly found in the area unavailable anywhere else

Fauna & Flora

  • Thousands of trees, many rotting
  • Plants range from moss, lichen, fungi, and reeds. Some are helpful, some are extremely dangerous
  • It is rumored some of the plants are large enough to ingest small children
  • The animals that inhabit the area are large, and rarely travel in packs
  • The monsters in the area are some of the most dangerous in all of Afarand

Natural Resources

  • Specialty minerals such as gold, cobalt, platinum
  • Specialty plants used for medicine and poisons
  • Chitin for armorshaping and small tools
  • The strongest tobacco, Jaffray, and Paan in Afarand