The Last Gamble

Renfortuna's secrets, part 5

In Renfortuna, once someone gambled away almost everything they have, they might be approached by one of the three Witches ruling there with a tempting offer. Since they already are probably deeply in debt, the Witch will help them out, saying she has her bets on the poor souls in a small wager against the other two members of her Witch Coven.   This is the last gamble.   The most inhuman, unfair challenges done mostly for the entertainment of the three Witches. The chances of winning are extremely low and hundreds if not thousands go through figurative (and sometimes literal) meat grinder for that littlest ray of hope. Those who win will have all their debts forgiven and get back anything they lost, bringing them back to zero. If they want anything more, they can just bet again. But those who lose can forever say goodbye to whatever they lost and whatever they have left. Their humanity, their shape, their will, anything that makes them living beings. Some will join Renfortuna's Palace of Fortune's staff, some will become living pets, either for the Witches or any possible buyer, some will be turned into decorations and some will become building material for a new building in Renfortuna.
Related people
Witch of Wealth, Witch of Chance, Witch of Entertainment
Related Coven
Coven of Glitter and Gold
Primary Related Location
Press here to reveal a secret message
"Thank you! Thank you, miss Witch. I don't know what I would do without your help. I swear I won't disappoint you and I will win that part of your bet! Where should I go? Oh, it'll be tomorrow. That's...great! More time for me to prepare for this... Last Gamble thing."

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 4, 2024 06:29 by Marjorie Ariel

Used to make new buildings, huh? I knew that wall looked a little too bright...