
A newly established settlement among old ruins on the north shore of the Tuskwater. The town is home to an ancient temple to Sehanine and a recently opened tavern. Otherwise, it is a ramshackle encampment of shacks and tents. But it is well placed and has the potential to grow.


The population is primarily people displaced by the failed Rebellion. A large portion of the population were loyal to House Silverclaw before its fall.


Law and order in the camp has fallen to Covarr Silverclaw. Many of the small group of inhabitants are members of the exiled clan and his surname has made Covarr the obvious person to seek out to adjudicate disputes.   In the Autumn, Waystone was granted a charter by the Lord Mayor of Restov. The charter acknowledge rights to claim land and establish what rules and laws the inhabitants of the town see fit, and promised a generous stipend of funds, assistance, and advice to be granted by the Lords of Restov.


Waystone is settled on an ancient ruin, so there is little infrastructure to speak of. An old canal runs through the southern part of town, giving the settlers access to clean water.


Prospectors have discovered a source of Feysilver in the streams flowing down into the ruins and have begun panning the streams for the precious metal.


The town of Waystone was founded three months ago, mostly by Brevan exiles with funding from the Restovian Swordlord Jamandi Aldori.


The ruins are somewhat reminiscent of elvish architecture from Kyonin, with domed and vaulted roofs (where these still stand) and long colonnades and open parks. The central temple to Sehanine strengthens the argument that these are elvish ruins.    The architecture of Waystone presents a number of strange phenomena. The interior of the temple of Sehanine is always bathed in starlight under a night sky, despite being open air. Further, the stars are not those of the night sky over Waystone.   Additionally, and most strange of all, the buildings within the ruins move subtly. The shifting is gradual and erratic; buildings may move only an inch, not at all, or several feet over the course of the day. The buildings do not move in the same direction either, so the relative positions of the buildings changes a bit at a time. Strangely, this motion does not seem to affect the structural integrity of the buildings, and the buildings never collide, not even with new structures - even temporary ones like tents. It is as if the buildings accommodate one another in their movements.


Waystone is situated in an enormous box canyon with steep rocky walls that can be entered easily only on the north side. It is roughly circular and about 3 miles across. Much of the northern half of the depression is covered in the ruins of a large ancient city, most likely of elvish origin, and centering on a high rocky hill on which was built an ancient citadel. A small Branch of the Shrike, likely originally a canal, drops over a waterfall on the northeast cliffs and passes through the city. The canal probably at one point exited the canyon through a tunnel, but millennia of dilapidation have slowed the outflow so that the canal has spread into a lake that laps the southern cliffs.

Natural Resources

A wide variety of plants, from rare herbs and ferns to glades of bamboo and gigantic trees, grow throughout the ruins, and many wild animals have made nests and lairs in the dilapidated buildings. The lands around are wild and little explored, so no clear survey of the possible resources has been made.
Waystone as an Organization  
  • Scope: Local
  • Structure: 1
  • Stability: 20
  Attributes   Might: 0   Wealth: 0
  • Feysilver
Influence: 1   Intrigue: 0   Mystical: 0


Founding Date
Outpost / Base
Around 90
Location under
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