Bravura Against Dragons plot Plot in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Bravura Against Dragons plot

As the one party of heroes continues to chase the Cult of the Dragon northward, the other team heads back whence they came to tie up loose ends.

Plot points/Scenes

A New Trail to Follow

  • Return to Justice - The heroes are tasked with returning a Dragon Cult collaborator to "the scene of the crime" to stand for justice and to learn from her all they can about the cult's intentions.
  • The Hermit Sage - Continuing their pursuit of the fleeing dragons, the adventurers head south to seek advice from someone who might have it to give.
  • Ask Someone Who's Been There - The adventurers are transported across dimensions to go find someone who can tell them where to find the Well of Dragons. Someone who's been there themself.

Chasing a Legend

  • To Kaldar and Beyond - A couple of its members confront homecomings as the party follows the only trail they have that may take them to the Well of Dragons.
  • Hunting the Green Dragon - The party of heroes is charged with proving their mettle by hunting and capturing or killing the Dragon that has been terrorizing the forests around the Kald Vale.





It is near the end of the summer of the 17th year of the Sixth or Current Age of Azocar.



  • Balian Veir, an ehlad-elvar nobleman from Taszer Dale
  • Elrdron Mountainbane, a dwarf soldier for Kaldar 
  • Kelsie, a mysterious ehlad magic-user individual from the realms of the fey
  • Konrad Silverwing, a human rogue with a mysterious origin whose friendship with Balian is also a curiosity
  • The young and somewhat timid (but definitely not meek) gnome tinkerer and alchemist Lillian Rose Thorn


  • Kurren-Var Avers - A hermit whose acumen with history and lore could be very useful to those who can find his remote hideaway.
  • Marshall Palitta Rexam - The maverik military commander is most open to the heroes' stories of dragons and cults.


  • Jordon Zanderssor - The former adventurer, now transformed into a fearsome undead warrior, has some experience with the Well of Dragons.
  • Rhogar Orranbrow - Elrdron's former Commanding Officer is skeptical of his former charge and his and his new comrade's current mission.


  • Lissa Althandar - Despite the accusation of murder and strong suspicion that she's connected to the Cult of the Dragon, this severe woman escapes punishment.
  • Sulesdeg, "the Pole" - A sellsword whose allegiances are confirmed when he is liberated from imprisonment by black dragons.
  • A black dragon whose name is heretofore unknown - One of two younger, black-scaled wyrms who attack the constabulary in Sunhold, liberating from it a Dragon Cult collaborator and their ill-gotten gains.
  • Another black dragon whose name is heretofore unknown - The second black dragon who participated in the attack on Sunhold's prison.
  • A green dragon whose name is heretofore unknown - In coordination with Dragon Cult members, this drake attempts to ambush the heroes on their way to Kaldar.
  • Possibly a second green dragon whose name is heretofore unknown - A dragon the adventurers are charged to find and capture or kill who may or may not be the same dragon that previously attacked them.

Articles under Bravura Against Dragons plot


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