Durst Mill Building / Landmark in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Durst Mill

Durst Mill.png
Atop a promontory is perched a dilapidated stone windmill, its warped wooden vanes stripped bare. The onion-domed edifice leans forward and to one side, as though trying to turn away from the stormy gray sky. You see gray brick walls and dirt-covered windows on the upper floors. A decrepit wooden platform encircles the windmill above a flimsy doorway leading to the building’s interior.


Once owned by the Durst family, this windmill is now in terrible disrepair. The baker Morreg lives here with his two daughters, where they bake savory meat pies to sell to the people of the Dibril Valley.  


The party attacks the mill, rightfully suspecting that Morreg and his daughters are baking the children they took into their pies. They kill both Morreg's daughters and burn the mill to the ground.   The party also notes a trifecta of standing stones located some distance behind the mill. The stones appear very ancient; one carved with a bird, one with a fish, and one with a tree. Both Ivah and Simak identify the stones as representing the Fanes, ancient nature spirits often worshipped by the Terg. The hags had desecrated the stones, but Ivah cleans them off using magic.
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