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The Dreaming Palace

NOTE: The Dreaming Palace was burned to the ground on the morning of 11 Sar, 4720 as the direct result of Hendrid Pratchett's attempted escape from the local watch.

The Dreaming Palace was a recent construction in the Precipice Quarter, situated at the junction of quiet Osprey Lane and the busier Sabaton Road, completed only a few months ago in preparation for the Radiant Festival. The hotel itself was a bizarre, rambling affair built atop and inside the ruins of an old foundry, although the hotel appeared nice enough if a little strange. Several of the street-level walls were the original thick gray stone from the foundry, with windows irregularly placed and half-concealed by elegantly draping ivy. The second floor was more conventional half-timbering with whitewashed panels and leaded windows, several brick chimneys, and a small, round tower poking up from the northeastern side.

The hotel also sported several odd and purposeful features. First, the entire building, inside and out, was thoroughly soundproofed. It was incredibly difficult to hear even loud sounds from within a closed room. Second, regardless of the individuals or activities inside of a room, from an observer outside looking in, the room appeared to be empty and devoid of activity. Both of these features could be claimed to be safety precautions for the protection and privacy of the hotel guests but were, in fact, safety measures placed by Hendrid Pratchett to conceal his murderous activities within the hotel.

On the morning of 11 Sar, 4720, in the midst of an investigation of the Dreaming Palace and an attempted arrest of the serial killer Hendrid Pratchett, the basement of the hotel was purposefully set ablaze by the owner in an attempt to cover his escape. The heroic Edgewatch guards tracking him managed to not only safely rescue and remove the remaining guests and captives from the hotel but also capture Pratchett and his associate, arresting him before the Absalom Fire Brigade could get the blaze under control and stop the spread of it to any adjacent buildings. The Dreaming Palace's first and second floors were mostly destroyed in the blaze and the remnants of the stone foundation surviving intact. An official investigation into the extent of Pratchett's killings in the Dreaming Palace is ongoing.

The following details cover the Dreaming Palace prior to it burning to the ground.

First Floor Features
  • Lobby
  • Check Room
  • Grand Hall and Master Staircase
  • Primarch Suite
  • Low Room – cozy and sized for Small guests
  • Modern Water Closets
  • Shackles Room – pirate themed
  • Irriseni Room – winter themed
  • Galtan Room – revolutionary themed
  • Brass Room – fiery planar themed
  • Chelish Room – diabolic themes
  • Honeymoon Suite
  • Lounge
  • Kitchen
  • Bunkroom
  • Family Room
  • Dining Room
  • several winding hallways
Second Floor Features
  • several convoluted hallways and unexplored rooms
  • Linnorm Kings Room – viking themed (unfinished)
  • Mwangi Room – jungle themed
  • Nidalese Room – torture themed
  • Orsirian Suite – desert empire themed
  • Cloud Room – sky themed
  • Five Kings Room – dwarven mountain themed
  • unknown corner room
  • prisoner lockdown
  • stoarge
  • Ralso's Quarters – locked stairway leads to attic rookery
  • Rookery
  • Pratchett's Office – looks in on a cloud-themed room
  • secret staircase going down deep
  • Bottled Curio Room
  • Trophy Chamber
  • Rendering Chamber
  • Smelter
  • Necromantic Laboratory
  • Shrine to Norgorber
  • Pratchett's Dungeon


Purposefully convoluted and nonsensical, for the express intent of confusing and trapping victims.
11 Sar, 4720
Founding Date
4720 AR
Alternative Names
The Murder Hotel, The Devil's Playhouse
Hospitality, Hotel
Parent Location


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