The Stolen Lands

According to the Lords of Rostland, the land known as the Stolen land was theirs by right until the Conqueror took it away in the aftermath of the Conquest. Who exactly he gave the land to remains a mystery and there are a variety of theories. Some say when Uzhal disappeared, he vanished into the Stolen Lands in search of an ancient artifact, and that he will yet return. Still other rumors claim he gave the land as part of the pact he mad with his dragon allies, or with darker powers from beyond the world. And a pragmatic few suggest that he took the land to show he could, and never settled it because the land is full of woods and marshes and wasn't worth the trouble - after all no Rostlandic towns had been built in the lands - or left it as a buffer zone with the lands to the south. Regardless of the truth, Uzhal divested the Rostlandic lords of all lands from the Glenbon Uplands and running southeast to the Tors of Levenies, and then left them empty.   In the years since this strange arrangement, the land has remained largely unsettled, though the intrepid few have ventured in to stake a claim. To the southwest, various River Kings have extended their reaches into the frontier and made there own claims, and a few towns exist scattered across the marches. Certainly it must be true that someone lived here, for it is dotted with ruins, but who they were is little understood. The land now belongs to bandits and roving tribes of humanoids to whose nature the land is amenable.


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