Crimson Hoods Organization in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Crimson Hoods

The Crimson Hoods were a tightly structured alliance of disparate and widespread gangs of thieves, criminals, and ruffians spread across the width and breadth of Taszerania. Their power and wealth waxed and waned throughout the entirety of its centuries of existence. Despite this, for a period of nearly four centuries at the end of the Fifth Age of Azocar and indeed, into the Sixth or Current Age, the organization's influence was quite prominent.



Though no "official" history of the Crimson Hoods was ever recorded, the legends held that the criminal organization began as a product of a gang war during the 5th century bCA in the burgeoning town of Varn's Gate. The Crimson Blades and the Hoods were rival gangs of smugglers and thieves operating in and around opposite sides of the town's busy harbor. Their rivalry was long-lived and, once both sides started testing the other's turf on the opposite side of the river, a fight became inevitable.   For several years, the Hoods and the Blades fought a bloody war for control of the growing town's criminal enterprises. The fighting became so pronounced at times that even the Varn's Gate governing bodies were forced to step in and try and resolve matters. Ultimately though, the fight proved too costly to keep perpetuating and both sides sued for a truce. Out of these negotiations, a unified organization was born, as was that organization's tradition of absorbing rivals into an structured alliance rather than overwhelming them.   The leaders of the new gang settled on the name Crimson Hoods and they quickly turned their remaining forces' attention to establishing order over the illicit parts of the harbor's business. Then they set to the business of buying compliance from the powers of the Gate. After a couple of successful decades under joined leadership, the Hoods firs Head Hood, Beryk Vanadir rose to promise and seized singular control of the group. Then he set his eyes eastward and westward, hoping to expand its territory.  

Expansion and Struggle

The Banniker Revolt

Golden Age of the Hoods

After the Banniker schism was put down, the Crimson Hoods began a period of general stability and great wealth that lasted nearly four centuries. The gang's evolution into more of a binary organization, with a guild's appeal up front and the flexibility of the criminal enterprise hidden from general view allowed it to reach its pinnacle.   A procession of smart and savvy Head Hoods who were able to exert influence on the levers of power without resorting to heavy-handed tactics allowed the organization to flourish. By the final century of the Fifth Age, the Crimson Hoods had a hand in all the crime throughout the entirety of Taszerania. The next logical step was to expand across the seas.   No Head Hood was more savvy or smooth than Marcus Hanneraman, a elf-kin assassin who rose through the criminal ranks of the guild and eventually became its leader around bCA. Hanneraman was an exceedingly pleasant and persuasive man when he wanted to be and his charms bought him allegiance with many power brokers. This skillset proved especially useful at the very end of the Age, when the great Hordes came.  
The Horde Wars

Tests of the Sixth Age

Following the Treaty of the Dale, the Crimson Hoods returned to business as usual. Their leader's masterful handling of the guild's business so as to not draw suspicion of how much aid they provided to the Hordes was a master stroke. Any remnants of doubt were wiped out by Hanneraman's offer to the rulers of the old Triune for the guild to aid them in pursuing and capturing criminals from the war.   The Hoods' charmed existence thusly continued but not for much longer. Two personal decisions Marcus made in the first decade of the Sixth Age laid the groundwork for his eventual demise. First, he had the wrong person murdered. Later, he double-crossed a mercenary whose own ascent into power was just beginning.  
Banniker Curse Fulfilled
If there was one subject that the usually level-headed and unwavering Marcus Hannereman was known to be irrational about, it was the Banniker Curse. He was known to actively pull at any thread that might point to some descendant of Banks or other. Any found he dealt with swiftly. Unfortunately for him, the last one he murdered would be his undoing.   Hannereman had a halfling rogue assassinated on the streets of Eldevar and thought nothing more of it. Unbeknownst to him, the halfling had a sister and she and the victim's best friend eventually unravelled what had happened and who was responsible.   As fate would have it, by the time they did, they were also allied with a determined sailor and smuggler that Hannereman had double-crossed years earlier. They and their companions goaded Marcus into confronting them and when he was exposed, they pursued him, caught him, and ultimately killed him. His closest advisor, Aravand Mattastrum became the Head Hood but the damage was done.  
Masques Schism
Just weeks after Marcus was killed, a faction of Crimson Hoods in Westport declared their separation from the gang. They called themselves the Night Masques and they set to the task of making war with the Hoods and another, smaller criminal gang in the port city. The rebellion lasted for nearly a year and proved especially bloody and damaging.   The Masques were thwarted and those that remained when the affair was done were absorbed into the larger organization again. However, the Crimson Hoods' grip on Westport was loosed significantly. For the first time in centuries, the Hoods were no longer the dominant criminal force in one of Taszerania's metropolises.  
War of the Night King
Despite their struggles early in the Sixth Age, efforts to expand the Hoods' territory to other parts of Azocar continued. On the Atalassian island of Talanas, they enjoyed significant success in the first decade following the Horde Wars.   But war would visit them again and this time, Marcus Hannereman wasn't around to guide them through it. The Hoods' allies on Talanas, which had grown rather large in number, threw in with those allied with the forces of the Night King. Many of them were killed during the ensuing conflict. Eventually, the Night King was thwarted and destroyed, much to the detriment of their allies that remained. Ultimately, the Crimson Hoods were still a presence on Talanas after the fighting finally stopped but they had been greatly reduced in numbers, power, and influence. They were essentially back to starting over in that part of the world.

No need to worry; we'll take care of it.

Founding Date
About 510 bCA
Guild, Thieves
Alternative Names
The Hoods, The Red Hoods, Red Masks
Subsidiary Organizations

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