Session 1

General Summary

In Session 1, the party was introduced in the town of Waystone:   Covarr Silverclaw: A dragonborn scion of a noble house, now landless and exiled following the failed rebellion.   Kyrion: Covarr's close friend, a tiefling rogue with a shady background connected to her family, which she doesn't want to talk about.   Hattie Foebiter: The daughter of a dragonborn rancher. Her family lost its land in the war as well and Hattie has taken responsibility for her mother and siblings.   Drak Blacktongue: A half-orc ranger, the last of his tribe, which stood with the Silverclaws in the rebellion and lost everything.   Ana Page: A half-drow scholar, formerly a librarian in the Stoneclimb Archive. She is trying to carry on her family's legacy of scholarship - though now without the resources of the library - and also to care for her sister Tina.   The party received word from their patron Jamandi AldoriĀ  informing them of a supply shipment coming from Oleg's and also of a group of settlers coming down the Shrike by riverboat. Drak and Hattie went along with Siggi to meet the supply shipment, only to discover it destroyed and plundered, and the drovers murdered apparently by Kobolds. Ana, Kyrion, and Covarr went to meet the settlers and bring them back to Waystone.
Report Date
20 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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