Namine Mavadius

Character Details




Divine Doctrine Sorcerer


Lawful Reason

Place of Origin:

Grand Soren


Noble - Position of Privilege

Roleplay Class:

The Ambassador

Personal Details


Namine was born in her parents luxurious manor on Foundation street within the Court District of Grand Soren


Namine has a mother and father named Morreus and Nerali. Morreus is co-founder of the well established and highly famous Sarza & Morreus Wafer Company, selling the widely sought after delicacy throughout all of Afarand's established nations. Nerali is an "accomplished" socialite and homemaker, spending most of her time raising their two children. Nerali utilizes her social connections with many other less prestigious nobles in the Court District to leverage Morreus's sales and subtly influence competitors. Namine's parents have always cared for her deeply, however, this love could sometimes erupt into frustration. Her parents, while good-intentioned, could be very protective of Namine and her secret. Namine has an older brother named Garvus who has been very successful in his ambitions as a policymaker. At a young age Garvus had saved Namine from bullying and persecution many times, leading them to be very close. Over the years however, Namine's studies and Garvus' political endeavors have been driving their relationship to be distant from one another.


Namine's parents always pushed their children to excel in the arts of mercantilism, statecraft, and sciences. Namine spent most of her early childhood learning from her family, but many of the responsibilities were thrust onto their butler and Namine's private tutor, Davrik Fizzlebottom. Throughout Namines childhood, she had a large amount of agency due to her maturity, but her parents commonly got in the way of her more grandiose endeavors. She could routinely be heard giggling down the hallways of the Morreus Manor with Garvus, playing until the sun would go down. When Namine desired privacy, she would tend to the family garden. Namine took a specific interest at an early age in the Soren Institute of Alchemy. Namely, the creation of the newly developed discipline of magic called “Divine Doctrine”. This doctrine sought to utilize the magics of the gods in a scholarly method, rather than ones personal relation and lifetime devotion to only one of the gods. Namine devotes most of her time to her studies, and is relived to have never needed to seek employment thanks to the enthusiastic support of her parents.

Physical Description:

Namine is 5’1”, has dusky gray skin, with a slim build. Her brown horns sweep close to her black hair towards the base of her skull. Her hair flows to rest as chest length. Wears elegant attire that stands out among her companions. She wears modest makeup and a gold necklace adorned with a blue gemstone.

Left Behind:

  • Namine will miss her family who she is very close to, despite their sometimes overbearing nature.
  • Namine will find it challenging to live without familiar high-society customs and manners local to the Court District.
  • Namine will miss her butler, mentor, and tutor Davrik Fizzlebottom.
  • Her favorite drink, the Cocoaccino from a coffee shop she was a regular at and visited on her way home from university each day.
  • The Morreus Manor's garden, where she would go to relieve stress and study for her tests.


Namine does not worship any specific gods, but does wield divine magic. Namine studies the use of Divine Doctrine, a domain of study that seeks to break religious rituals and spells of all the deity's into a rigid technical structure. It would be apt to say that Namine studies religion, rather than worshipping it.



Namine tends to be reserved around most people, especially strangers, as she studies their intentions and devises her response. This focus on people in social situations sometimes leads Namine to be fairly gullible, especially when distracted (or duped) with learning unfamiliar cultures. Due to her sheltered upbringing, Namine can sometimes be very direct in conversation. She enjoys educating others on many aspects of her studies, both Divine Doctrine and her general studies at the Institute of Alchemy. These two traits sometimes lead Namine to overstep boundaries, taking on a scholarly persona when one is clearly not warranted. When she is nervous it is not uncommon to see Namine fidgeting with various trinkets and jewelry she wears. Namine is almost constantly reading books she finds along her travels, and subscribes to a very disciplined morning routine.

Points of Contention:

  • Namine will not be seen in an indecent state under any circumstances. She will do absolutely anything to avoid situations that require it.
  • Namine cannot stand willfully ignorant people.
  • Vehemently holds S&M Wafers as the epitome of all confections
  • Namine takes punctuality very seriously
  • Namine will not tolerate her family being insulted


  • Namine is picky when it comes to accommodations, often spending exuberant amounts of gold for the most luxurious arrangements possbile.
  • Namine is hopeless in the wilderness, having no practical survival skills and despising the rough conditions.
  • Divine Doctrine is not looked upon keenly by many religious individuals, leading to prejudice against her intentions, even if good natured.
  • Namine can't stand to be out of touch with her family for too long. She will often spend great amounts of time or money in order to remain in correspondence.
  • Namine can sometimes speak without a filter, offending those she seeks to help.


  • Namine wishes to discover the answer to her secret.
  • Research the Divine Doctrine to obtain real world knowledge, applications, and experience of the religions and gods she has studied
  • Help her father to spread Wafer sales to Kiojafell. She has possession of the S&M Wafer Company formula, which cannot fall into the wrong hands, hence her fathers trust in this endeavor.
  • Namine wishes to have the same sense of comradery and friendship she reads about in her fantasy novels.

The Story So Far...


  • Upon acceptance into the Soren Institute of Alchemy, Namine was overjoyed. At the age of 12 she was finally going to be able to chase her dreams and make her parents proud. This was a big step for both her, and her family. Namine had always been ignorant of a secret about her that her family had done their best to obfuscate in order for Namine to live a normal life. This secret would be much more at risk of being discovered in the crowded environment of the Institute. With hesitancy, her parents put her brother in charge of helping to retain this secret. Namine's parents were able to influence the dean and his instructors to allow for certain accommodations to be met in order to continue to obfuscate the truth. While this worked well, complacency eventually won the day. Namine had always idolized the heroes she read about in the fantasy novels and fairy tales she would always read in her spare time. She had a latent sense of adventure that had not been met cooped up in her parents manor. One school day, her peers convinced her to attend a voluntary class on fencing. Her brother had been taking an exam at this time, and Namine unable to seek approval from her brother was persuaded by her friends to attend without asking permission. Namine was ecstatic, dreaming about how she would be a swashbuckling pirate on a grand adventure around the "The Seven". This dream came crashing down when the class were told to change into fencing attire. Namine disrobed in one of the small armories with her peers, but something led to alarm among the students. The students saw something about Namine that was extraordinarily strange. Namines immediate reaction was confusion, then fear, then panic. As her peers gawked and gossiped, Namine began to cry attracting the attention of her instructor. The instructor was deeply offput by the display he saw, it was truly something he had never seen or thought possible. His immediate plan was to question and examine Namine with his fellow instructors in order to glean any information about this foreign circumstance, but his better judgement led him to dismiss the students and speak with Namine alone first. Through her tears, Namine cried out for Garvus. Her instructor complied, summoning Garvus from an ongoing exam. Before Garvus arrived he already knew what had transpired. When he entered the room he immediately confronted the instructor. Garvus rebutted the instructors questions. He clearly knew this instructor wished to expose this secret for the advancement of science, but Garvus did not allow this to happen. Through shrewd politics and cunning manipulation using his families name and status, he effectively silenced the instructor. Garvus began to explain the practical joke Namine and he had played on them swearing them to secrecy about the event with lifetime supplies of his fathers Wafers, confident these young students would likely forget about the event within weeks. With the ordeal over Namine was deeply disturbed by her newfound curiosity that differentiated herself from her peers, but at the very least her secret was safe.
  • As Namine grew older, she grew in both confidence and ability. She was regularly recognized as one of the most gifted students at the Soren Institute of Alchemy, specifically in the discipline of Divine Doctrine. Namine had still not mastered Divine Doctrine but sought to. One breakthrough she achieved during her studies was the creation of her divine focus. Divine Doctrine requires the use of much more intricate divine focus' than their religious counterparts. Religious focus' naturally channeled the deep connection or relationship with a cleric or druids gods with no resistance, whereas Divine Doctrine focus' required a deep understanding of how these magics are manipulated. Most Divine Doctrine researchers and practicers would utilize runed plates attuned in specific ways the different gods built into a cumbersome codex or portable repository. These plates were very powerful, but were much more suited to use as tools for specific circumstances. With the help of the Institute's artificer students, she was able to devise a more effective tool suited for her desire to wield these spells on her future dreams of adventure. She called this device her "Attunement Disk". This buckler sized device was very simple in construction, but incredibly effective in practice. By using this device Namine was able to quickly combine and channel the different divine energies with the adjustment of runed dials and tablets. This allowed Namine to trade potency for versatility and mobility, rather than focusing on specific spells to be used as individual tools.
  • Namine continued to excel in her studies, impressing both her parents and instructors. She now commanded a well versed fundamental knowledge of Divine Doctrine. Namine had originally intended to continue on to graduate school to continue her understanding of the discipline. Her parents encouraged this, but Namine always had the dreams of adventure in the back of her mind. Namine had began to see the people of Grand Soren suffer, both commoner and noble. Problems in Grim Soren had caused a severe shortage in supplies to the capital, with some families beginning to fight starvation, and in turn crime began to rise in the city. This was something that Namine had never seen in her sheltered life so far. Namines father even began to suffer from these financial problems, with the company at risk of requiring a severe downsize if sales did not increase. Namine also sought answers that she could not attain in school. The Divine Doctrine rarely interacted with the various religious entities they studied, Namine realized, that all of her knowledge was just that, knowledge. She yearned to utilize her skills in ways that could actually change the world and help its people. She also knew that she would never discover the answer to her secret if she stayed holed up in the city. Despite all of this, Namine was still scared of taking the leap of faith to finally seek out the answers on her own. A few weeks after graduation Namine was made aware of an official Commission for the Soren Institute of Alchemy decreed by the Republic of Soren. This Commission sought graduates of the Soren Institute of Alchemy to respond to a crisis unfurling in Grim Soren. Namine saw this as her chance. She immediately applied and was alone accepted for the task. Although her family and friends were surprised by this change of heart, they ultimately supported Namine. With the small allowance accrued from her parents and the Commission, she prepared the supplies she would need to make the journey and hired a local carriage heading towards the town of Havensbrooke, her first destination.