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Beldrin's Tower

The most famous monument in the whole Precipice Quarter, Beldrin’s Tower, was originally a three-spire magic academy built atop Beldrin’s Bluff, overlooking the sea to the south. The earthquake of 4698 ar sheared off two of Beldrin’s spires and left much of the final spire in ruins. Now, just in time for the festival’s opening ceremonies, the mysterious wizard’s tower has been refurbished into a museum showcasing relics and memorabilia from notable periods in Absalom’s past. In the building’s foyer, a larger-than-life statue of Aroden raises a massive golden orb from the center of a fountain that flows with prismatic water. As visitors traverse the tower’s levels, they can witness illusory scenes including the construction and demolishment of Absalom’s various curtain walls over the millennia, the ascension of other divinities like Iomedae and Norgorber, and a miniature rendition of Kharnas’s Radiant Siege.   The exterior of the tower is no less magnificent—an acres-long shallow basin stretches before the tower’s entrance, with onyx footpaths and granite benches inviting visitors to spend the morning playing in the water or pass an afternoon relaxing in the tower’s shadow. Massive exhibit halls on either side of the basin host auctions, galas, and other private events day and night. While the tower’s reopening was promoted as one of the highlights of the entire fair, authorities only completed work on less than half of the tower, the remainder of which remains blocked by locked doors, sealed off with hastily erected false walls, or even masked by powerful illusion magic. So far, the exhibit has been a major success, but it is too early in the festival to say whether or not Beldrin’s Tower will remain a popular (and safe) tourist attraction.
Founding Date
4720 AR
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