Guinefort Character in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Guinefort is a medium sized dog with shaggy blackish gray hair and dichromatic eyes. Guinefort is very friendly, courageous, and loyal to those whom she trusts.  


Guinefort was stranded in Dursthaus after her owner, Gertruda Dargova, disappeared and Gertruda's boyfriend, Dalvan Olensky, was killed by Pidlwick II. Gertruda is the daughter of Mary Dargova, in the Village of Brashov. According to Ismark Kol­yanovich, Gertruda and Dalvan may have been trying to escape Dibril Valley.  


After the party leaves her behind with Mary in the Village of Brashov, Guinefort follows Morreg back to the Durst Mill, hoping to find the party. Guinefort sees Morreg leave the ruined mill as a cloud of insects, and picks up the trail of the party again, eventually catching up with them just outside the Town of Vallaki.   Since joining the party, Guinefort has come and gone, seemingly at whim. When Ireena Kolyana left the party at the Werewolf Den, Guinefort went with her. Guinefort appeared again in the Town of Vallaki when the Wachterhaus was attacked by Lady Wachter's servant Ernst Larnak in the form of a saber toothed tiger.
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