Lillian Rose Thorn Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Lillian Rose Thorn

female gnome neutral good alchemist artificer

Lillian's Story

  Lillian was born and raised in Westport. She is the youngest of five children and her parents are retired adventurers who settled in city after concluding their adventures. They set up shop with the city's artificer's guild and opened a small storefront not far off of the Trade Road in the Harbor Ward. There they raised their four children.   Ever the studious sort, Lillian was given to spending the bulk of her days in study or tinkering around the family shop. This was fine for her parents when she was a youngster. However, as she grew into adolescence and then adulthood, they began to worry more and more that her focus was too narrow. So they devised a plan.   Early in the spring of 22 CA, Lillian's parents sent her on a mission; to gather special herbs found far to the east in the High Moor Wood. She would first journey with a scholarly caravan traveling from Westport to Southgate. There she would meet up with some of their associates who would resupply her and send some others to help her on her foray into the Wood.   However, when she reached Southgate, her parents' friends did take her in and restock her supplies but they informed her they could not offer an escort to the Wood. All of their agents were scattered throughout the Southern Tier at their behest to investigate rumors of some foreboding activity. Lillian was already a little put off by her parents sending her on a seemingly menial errand. She decided she wouldn't go back to them empty-handed. So she set off from the city, determined to head to the dangerous forest on her own.   Not long into this, she crosses paths with other travelers headed in the same direction.

Lillian's Descriptions and Mannerisms

At first glance and even at second glance, Lillian appears to be a typical gnome. She has a bright and friendly disposition and an inquisitive and analytical mind. She's cordial with those she meets but she'd always much rather be taking something apart or putting it back together than socializing.   Unlike many of her kind however, Lillian is more cautious and timid and wary of danger. She is quite young so her sheepishness is probably due to her relatively short lifespan. Her sheltered upbringing is probably also a factor. When danger does ensue, she gravitates to seemingly safer areas from where she could launch occasional magical attacks if necessary.   Lillian stands an even three feet in height and is a slight 35 pounds. She has bright, green eyes that are so pale, they border on yellow in color. Her most distinctive feature is her rose-colored hair that is the inspiration of her middle name. She dresses in typical and unassuming travel clothing. But the goggles that are perpetually either perched above her forehead or over her eyes do stand out.  
neutral good
Year of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Born in Westport
pale green, bordering on yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
fair and rosy
35 lbs


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