Magistracy Organization in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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The Magistracy encompasses all civic functions and rulership of land in the Imperium. Below are the highest ranks of civil government, including some common alternate names used across the many lands and cultures that make up the Imperium.  

Patrician (noble, ser, adel)

Though the Imperium does not adhere strictly to hereditary titles of nobility, many families have long served the Undying Emperor and pass that privilege from generation to generation. However, through great deeds and service to the Emperor, common folk can also attain the rank of Patrician in the Imperium.  

Domin (lord, baron, boyar)

Though some commoners own a small piece of their own land, most work the land of a lord. Regardless of who owns the land, the domin oversees those lands, including any village or town within it, and ensures taxes are collected.  

Magnate (count, earl, graf)

Magnates govern large territories that include the lands of several, or even dozens, of individual domin, as well as all the towns and villages in those lands. Magnates use the tax revenue collected from their domin to properly administer their state and are responsible for the well-being and stability of the communities under their rule.  

Rector (duke, prince, morza)

Rectors are responsible for the overall governing of large areas of the Imperium, often regions that were once autonomous kingdoms. Rectors report directly to the Emperor and are the ultimate arbiters of the law in their domains, except when the Imperial Templar intervene.
Government, Leadership


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