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Blackfingers Temple

Each bridge spanning across the Starstone Chasm leads to a temple of one of the Ascended, but the bridge associated with Norgorber appears to lead to nothing but a collection of nondescript buildings that would look more at home in Eastgate or the Coins. The facade of interconnected structures obscures the gray-and-black edifice of Blackfinger Temple, the only legally recognized house of worship dedicated to Norgorber in Absalom. The temple venerates the aspect of Norgorber known, likewise, as Blackfingers and is a hub of alchemical learning and laboratories, and its less-lethal concoctions are sold openly to the public.

High Priest Jonis Flakfatter is the religious leader of Blackfingers Temple, an outspoken man and the semi-public face of Norgorber's faithful in Absalom.


Blackfinger Temple is a soaring, cathedra-like structure made of a thick, dark stone reinforced with steel and ornamented with silver. It fits in well among the other churches of the Ascendant Court, though the temple's grim coloration sets it apart from neighboring buildings and makes it easy to find.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location


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