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Hendrid Pratchett

male half-elf human serial killer

Pratchett is a handsome if slightly delicate dandy, with an eccentric fashion sense that nevertheless wins him copious admirers from all social classes. He is enthusiastic, ingratiating, and seeks to make his own fortune at the Radiant Festival with the newly constructed hotel, The Dreaming Palace .

When the cadets first met Hendrid, he was explaining that the drunk and belligerent adventurers at the Tipsy Tengu were staying at his hotel. He was immediately interrupted by getting smashed in the face with a mug thrown by one of them. He was quickly escorted away by his assistant, Ralso. Since then, the Edgewatch agents have been able to connect more and more strings back in their investigation into the missing persons of the Radiant Festival, tying everything back to the Dreaming Palace.

Much later, it was discovered how deeply manipulative and dangerous Pratchett was. He had built the Dreaming Palace with the express purpose of entrapping guests in its convoluted trapped rooms and labyrinthine halls, killing them at his leisure and adding them to his growing curiosity in the necromantic arts. The exact number of people he has murdered remains unknown to this day, as the Dreaming Palace was reduced to ashes in his failed bid to escape justice at the hands of Edgewatch's heroes.

Hendrid is currently being kept in a cell, by himself, in the far reaches of Edgewatch's basement jail. He stabbed a guard in the neck with a chicken bone early in his internment and is no longer afforded solid food beyond bread and gruel. He continues his worship of Norgorber there.

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