Imperial Order of the Hospitaller Organization in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Imperial Order of the Hospitaller

hospitaller Insignia
The Imperial Order of the Hospitaller idealizes the undying nature of the Emperor. The Imperial Hospitaller focus entirely on the life and death of the citizens of the Imperium, combating harm, illness, and unnatural mortality in the populace. Through the ministrations of the Hospitaller, there is no disease in the Imperium, no famine, no untimely death.   The Imperial Hospitaller is the largest of the Imperial Orders. All hospitals and asylums in the Imperium are run by the Hospitaller, and many Hospitaller travel the Imperium widely, seeking to ease suffering wherever possible. The Hospitaller provide free service to all in the name of the Emperor.   The Hospitaller also play the primary role of religion in the Imperium, preaching the Word of the Undying Emperor and embodying His nature through their acts and deeds. Though there are no organized churches in the Imperium, those in need of healing, whether physical or spiritual, often seek out the Hospitaller for care and guidance.   As the largest Order and the one most in touch with the common people, the Hospitaller act as the eyes and ears of the other Imperial Orders. In their role as healers, clergy, protectors, and caretakers, the Hospitaller are often the first to know of heinous crimes or the Taint of corruption appearing in the less populated parts of the Imperium.   The members of the Hospitaller consist of many supporting classes and professions, but the chief mystical ability of the organization comes from clerics of the Grave Domain. Artificer Alchemists also play a prominent role, healing and curing disease. And paladins who've taken the Oath of the Crown aid and protect civilians from physical threats, such as bandits, rebellious uprisings, or the occasional ravenous beast.
Religious, Holy Order


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