Renfortuna's Palace of Fortune

Renfortuna's secrets, part 3

The main attraction of Renfortuna, its Palace of Fortune is the biggest and most visited casino in the whole Urnketh. Supervised directly by the founders of the city, the Witch of Wealth, the Witch of Entertainment, and the Witch of Chance, known together as a Coven of Glitter and Gold, it reflects the specializations of all three.   With each room following a different theme and filled with different games and spectacles, there are many castles and manors that would be envious of even a single chamber here. Similarly, only those willing to bid the highest bets are welcome here. The money and possessions aren't the only things to bet here. Here, one can win or lose memories, abilities, relations, body parts, and more. But don't worry, if you are important enough on a political scale or you are a friend of one of the founder Witches, they won't let you lose too much. They might even rig the whole game in your favor. That is, until you piss them off. At that point be happy if you leave with your life.  


The whole building has been built on a plane of a giant ring with many branches coming out of it, resembling a big symbol of the sun from a bird's eye view. The middle part of the ring is inaccessible to the public. Each branch has its entrance with many signs and advertisements on what to expect in that section of the building. Each branch has been built in different architectonic style, however they are designed well enough that the neighbouring branches don't clash with each other.
Witch of Wealth, Witch of Entertainment, Witch of Chance
Owning organization
Coven of Glitter and Gold
Alternative Names
The pit, The grasp of three, Lion's Den
Parent Location
Press here to reveal a secret message
"I know I told you back in the city that workers there creeped me out, but these ones are on a completely different level. I told you I'm not crazy. No, I didn't drink anymore. Wait, do you see that girl? The croupier at that table. Isn't that Lou? What do you mean which Lou? The one that's been missing for the last few months. Hey! Lou! Hey, big guy, let me through! Oh, okay, yeah, that makes sense. What's the chance she would be here? Okay, I will play a game or two."

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 4, 2024 06:24 by Marjorie Ariel

It gets creepier and creepier. I love the description of all the things you can bet