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Redali System War

Their star's been going through a bit of a growth spurt recently...   While the Ronin Warriors have their hands full staving off a resurgent Dynasty and incursions from Mal Daggur's fleet, a system-spanning strife unfolds far from either Sol or Thuruk. One species, three planets, entire cultures torn apart due to circumstances beyond anyone's control. One world faces complete annihilation, another unwanted aggression, and caught in the middle another world faces cruel subjugation. The denizens of Redal IX bear the distinction of being the only exospecies the Thunthen successfully forged diplomatic relations with in eons past during the reign of the Anazhar clan. Even though Mal Daggur drives the dragon-men headfirst into war, the doughty Sons-in-Exile led by the great hoary Highlord Takshi Anazhar holds fast to the ideals of Das Anazhar the Dragon-King of old. Together, the Dasphati and "Nines" strive to keep the aggression of the "Threes" in check while attempting to aid the beleaguered "Fours". Whether this conflict will someday ensnare Sol remains to be seen, but Captain Caroline Wendell of the Blue Isis suspects the Three's desperate frenzy is spurred on by a as-yet unseen master...

The Conflict


The Redali had more or less lived indifferent to one another for millennia, three worlds advancing at varying paces with Redal IX progressing by leaps and bounds, Redal III crawling in their wake at a glacial pace, and Redal IV seemingly content with a mostly primitive existence. Things changed at the turn of the century Earth-Time reckoning when the star began-as Caroline Wendell calls it- a "growth spurt", entering into a new phase of stellar ignition and consuming the inner worlds of Redal I and Redal II in a matter of decades. The corona began lapping away hungrily at Redal III, but instead of seeking a unsullied world at a safe distance with which to relocate, the Threes took their burgeoning space-worthy craft and began staging assaults on nearby Redal IV and even as far as Redal IX. While the Nines could easily repel attacks with their superior technology, Fours had no such defenses and were preyed upon ruthlessly, impressed into the Threes' army or horrifically used as living batteries.
Redal by Mardrena
Made with Solarcell
  Such atrocities caught the ear of the Sons-in-Exile, who had forged a friendship with the Nines and pitied the Fours. The dragon-men entered the fray, joining the Nines in establishing a blockade to keep Threes contained, but with their resources stretched thin, they could not shield Fours completely. Local privateers led by Gage Wendell soon joined the coalition, providing logistical support and engaging in herculean evacuation efforts. But the Threes refuse to relent or even entertain the notion of dialogue. War has dragged on for decades with no end in sight, and the Threes have made disturbing advancements in technology that seem to originate from more than necessity...  
No Escape by Mardrena
Made with BlackInk


Redal III by Mardrena
Made with Lunarcell and
Home of the Threes, in the process of being slowly cooked by Redal's corona.
Redal IV by Mardrena
Made with Lunarcell and
Home of the Fours, cold and alone between a rock and a hard place.
Redal IX by Mardrena
Made with Lunarcell and
Home of the Nines, who refuse to back down.


Coronal Mass Ejections from Redal can disrupt in-progress battles or shift outcomes to either side. Most battles tend to be one-sided with civilian craft ambushed by Fours or retaliatory strikes by Nines and Dasphati.

The Engagement

Battles tend to involve smaller skirmishes spread out near Redal IV's orbit. Nines have been able to provide the lion's share of retaliations with the Sons-in-Exile lending manufacturing and artillery support. The nonexistent technological level of Fours leaves them at the mercies of whoever they encounter. Neither superpower has the resources or manpower to engage in a decisive battle.  
“Hyra, this is my son, Dais, from Sol.” Hyra’s eyebrows shot up and her face lit up in awe, but before she had a chance to gush over Dais, Caroline turned to face her. “Hyra, we caught Squidbert carrying bio-capacitors. If merchants are ferrying stuff even pirates won’t touch, we’ve got a huge problem on our hands. Take this and cross reference any names you find with known merchants or arms dealers. We also need to find out who the hell is manufacturing this crap and pay them a ‘visit’. If this is going on under the Nines’ nose, there’s going to be hell to pay,” Caroline said crisply and handed the tablet she’d taken from Squidbert’s ship to Hyra.   “Oh dear! I’ll get on it right away!” Hyra assured.   “We’re also going to need more breach shells. We used up everything we had en route here, and I know we don’t have any left in storage...” Caroline turned and walked towards the shelter.   “That might be a problem because the Nines have been commandeering any being produced. I can try and see if the Sons have any, or if not, if they can manufacture on contract.”   “Do it. I don’t plan on running into any dreadnoughts again anytime soon but better be safe than sorry,” Caroline said over her shoulder.   “D-D-Dreadnoughts??” Hyra gasped and winced.   “Long story,” Dais said calmly.
— Cataclysm War 8

Historical Significance

Thousands of years prior, Thunthen explorers under orders from Das Anazhar visited the star system and were approached by the Nines, who possessed comparable technological levels. They parted on amicable terms but not before the explorers noticed the unstable young star. When the Dasphat Revolution unfolded and sent loyalists fleeing en masse, Takshi Anazhar-patriarch of the Anazhar Clan-led the displaced to the Redali System. Instead of being able to retreat to a quiet system to rebuild in peace, the Dasphati arrived to find the system in chaos with Threes and Nines at each other's throats and Fours caught in the middle. Still hesitant to fully colonize any of the "spare worlds", the self-titled Sons-in-Exile constructed vast orbital stations and space habitations using their vast stockpiles of stolen phergon.   Decades later saw the unexpected arrival of an individual neither Thunthen nor Redali. Gage Wendell, a Human from the Sol System, found his Curtiss P-40 stuck face-first in a Thunthen hydroponics station. The displaced fighter pilot had no idea what to make of his surroundings but befriended a young Khamen and would over time gather to himself a motley crew from other systems, settling into the life of a privateer. Named the "Good Father Pirate" for his efforts in assisting Fours, Gage and the Blue Isis gained legendary status, earning the respect of the Nines and the Sons-in-Exile.
Highlord Takshi Anazhar by Mardrena
Made with Spectrum Noir Markers (AKA red-headed stepchild of Copics....) Background done in BlackInk.
Captain Caroline Wendell (Sketch) by Mardrena
Made with BlackInk
Combat escalated with Threes stepping up intercept operations in the wake of increasing solar activity. The same time Alexsander Vanstandvoort perished at the climax of the Battle of Banguk, Gage met his end sacrificing himself to save his wife and loyal crew from an attacking Three dreadnought, driving a shuttle straight down its gullet in a last act of defiance.   After a long period of grieving, his widow Caroline would resume rescue operations and establish closer ties with Takshi Anazhar and the Nines, even acquiring letters of marque from King Torke of Thanged. In homage to her late husband, she took upon herself the moniker of Good Mother Pirate.   To date the blockade has held with the hope of Threes exhausting their resources as the corona comes ever closer, but the Threes desperation has only grown, somehow fielding larger, more complex ships with heavier armaments despite dwindling resources and maximum pressure from the Nines and Sons-in-Exile.   Meanwhile old Takshi worries ongoing warfare will eventually exhaust even his vast phergon supplies. Unless he can fulfill his promise to one day liberate the Homeworld from the Daggur Clan, the Thunthen cannot bring their full military might to bear against the Threes.  
Events of Cataclysm War
While the Ronin have been made aware of the situation in the system, they lack the resources or means to contribute consistent support across such a vast distance, and while they might have a humanitarian interest in providing assistance, their more pressing concern remains the Mortal Realm and the forces seeking to destroy or claim it.


While Ander Vai Stel Vethu secured his legacy in Thuruk, Gage Wendell has acquired similar folk-hero status in the Redali System. Being so far from either Sol or Thuruk, Redali of either world are unfamiliar with what would be called "magic", but should the theatre expand, the conflict might warrant attention from a new generation of heroes.  

Events of Cataclysm War

“Keep us stealthed and divert course.”   “What?! Wait, I thought you said you helped those people?” Dais protested and grabbed the armrest.   “We...are not...taking on a dreadnought. We can handle a battlecruiser, maybe a battleship, not a dreadnought,” Caroline replied as she tapped keys built into the armrest by her left side. Dais opened his mouth to protest and glanced from her to the main screen. The overlay showed the smaller transport ship dwarfed by a ship half the size of the Grinding Teeth, which still looked pretty damn big. Even if he went out in armor he couldn’t hope to damage a ship that size. He thought of what his mother had said about the denizens of Redal IV, their naivety exploited and their population culled to fuel the war machine of Redal III, the suffering that awaited them...   “...Bring us about...” Dais muttered. Hirrdik did a double take at him and glanced from him to Captain Wendell. Dais glared at Hirrdik. “Bring us about!” he snarled.   “Dais...” Caroline chided softly, knowing he spoke as a Ronin Warrior.   “You said so yourself aliens have never seen a Ronin Warrior before! That means they’ve never seen magic, right?!” Caroline shrugged and averted her gaze, not sure how to argue with that logic. Dais stepped into the center of the bridge and glanced at Hirrdik. “Keep us stealthed, leave this to me,” he ordered firmly and closed his eye to concentrate and held out his arms. Hirrdik nodded numbly and steered Blue Isis around and back towards the looming dreadnought.   Instead of trying to hide the Blue Isis or the doomed transport, Dais conjured up an image of the most awe-inspiring thing he could think of: Graunin, the Shadow of Spain, with wings to eclipse the sun. He remembered every last feature of the dragon titan he and Anubis had chased all the way to Scotland centuries ago before capturing it at last. With his ebon scales and flanged tail bladed like an axe head at its tip, he looked a stark antithesis to the majestic Raurgoth. The wing ribs ended in jagged spikes and the serpentine head leered down at the dreadnought. Scaled lips peeled back to reveal teeth as long as swords and the dragon splayed wickedly sharp jet-black claws.   Dais could see in his mind a vision of the enemy crew aboard the bridge of the dreadnought, how they stared incredulously at the looming beast in space. The image of Graunin spread its wings at full stretch and even though sound did not carry in space, Dais made well sure that each and every member of the enemy crew could hear the bellowing shriek reverberating through their bodies. Despite the apparition rivaling the dreadnought in size, it made no move to retreat.   “They’re going to catch on at some point...” T’Brandon muttered worriedly, keeping his voice hushed as Dais concentrated.   “I know…” Caroline replied and glanced from her son to the screen. He certainly did know how to put on an act… She leaned to the side and looked at T’Brandon. “How much payload we got left?”   “Not nearly enough to take out a dreadnought.”   “We don’t have to take it out,” Caroline said and narrowed her eyes knowingly. T’Brandon tilted his chin up and nodded in acknowledgment. He reached for an earpiece and a microphone from a compartment under his console and moved to the back of the bridge.   “Gunners! To your stations! Load up: shrapnel rounds, grapeshot, thermal spikes, and breach shells! Primary critical systems and hull structure: Airlocks, fighter bays, propulsion, and turrets!” T’Brandon’s voice echoed over the intercom. Kier promptly got up and left his seat and stalked out of the bridge. At the same time in the corridor between the bridge and mess hall, Zethyl’s eyes popped wide open in realization and his mouth spread in a giddy grin. He rolled onto his feet and scurried ahead of Kier as he approached and the two headed for the gunnery chambers. Zethyl closed his chubby hands about the controls while Kier grabbed his neatly with his claws. “Coordinate your attacks on my mark!” T’Brandon looked at the display on screen of the illusory dragon titan.   Dais seemed subconsciously aware of their efforts to support him and commanded Graunin’s image to pull its arm back and slash at the bridge of the dreadnought. “MARK!” Breach shells penetrated the hull where the claws struck just outside the bridge. Grapeshot and thermal spikes sent white hot death penetrating the fighter bays as Graunin lunged forward and sank his teeth into the bulkheads, tearing turrets off their mounts. Thermal spikes sent explosions rippling out from the engine casings as Graunin lashed his tail under the dreadnought and struck with the axe-like tip.   “They really can’t see us, can they? Even though firing takes us out of stealth?” Caroline marveled.   “All their sensors pick up is the apparition. They’re aiming for its head, not center of mass. Their shots keep missing! They haven’t even shielded themselves! We effectively caught them with their pants down!” Huonohunolon replied. Unlike the Curator, this effort didn’t put as much strain on Dais and he guided Graunin’s attacks with gusto, ripping and tearing at the hull, peeling loose armor plating and sending enemy crewmembers and equipment spinning helplessly into space. While the Redals could revert to energy and return back inside, the pieces of their ship lacked that utility.   “Who says there’s no sound in space...make some noise and light’em up!” Caroline crowed.   “FIRE AT WILL! FIRE AT WILL!” T’Brandon barked. Zethyl ran his tongue over his teeth as he grinned giddily and Kier’s lips peeled back in a determined snarl. Graunin closed his mouth about the weakened bridge and pulled mightily as a stream of artillery began peeling it loose. All of a sudden thrusters fired and the dreadnought began moving backwards and turning on its axis. Graunin flapped his wings and moved to give chase but paused as the last round left Blue Isis’ barrels. The dreadnought limped away with fire spewing from compromised decks and sparks flying from ruined conduits. The engines flared and the dreadnought popped out of view.   Graunin let out a throaty roar of triumph before fading from sight and Dais’ eye snapped open and he staggered back a step, exhilarated from the battle. “We’re getting a transmission from the transport. They have no idea what the hell we just did but they send their thanks and the thanks of a hundred souls from IV,” Huonohunolon announced. The crew on the bridge cheered and clapped ecstatically.   “Jettison enough supplies to last them till the nearest Nine waystation. They’ll be safe from here on out,” Caroline ordered. Hirrdik nodded and typed in commands. Down in the cargo hold, Barr’al loaded up a large metal container and shoved it into a firing tube. The container popped out into space by Blue Isis’ port side and drifted towards the transport where tubes drifted out and latched onto the container and pulled it close. Ker Barzduk walked up behind Dais, smiling broadly.   “Can you imagine that? A dreadnought fleeing with its tail between its legs! Well done, lad! You do your father proud,” Ker Barzduk praised and patted Dais on the back heartily. Dais frowned suddenly.   For some reason that remark made him feel dismay instead of joy.
— Cataclysm War Ch. 7

Spoiler Warning: Planned Content!

  Generation Nexxus
"Hooooooow's my favorite grandson?" Caroline drawled and smiled.   "Try your only grandson!" Darius smiled.   "I'm glad to see you all. There's bitter work ahead of us, so hope you're prepared. The Highlord entrusted me with a cargo full of thermonuclear devices which we'll embed under the crust of the planet. While his fources and the Nines keep the Threes contained, you all will be tasked with seeding these devices at strategic points throughout the surface. Once detonated simultaneously, they'll obliterate the planet and hopefully all the Threes with it."   "Whoa whoa whoa...when you say 'obliterate' you mean...'Death Star', 'Alderaan'...."*bwoosh*?" Ryu asked uneasily and splayed his fingers infront of his face.   "Yes," Caroline replied curtly, her expression level and humorless.   "Whoa! We didn't sign up for that! We're supposed to save lives not destroy planets!!"   "Get off your high horse, Sanada! This conflicts been going on since before you were crawling around in diapers! Threes sold their souls to the Totalitary decades ago: In exchange for keeping their individuality, they were tasked with causing as much disruption as possible in the system." Ryu glanced at Darius uncertainly. Darius nodded grimly, the white lenses of his visor narrowing in a grim scowl. "With their masters gone, they've gotten it into their heads that they can be masters too and have completely taken over Redal IV. Any Fours that weren't evacuated have been Converted. There's no 'innocents' left to save on the surface. If we don't wipe the Threes out here and now, they'll just set up shop somewhere else and start the whole bloody mess all over again. Your father and his friends didn't sacrifice themselves to achieve peace just to let these pansy-asses take over!"
  As Our Fathers Before Us
The post-Entide Ronin led by Ryu Sanada undertake a mission to destroy the last holdouts of Totalitary-touched forces, but when they discover there are still free Fours living in secret underground, they abandon their plan of destroying the planet, instead agreeing to execute a planet-wide Soul Wave to scour all wickedness from the planet. The effort normally would have killed them all, but Ruth Sjordsdotter-a half-Geod-takes the strain upon herself. The others age minimally with Yulie, Raven, and Michelle gaining some distinguished greys while Ruth-no longer eight thousand years old-is now twenty-eight thousand years old.

Technological Advancement

Nines have the long-term infrastructure to maintain their fighting strength, but the Dasphati have limited resources so far from their home and have had to broaden research and development into alternate resources and armaments. Without a new supply of raw phergon or a comparable resource, the Sons-in-Exile have no way of manufacturing supercarriers of their own without the facilities at their old shipyards and at most can field cruisers and battleships. Most unsettling is the marked advancements seen in Threes, who seem to be "catching up" to their kin.
“When the Threes began attacking, your father forged a coalition with other privateers to evacuate Fours and spare them from being harvested. He said he’d seen for himself what suffering resulted from such cruelty. Thanks to the coalition, almost thirty percent of Redal IV had been evacuated. Gage called it a…‘underground railroad’. Still not entirely sure what he meant by that...” Hyra made a face.
— Cataclysm War Ch. 8
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1900 A.D. (Earth-Time)
Ending Date
Ethnicity | Aug 2, 2024

Little more than naked babes compared to their neighbors in the system, they had no defenses whatsoever. They had no knowledge of weapons or even words as other civilized species understand.

“Your father paved the way for the future in this system. Thanks to his example, more and more privateers have stepped up to harry the Threes and slow their efforts. He taught others the meaning of courage and perseverance. Not a single privateer worth his salt forgets to raise a drink to the name of the Good Father Pirate,” Ker Barzduk tilted his chin up and thumped his fist on the table.
— Cataclysm War Ch. 8

Cover image: Redali Dreadnought Header by Mardrena


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