
Renfortuna's secrets, part 2

There is a city-state in Urnketh where one can use anything and everything they have and gamble using it as a bet. It has been founded by a Coven of three Witches - the Witch of Wealth, the Witch of Chance, and the Witch of Entertainment. Its name is Renfortuna.   Instead of having official permanent residents (other than the ones working here), Renfortuna survives only thanks to the tourists. The only way to live here is by living in less or more luxurious hotels. Other than that, nothing stops someone from placing their tent just outside the city walls, though they'll have to be ready to wait in lines to the city every day.   The city consists of casinos, amusement parks, racetracks, arenas, theaters, operas, and many more places of entertainment and gambling, the most popular one being Renfortuna's Palace of Fortune, a place for the highest bidders.


Other than its sturdy walls, the city is completely protected by different kinds of Color magic. It is said that the spells that form its defenses are so completely interwoven that even looking at them for a few seconds to find any loophole within them might harm the one who tries it. Additionally, the bouncers and other workers in the city are surprisingly good at combat.
Witch of Wealth, Witch of Chance, Witch of Entertainment
Owning Coven
Coven of Glitter and Gold
Alternative Name(s)
Gamble hell, Gamble heaven (depending on who answers), Cradle of Luck
Location under
Included Locations
Related Tradition (Primary)
Press here to reveal a secret message
"The place is wonderful, but I've got to say one thing. Have you seen the workers here? What do you mean, they look normal? Have you even seen any of them act? They are like machines and not the Smeltspark kind. Even their laughter is mechanical. No, I didn't drink too much!"

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 4, 2024 01:30 by Marjorie Ariel

The secret message is so creepy! And those walls sound daunting. Entincing as it may be, I think I'll keep away.

Aug 4, 2024 09:03

A wise choice.