Orders of the Imperium Organization in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Orders of the Imperium

The Imperial Orders are the enforcers of Imperial Law and the protectors of the Imperial way of life. There are three Imperial Orders.  

Imperial Order of the Hospitaller

The Hospitaller focus entirely on the life and death of the citizens of the Imperium, combating harm, illness, and unnatural mortality in the populace. Through the ministrations of the Hospitaller, there is no disease in the Imperium, no famine, no untimely death. Though there are no organized churches in the Imperium, the Hospitaller play a similar role.  

Imperial Order of the Inquisition

The core tenet of the Inquisition is to destroy inhuman corruption inside the Imperium for the protection of all humankind. The Inquisition exists beyond the Law and uses arcane, divine, and mundane forces to root out corruption wherever it is found.  

Imperial Order of the Templar

The Templar are the enforcers of Imperial Law, and any breach of the Law is met with harsh consequence. Templar travel throughout the Imperium acting as judges of the Imperial Court or as criminal investigators for towns and villages where the crimes are beyond the abilities of the local authorities.
Religious, Holy Order

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