
Hailing from the lands of Boldash'Nor alongside their Dwarf brethren, Gnomes are an industrious and curious race. Gnomes constantly strive to explore and understand the world around them. Due to this aptitude Gnomes are commonly found at the forefront of technological and magical research throughout the land. At times this desire for understanding even outweighs that of public safety, and only one race so far has been able to put up with the Gnomes dangerous research, The Dwarves. For thousands of years Gnomes have lived alongside Dwarves even among the highest ranks of the Dûn'Kharak Empire and formerly their many clans. Gnomes share their culture with the Dwarves and tend to prefer the safety and resources within Boldash'Nor City rather than venturing out into other areas. The Gnomes that do leave usually have some form of research, experiment or device they are attempting to accomplish, so meeting a Gnome outside of Boldash'Nor is usually quite an exciting event.
  Gnomes are led by the Dûn'Kharak Empire and share their culture with the Dwarves, often preforming the more nuanced and educated roles within their society.
  A Gnome players place of origin is usually Boldash'Nor, or Grand Soren