Morreg Character in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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You hear the sound of small, wooden wheels rolling across damp cobbles. You trace the lonely sound to a hunched figure bundled in rags, pushing a rickety wooden cart through the fog.
Morreg is an old, hunched man who sells minced meat pies out of a rickety push-cart. Each pie costs 1 sp; they are delicious and very popular in the Village of Brashov.   Those who eat the pies dream of being in some joyous place, far removed from the evils of the world. The places and people in the dream are vivid and believable, and when the dream ends, the the dreamer experiences an intense longing to return to the place, which can only be done by eating more pies.   For some, the addiction of the pies is enough that they give up their children to Morreg to pay their debts. These children help Morreg and his two daughters make more pies. They live and bake their pies at the Durst Mill, somewhere northwest of Brashov.  


After the party kills his daughters and razes his mill, Guinefort witnesses Morreg eat his horse whole, then burst into a cloud of insects and fly off to the west.   The party later learns from the wereravens at the Wizard of Wines that the last of their magical gems was stolen by a creature that took the form of a cloud of insects. They tracked the creature to the east and believe it's living in the Ruins of Berez.
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