

Located to the south of Grim Soren, the lands of Krol'Zurahd are home to the Anura and Half-Orc's. Civilization has not been able to prosper here due to the large hordes of monstrous races like the Orcs, and Lizardfolk that destroy anything that would encroach on what they would claim as their lands.


Krol'Zurahd is primarily a swampy marshland to the south, with a Fjord that parts the Halx Riven to the northeast. Its flora and fauna are exotic, and will only survive in the lands of Krol'Zurahd. Conversely, not much of anything else will grow or prosper here.


The populace of Krol'Zurahd mainly consists of tribes of Anura and Half-Orc's. These tribes spread over the entire region with no large towns to speak of. Most of the populace here only work for their tribes and are of limited skill in labor. One exeption to this are the Human's that maintain Fort Duskguard.


Krol'Zurahd has few exports, but the few resources they do export are vital to many industries, especially reagents for the medicinal disciplines and rare ores and raw materials only the Anura and Half-Orc have the endurance and vitality to retrieve.