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Knight's Marvelous Menagerie

A traveling zoo full of creatures mundane, mythical, and made-up. Founded and ran by Archibald Knight, the Menagerie has traveled all over the Inner Sea region with the various animals in tow, collecting as they moved from place to place. The mascot of the Menagerie is an overly friendly, domesticated rust monster named Rusty.

Creatures of Knight's Marvelous Menagerie:

Rusty, rust monster
That Bastard, ankhrav (slain)
Beaktooth, Vudran cockatrice (slain)
Hoots, Gold Crown owlbear (elderly)
Kefo and Tachim, Katapeshi spotted hyena (2)
Big Berta, female Kullan Dei mountain pit viper (slain)
Sparky, flash beetle
Fluffernutter, almiraj (horn trimmed for safety)
Jalmeray russet monkey (petrified)
giant porcupine
numerous tropical birds
carbuncle (iguana with crystal affixed to head)
Imperious penguins (previous 10, now 5)
numerous spiders, scorpions, and other arthopods
numerous snakes and other reptiles
Parent Location


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