Hunting Kholoros Plot in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Hunting Kholoros

The party of heroes is charged with proving their mettle by hunting and capturing or killing the Dragon that has been terrorizing the forests around the Kald Vale.

Plot points/Scenes

  • A New Mission - After transferring Elrdron to her command, Marshall Palitta Rexam charges him and his comrades with finding and capturing or killing a green dragon that's been terrorizing the residents of the Kald Vale and the areas around it.
  • Beginning the Hunt - The heroes head into the woods to look for a dragon.



  • Find and capture or kill the green dragon, Kholoros
  • Before killing the creature, glean from the dragon, if possible, anything pertaining to the Cult, its activities, and the location of the Well of Dragons


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