

Valdifell is located centrally in Afarand. Not many individuals travel to or from Valdifell unless under very specific pretense. Its lands are home to the Elf's in addition to its expansive forests being home to some of the most dangerous beasts and monsters in Afarand.


Valdifell is blanketed by dense forest on all sides. It has one port near Olvemelle and two roads to the south and northeast that are the only safe methods of travel to its main towns.


The populace of Valdifell is almost entirely Elf's. Elf's are very conservative when it comes to immigrants and outsiders, if you do not have a reason to be there, you will likely be questioned. The elves of Valdifell are self sufficient, and its chief exports are their deep knowledge of druidic and divine magics.


Valdifell is an entirely closed economy, with exception to those who train others in the druidic ways of the Elves.