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Ascendant Court

Shortly after raising the Isle of Kortos, Aroden used his newfound divine power to erect the Starstone Cathedral, a bewildering, ever-changing series of trapped passages and confounding chambers meant to thwart anyone who might follow in his footsteps. The cathedral perches upon a lonely tor at the center of a seemingly bottomless chasm at the heart of Absalom. Enormous, ostentatious temples to the great gods of Golarion ring the chasm and the ancient neighborhoods stretching out from it, flanked by lesser churches and shrines dedicated to deities mighty and forgotten. The district’s oldest temple of Aroden—the first of its kind in Absalom—is among the architectural triumphs of the Inner Sea. As perhaps the best symbol of the fall of Absalom’s founding father, the earthquake-damaged edifice now serves as the Embassy of Cheliax.

District Guard
Graycloaks of Stoneshield House


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