Gray fabric

While normally, anything coming in contact with Grays or the Gray Color itself loses its properties and crumbles into dust, lately, the Grays that moved to the former area of The Kingdom of Fimra, now called a Gray Kingdom were able to create fabrics that not only don't fall apart when they wear them over a long time but also are able to withstand the decaying effects of the Gray Color itself. Since they are Gray, wearing them is still impossible for anyone not affected by this condition and can be deadly if attempted. Though a short contact by touch shouldn't be dangerous.  

How to create it?

To create a piece of gray fabric, a Gray has to first weave it. To do so, they use the "colorless" plants growing in their kingdom and follow the process that is identical when dealing with normal fabric and looms.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Gray fabrics have all of the same properties as normal fabrics created in the same way from the same kind of basic materials. If a fabric prepared in a certain way will be waterproof, the gray version of it will have the same property.   The only property that is incapable of being replicated in the gray fabrics is interweaving Colorful threads into them for pretty obvious reasons. Any attempts to do so will result in all of the Colors being drained from the threads. In the end, they'll end up as simple metal threads in the material.
Common in Gray Kingdom,
extremely rare outside
Various shades of Gray
Related Locations

Cover image: by Revyera


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