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The Sword of Deres

Eyurodin's Covenant made manifest...   Faced with either death or far worse, Deres reluctantly crafted this blade under orders from Yapign, the Vulgar Warlord. Even though he promised mercy, Yapign had no intention of letting Deres live and attempted to slay him with the same sword. Answering Deres' prayer, Eyurodin, Thangien Goddess of the Forge, directly intervened, holding Yapign's meaty wrist fast and allowing Deres a window to disarm him and behead him with the blade he sought to turn against him. The event is immortalized on one of Raaezen's story windows, and the tale frequently shared to inspire aspiring metalsmiths. While the original was given as a gift to Thunthen explorers arriving at the tail end of the City Strife, its design has been used as a test of skill and speed under pressure. It passed into keeping of the Anazhar Clan, who ignored requests to turn the blade over for study of the molecular composition of dererium. It remains in their keeping, held by Highlord Takshi Anazhar as a cherished heirloom and a symbol of hope and the promise of peace aspired to between Das Anazhar and Queen Alahaedra.


See Thangien History: Deres' Despair and Eyurodin's Covenant

  Once Yapign learned he had the fabled artisan in his grip, he demanded a fabulous blade crafted for him and provided a design. The thought of his craft being used by the Vulgar Warlord turned Deres' stomach, but after comforting words from Eyurodin, Lady of Flames, Deres swallowed his revulsion and poured his full professional talent into making the blade "like no other". Even though he retrieved the blade after slaying Yapign, he is not shown using it in the story window depicting the Bloody Bricks.   He bequeathed it to the Thunthen without a second thought. Even though it was a product of his creation it reminded him too much of his bondage under Yapign and wanted nothing more to do with it. However, the Dragon Men viewed the sword as a curiosity and treated it like a rare treasure. It would come into possession of Das Anazhar millennia later, who would proclaim it an heirloom of his clan. After parleying with with Queen Alahaedra following the Bloodwalk, he vowed to one day return the sword when lasting peace is declared between Thangien and Thunthen.   Takshi Anazhar, a direct descendant of Das Anazhar and leader of the Sons-in-Exile, purportedly has the sword in his possession and keeps it stored in his shell at all times. The sword itself is far too small to be wielded by Nobeyl hands and would appear more like a pocket knife. Should the day come that all hostility is cooled, he will relinquish the blade to a descendant of Danaetanera III.  
Events of Foes From Another World
  After Chi Chi Lina, Australa finishes reforging Sage's Sword of Light at the Halo Forge in Ch. 15 "From the Forge" and departs intending to return to Thanged, she is unexpectedly abducted by Demon Warrior Black Hawk and taken to the Dynasty's flying fortress above the city. Young Australa is brought before the resurrected Dark Emperor personally. Thangiens refer to Talpa as "Ouagli, the Demon King", and Australa is the first to come face-to-face with him. He coerces her to to recreate Thunder Wave Crusher, the sword once created from pure Armor power and used by Daara in the Second Dynasty War.   Australa's artisan eye overtakes her fear and she nitpicks the design of the sword, redesigning it to resemble the Sword of Deres. Talpa promises her dedicated facilities and specially-enchanted Nethersteel to make the blade but the aura of the metal makes her physically ill and she is taken to the dungeons to recover. While imprisoned, she is visited by Eyurodin disguised as Black Hawk who urges her to make the blade regardless. She steels herself and sets to crafting in the Nether Caves, the Rites of Forging serving to purify the metal and cleansing it of its evil aura.   Talpa seems pleased but true to his nature-and much like Yapign in ancient history-decides Australa has outlived her purpose. Ander's youngest daughter seemingly resigns herself to her fate but before the blade can connect, Eyurodin intervenes-unable to be seen by anyone other than Australa. She holds Talpa's arm fast, allowing Australa to reclaim the blade and execute a Cresta's Wheel against the Dark Emperor. She flees the chamber and makes her way through the castle, risking a leap from the fortress' walls where her mount Sandstorm eventually catches her. After her escape she returns to Thanged and bequeaths the blade to Watch-Rider Torkenantakin, who accepts it graciously.  
Events of Yulie's Tales
  In Ch. 2 "The Prince and the Ryder", King Torke is forced to draw the sword and use it to break up a fight between his son Prince Torehj and Yulie Yamano that threatened to spiral out of hand. His fury at the brawl is short-lived, however, as Torehj challenges Yulie to a Trial of Worth, essentially a duel to the death.  
Scene from Yulie's Tales Ch. 2
Yulie vs. Prince Torehj excerpt by Mardrena


A one-of-a-kind hand-forged piece by Deres himself, the blade became emblematic of Thangien culture and the philosophy of enturate: Tolerate No Slight. The only way to bring a decisive end to evil is to simply slay it rather than entertain a "middle ground".   As a form of graduation, students of Peirolyth are required to replicate the blade's rushed crafting process while remaining cool under pressure (and literal heat) to prove they are worthy of both Eyurodin's blessing and Deres' legacy.   Most such blades are relegated to being ceremonial pieces in keeping of their creators or melted back down into base dererium. Even though the sword made by Australa and given to King Torke is but a replica of the original and not made of dererium like other blades, it seems to enhance his combat skill and has since replaced his original broadsword. He attained Colliding Galaxy level shortly after acquiring the blade, but being that Australa's efforts rendered the metal inert, it may be his improved combat prowess is mostly psychological.  
Sword of Deres (Ancient Diagram) by Mardrena
Made with BlackInk
King Torke pried his blade from the floor and sheathed it.   “The both of you will explain yourselves, NOW! I will not suffer such an outburst in my halls without good reason! Torehj, if there is truth to YuliTakin’s words, you-”   “I challenge you! I challenge you, to a Trael de Vaor!” Torehj snarled and stabbed a finger in Yulie’s direction. King Torke’s eyes widened and his face blanched.
  “…You… know not what you say…” he whispered.
  “I know exactly what I say! This nichratho stole something from me!” Yulie flinched slightly. He knew enough of Thangien curse words to know a bad one when he heard it. “I will have it back, or I will have his blood!” Torehj spat and sheathed his sword and stormed off. King Torke stood there staring after his son, looking very pale and shaken.
— Yulie's Tales Ch. 2
The King Enraged by Mardrena
Made with Inkscape
She reached up to one of the braziers nearby and-to everyone’s surprise- tweaked out a lone ember and shook it to extinguish the dark green flame. “The blade needs to be narrow towards the tip…and this hook in the lower edge…should be moved…to lessen the risk of disarming…” Everyone else watched intrigued as she knelt on the floor and began drawing a rough sketch on the floor itself. “This needs to curve this way, to protect the grip…whoever designed this was an absolute nasurin…” she grumbled. Bautan’s left eye twitched ever so lightly.   “Hah hah! Look how the task at hand excites her!” Talpa crowed.
— Foes From Another World Ch. 15
Pinnacle Caverns
Geographic Location | Jul 13, 2024

Being a student of Peirolyth, Australa would need to construct a suitable forge to work and in order to ensure Sage's sword retained its power, she settled on the site where Sage had been deposited years ago at the onset of the First Dynasty War.

Item type
Weapon, Melee
Owning Organization
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Dererium and Cresta bone(original and replicas). Nethersteel (Torke's replica).
Crafter's mallet and sturdy anvil and forge.
“Take it home with you. Present it to your lord as a trophy. Tell him the truth; about everything that happened.” The other Ronin exchanged glances, startled by the suggestion and impressed by such sincerity. “Tell him you didn’t even need help to escape, that you fought your way out all on your own. When your family hears your story, they’ll be so proud of you; that the youngest of Ander’s daughters faced the Demon King and stood up to him.”
— Foes From Another World Ch. 15
Deres the Father of Metal
Character | Jul 31, 2023

Deres took it upon himself to find out how to procure these precious resources without violating Roth's Edict, and his great tour of exploration became the stuff of legends.

Cover image: Sword of Deres Header by Mardrena


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