The Imperium Organization in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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The Imperium

The year is 996 in the Imperial Calendar. The greatest empire in human history, the Imperium has dominated the world for nearly a thousand years.   The government of the Imperium consists of three primary branches, all overseen by the Undying Emperor.  

The Imperial Legion

The Imperial Legion is the military arm of the Imperium, fighting wars in far off lands where the empire pushes against the savage edges of its domain.  

The Imperial Orders

The Imperial Orders are the protectors and enforcers of Imperial Law and the Imperial way of life. The three Imperial Orders are the Hospitaller, Inquisition, and Templar.  

The Magistracy

The Magistracy is the chief civic organization of the Imperium, and oversees the orderly operation of all public services and government functions, other than those handled by the Imperial Orders.  
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Controlled Territories

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